

The Study and Implementation of Miyun Water-source Forest Afforestation Planning Design System

【作者】 庞丽

【导师】 谢宝元;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 工程绿化, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 水资源是人类生存和社会发展的基础。我国属于地球上严重缺水的国家之一,北京作为国际化大都市,其发展已经受到水资源问题的困扰。密云水库作为北京市主要饮用水源地,是北京的生命线。因此,水源保护林的建设,将直接关系到北京接近俩千万人口的饮水安全、城市生态安全与社会稳定发展,具有十分重要的地位。目前,水源林建设与经营管理正朝着科学化,精细化、信息化方向发展,为提高造林规划设计效率,推动水源林标准化建设与管理,科学指导生产,确保造林工程质量,提高水源林的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益,本研究在大量收集、归纳前人研究资料的基础上,对密云水源林造林规划设计系统进行了研制,并在该系统中建立了适合密云水源林的造林模式库。密云水源林造林规划设计系统是基于ArcGis的二次开发系统,是应用开发工具Visual Studio 2008中文版开发出的水源林造林规划设计专业系统。该系统实现了ArcGis图形的导入和处理,并且可以读取CAD图形。系统通过对所选定的项目区内林业小班数据资料的分析,判定出立地类型,自动规划设计出适合该地块的造林模式,用户也可以自定义造林模式。并且实现了立地类型现状总图、造林规划总图的自动化设计和自定义设计以及图纸的输出。针对具体的造林模式本系统提供了详细造林模式图式。同时用户可以通过造林效果与造价的技术经济分析,从多方案中选择最优方案。本研究还结合“十一五”国家科技支撑项目,针对密云水源林造林模式进行了现地种植实验。首先针对一种立地类型(低阴薄松)初步设计了10种造林模式,在标准样地上按设计要求进行种植,第三年夏季作每木调查,之后对不同造林模式的成活率进行排序,取前4位。对于没有进行专门实验设计的立地类型,通过实际造林工程的样地调查确定造林模式。每个立地类型选取2-4种造林模式,23种立地条件共选出52种典型造林模式,纳入造林规划设计系统数据库中。每种造林模式内容包括树种组成、初植密度、树种配置、株行距、配置方式、整地方式、幼林抚育方式等。此外,还将前人设计的成功典型造林模式也加入到了数据库中,共计74造林模式,供用户检索、选择使用。本系统研发了预算功能,用户输入造林的数量和定额后即可迅速计算出工程造价,通过调整数据,系统还能迅速反应出造价的变化情况,使用该功能,可以从技术、经济两方面进行造林模式优选。此外,该系统具有独立的新建和修改造林模式的功能,用户只需输入相关技术参数,就能方便快捷的形成一个新的造林模式,存入系统数据库中以备使用。本系统研发中充分考虑了可推广性。虽然是以密云县水源涵养林区域作为研究对象进行的设计,但是预留了可供用户扩展的接口。在其他区域应用时,用户只需研究立地类型,提供立地类型判别的标准和造林标准,之后将立地条件和适宜的造林模式输入系统即可。而其他功能可以与本系统通用。本系统采用组件式开发,方便修改,为今后开展更深入的研究打下了良好的基础。

【Abstract】 Water is the foundation of human survival and social development. Our country is one of the countries face water shortages severely, Beijing as an international metropolis, its development has been beset by problems of water. Beijing Miyun reservoir as main potable water source was Beijing’s lifeline.Therefore, the construction of water protection forests, will directly related to Beijing population of about 2,000 drinking water safety and urban ecological security and social stability, which has a very important position. At present, the construction and management of forest are heading for scientific and refinement, informationization direction.In order to improve the efficiency of designning, promote afforestation plan forest standardization construction and management, guide the production scientifically, ensure project quality, improve afforestation forest ecological benefit and economic benefit and social benefit, it studied Miyun planning design management system forest forestation on the basis of predecessors’research material.And it established the forestation model for Miyun water-source forest library in this system.Miyun Water-source Forest Afforestation Planning Design System is based on ArcGis second development,it is an afforestation planning and design professional system forest developed by Visual Studio 2008.This system realizes the ArcGis graphic introduction and processing, and can read CAD graphics. System can analyze the project area of selected data of forestry classes, judge the site type, automatic plan and design the afforestation model for this plot automatically, the user can also customize afforestation models. The present Status chart, the site type afforestation plan layout, general layout, construction drawing can be design and output. Meanwhile the user can choose from the many scheme the optimal scheme through effect and the cost of the technical and economic analysis.This study made situ planting experiments about Miyun afforestation model combined with "11th five-year plan" state science and technology support project. Firstly preliminary design of 10 kinds of afforestation model were done on a new site type, according to the earth in standard sample design requirements for planting. Then made the wood investigation in third summer.And sort the forestation models by analyzing the survival rate.For no experimental design, through the actual site type of afforestation engineering sample survey sure afforestation model.Each site condition 2-4 modes were selected for 23 kinds of typical election.So 52 species into afforestation model, afforestation planning and design system database. Each afforestation model contents include the composition of species and initial plant density, the arrangement of tree species, the strains spaced, configuration mode, site preparation methods, young forest tending method etc. In addition, the typical afforestation model which were designed by formers were added to the database.74 afforestation model for users to search, choose to use totally.This system developed budget function. The user can quickly calculate project cost if input the number of forestation. The system can respond the change of the cost quickly through adjusting data.It can choose the best ones by both use this function, technology and economic through this function. In addition, the system has the function which can build and modify afforestation model.The users can form new afforestation models conveniently if input related technical parameters and put it into the system’s database for use.This system considered the extension fully. Although it was researched for Miyun county, it reserved for user extended interface. When applied in other areas, the user simply research site types, and provide the standard site type and silviculture standard judge, then the site conditions and appropriate afforestation model can be input system. While other function with this system can be used. The system was developed through the component, convenient for future revision.It have laid a good foundation for more in-depth research.


