

Research on the Forestry Development in Southwest Region during the Period of the Republic of China

【作者】 张文涛

【导师】 尹伟伦; 严耕;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林培育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 我国的西南地区自古以来就覆盖着茂密的森林资源。民国时期,伴随着近代工业的兴起、国内外商品贸易的发展,西南地区的森林资源被大规模开发利用,促进了林业经济的迅速发展,但也造成了对原始森林的严重破坏。与此同时,西南各省的历届政府开展了各个方面的林业建设,取得了一定成效,但留下更多的是沉痛的教训。因此,有必要对民国时期西南地区的林业发展进行全面系统的研究,以期为我国当今的林业建设提供历史借鉴。本文主要分为七章。第一章阐述了对民国时期西南地区林业发展进行研究的目的和意义,总结了目前学术界对该课题研究的现状,界定了本文研究的具体范围。第二章论述了民国时期西南地区森林面积、森林覆盖率的变化,分析了造成森林资源大量减少的原因,并揭示出森林破坏带来的严重后果。第三章主要从林业政策和法规、林业机构的沿革、森林权属的划分、森林管理与保护等方面进行考察,总结了民国时期西南地区林政管理上的成败得失和经验教训。第四章论述了民国时期西南地区造林事业的发展,主要从种子采集和引进、苗木培育的发展、植树造林的开展等方面进行研究。第五章论述了民国时期西南地区的木材采伐和运输、林产加工与利用、林产贸易的发展。第六章介绍了民国时期西南地区的林业科研机构,总结了林业科学研究取得的成果,并对高等林业教育和初中等林业教育的发展进行了论述。第七章在总结全文的基础上,探究了民国时期西南地区林业发展的历程,归纳了林业发展的区域特点,肯定了林业建设取得的成绩,指出了林业发展中存在的问题,分析了林业在整体上发展缓慢的原因。本文采用的研究方法主要有三种:第一,交叉研究法。林业史是林学和历史学的交叉学科。因此,对民国时期西南地区的林业发展进行研究,必须运用林学、历史学、经济学、教育学、管理学等多种学科交叉研究的方法。第二,区域研究法。民国时期西南地区有着独特的区域特征,不但地形复杂多样,而且民族构成复杂,且长期处于地方军阀的统治之下。因此,必须运用区域研究法,才能深入分析林业发展的区域特点。第三,对比研究法。一方面,对民国时期西南地区林业发展的各个阶段进行纵向比较,有助于更好地把握该地区林业发展的历史进程;另一方面,对民国时期西南地区林业发展同一阶段的不同方面进行横向比较,便于对该地区的林业发展形成整体性认识。总之,通过综合运用上述三种研究方法,实现对民国时期西南地区林业发展的全面系统研究。

【Abstract】 From time immemorial, there covered dense forest resources in Southwest China. During the Period of the Republic of China, accompany with the rising of the modern industry and the development of the commodity trade at home and abroad, forest resources in Southwest China had been carried out a large scale development and utilization. Although it promotes the rapid development of the forestry economy, it has done severe damage to virgin forest. Meanwhile, government of all previous in southwest provinces developed forestry construction in every aspect which achieved some achievements. But which left most is bitter lessons. Therefore, it is necessary to carry through a complete and systematic research on the forestry development in Southwest China in order to provide historical references to the present forestry construction.This article is mainly divided into seven chapters. The first chapter expounds the purpose and significance of the study on the forestry development in Southwest China, summarizes the present research situation of this subject from academic circles, and limits the concrete scope of this article. The second chapter discusses the changes of the forest area and forest coverage, analyzes the reason of the decrease of forest resources, and reveals the serious consequences by forest destruction. The third chapter investigates the forestry policy and regulation, the evolution of the forestry institutions, and the forest administration and protection, meanwhile, summarizes the experiences and lessons of the forest administration in Southwest China. The fourth chapter discusses the development of the forestation cause in Southwest China, which mainly investigates the seed collection and introduction, the development of seedling cultivation and forestation, the developing of tree planting. The fifth chapter discusses the development of the timber cutting and transporting, the fabrication and utilization of forest products, and the forest product trade in Southwest China. The sixth chapter introduces the forestry scientific research institutes in Southwest China, summarizes the production of forestry scientific research, and discusses the development of the higher, medium and elementary forestry education. On the basis of summarizing the full article, the seventh chapter discusses the process of forestry development in Southwest China, generalizes the regional character of forestry development, affirms the achievement of the forestry construction, points out the existing problems in the forestry development, and analyzes the reasons of slow development of forestry from the global aspect.This article mainly adopted three research methods. Firstly, it is the interdisciplinary research method. Forestry history is the interdisciplinary between forestry and history. Therefore, only by using the interdisciplinary research method among the subjects of forestry, history, economics, pedagogy, management and so on, can we make a clear research on the forestry development in Southwest China. Secondly, it is the regional research method. The southwest region during the period of the Republic of China has special regional characteristics, not only has complicated and multiplicity topography, but also has complicated ethnic composition, which is dominated by local warlords for a long term. Accordingly, only by using the regional research method, can we make a deep analysis on the regional character in forestry development. Thirdly, it is the comparative research method. On the one hand, the vertical comparison among each stage of forestry development in Southwest China is helpful to grasp its historical process. On the other hand, the horizontal comparison among different aspects of a same stage of forestry development in Southwest China is convenient for forming the integral cognition for forestry development. In a word, through comprehensive application of three research methods mentioned above, this article intends to realize a complete and systematic research of forestry development in Southwest China.


