

Research of Saline Soil Afforestation Technique in Coastal Argillaceous Saline-alkali Land

【作者】 景峰

【导师】 朱金兆;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 盐碱地造林是世界上许多国家面临的难题,中国滨海泥质盐碱地就是难以造林的类型之一。为了研究适宜滨海泥质盐碱地盐土造林技术,在唐山市南堡经济开发区设立试验地,分别对不同隔离层措施台田的水盐动态,新造林技术及对照造林技术的穴内水盐动态、造林成活率及生长情况进行了试验研究。唐山南堡经济开发区试验地的地下水位高于引起土壤盐渍化的临界深度,易导致土壤强烈积盐。通过台田整地,试验地在经过雨水淋溶后,盐分随雨水由台田侧面排出到四周的排水沟中。年均电导率值逐年降低,由10ms/cm降至4ms/cm左右时,保持到相对稳定的状态。台田的年均含水量变化不明显。土壤的盐分含量和水分含量有着密切的负相关性关系,随降雨量的增多,土壤水分含量升高,盐分含量降低;随降雨量的降低,土壤水分降低,盐分含量升高。设置隔离层的台田具有较好的排水阻盐效果。其中,使用炉渣和建筑垃圾不同隔离内容的台田土壤电导率值差异不显著。不同隔离方式的台田的深层土壤处,全铺型台田的土壤电导率值明显低于双条型台田,略低于双条一杠型且差异不显著,鉴于其全铺型台田的高成本,故优先选择双条一杠型台田。基盘配方为V客土:V泥炭:V珍珠岩:V蛭石:=50:30:10:10,复合肥添加量为2.5g/盘、5g/盘和7.5g/盘,粘合剂添加量0.005g/盘和0.01g/盘的基盘在持水量、吸水速率、蒸发速率和形状方面优于其它配方。使用种基盘造林的出苗率明显高于直接播种造林的出苗率,这说明了基盘为种子提供了一个良好的局部生长环境。出苗率最佳的基盘配方为V客土:V泥炭:V珍珠岩:V蛭石=50:30:10:10,复合肥添加量为2.5g/盘的种基盘,不同粘合剂对种基盘出苗率影响不大。在苗木生长期间,不同复合肥和粘合剂添加量对种基盘的成活率和苗高影响不显著。这主要是因为试验地盐分含量高,且风大,种基盘木质化不久,未能抵抗艰苦的大生长环境的原因,加之后期管护不够完善,导致基盘未能充分发挥其局部改善苗木小生长环境的功能。对刺槐、火炬、紫穗槐、四翅滨藜、卫矛、白蜡、合欢、臭椿、国槐和盐肤木十个树种进行选育。其中,国槐的出苗率、初期成活率和苗木生长量最高,最适宜种基盘播种造林。种基盘播种造林法在造林前期的生长情况高于直接播利造林,但经过一段时间后,受滨海泥质盐碱地盐土这个特殊的影响,种基盘外围的大环境条件恶劣导致大部分种基盘苗木死亡。目前种基盘播利造林法暂时不适宜在滨海泥质盐碱地盐土这个条件极其恶劣的立地条件下生长。通过对试验地穴状衬膜基盘植苗造林技术及对照植苗造林技术的苗木成活率、生长情况及穴内水盐动态的数据进行对比分析,可说明衬膜具备保水阻盐,侧向生根即促进苗木根系向含盐量较低的浅层土壤生长的作用。基质可以起到保水的作用。衬膜和基质作用综合起来进而可以使穴状衬膜基盘植苗造林技术具备提高苗木的成活率和生长情况,为苗木提供一个良好的生长环境的作用,适宜在滨海泥质盐碱地盐土应用。同时,经过试验可以得出,桑苗适宜在滨海泥质盐碱地盐土生长。综上所述,适宜滨海泥质盐碱地盐土的造林技术包括台田整地和穴状衬膜基盘植苗造林技术。可归纳为台田整地、衬膜基质、保水阻盐和定向生根。在滨海泥质盐碱地盐土这种特殊的困难立地上,台田整地和穴状衬膜基盘植苗造林技术这种新的滨海泥质盐碱地盐土造林技术在滨海泥质盐碱地盐土造林效果明显,加之操作简单,成本低廉,具有广阔的推广前景。这个结果将对滨海泥质盐碱地盐土的造林绿化和土地复垦提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 Afforestation in saline-alkali land is a challenging task facing many countries. The coastal argillaceous saline-alkali land which the salt content is so highly that it is not available for the seedling is one such area in China. The purpose of this paper is to research the suitable afforestation system in coastal argillaceous saline-alkali land. The water-salt dynamic of platform field with different isolation layer, the survival rate and growth of seedlings, the water-salt dynamic inside planting hole in new planting technique and conventional planting technique were determined in Nanpu Economic Development Zone, Tangshan.The soil of experimental field is easily lead to salt accumulation for the ground water line was above the critical depth. Through the platform field preparation, the salt of platform field discharged by the side. The soil conductivity decreased year by year from lOms/cm to 4ms/cm, then kept the value to a relatively stable state. The average annual soil moisture did not change significantly. There was a negative correlation between the soil water and salt. By the "up-down" process of rainfall, the soil salt showed the "down-up" while the soil moisture changed as opposite trend which is "up-down". The isolation layer was played an important role in drainage and salt resistance. The soil conductivity by different isolation way was significant while the soil conductivity by different distribution which contains slag and garbage architecture was not significant. The order of the soil conductivity by different isolation way was the "all-shop", "double-one bar" and "double bar". It was not significant by the "all-shop" and "double-one bar", so the "double-one bar" isolation layer was the best choice with the cost.The result of the moisture capacity, water absorption rate, evaporation and shape of base showed that the optimal formula of base was the volume ratio of new soil, peat, perlite and vermiculite which is 50:30:10:10, compound addition level 2.5g/base,5g/base and 7.5g/base, adhesive addition lever 0.005g/base and 0.01g/base. The seed survival rate of seed-base seeding afforestation was better than the direct seeding afforestation indicated that the base provide a well local growth environment. The best formula of seed-base was the volume ratio of new soil, peat, perlite and vermiculite which is 50:30:10:10, compound addition level 2.5 g/base. Adhesive has little effect on seed-base seeding afforestation. During the seedling growth, different compound and adhesive were not significant on survival rate and height. This is mainly because the harsh environment which contains high salt content and the wind, short woody of seed-base, combined with poor management and protection is not perfect, leading to the base could not fully play its part to improve seedling. The seed of Berberis thunbergii was the best appropriate seed for seed-base seeding afforestation technique. Though there was obvious effect in earlier afforestation period, the seed-base seeding afforestation had to dead for the harsh environmental conditions. Therefore, the seed-base seeding afforestation is not appropriate for the coastal argillaceous saline-alkali land.The survival rate and growth of seedlings, the water-salt dynamic inside planting hole in hole-film base planting afforestation technique and conventional planting afforestation technique were researched, these showed that the film can effectively prevented the infiltration of salt and reduce the evaporation, lateral roots that promote seedling roots to the shallow and lower salinity soil layers. While the matrix can conserve soil water, hole-film base planting afforestation technique which contains film and matrix can increase the survival rate and seedling growth, and is suitable for the coastal argillaceous saline-alkali land for it can provide a well environment for seedlings. Simultaneously, the Morus alba L. which is saline-alkali tolerant and high economic value is appropriate to adaptation in coastal argillaceous saline-alkali land.To sum up, the afforestation system in coastal argillaceous saline-alkali land contains platform field preparation and hole-film base planting afforestation technique. The content of new afforestation system in coastal argillaceous saline-alkali land can be summarized as platform field preparation, lining film and matrix, conserver water and resist salt, lateral root. the afforestation system in coastal argillaceous saline-alkali land is highly suitable for the use in afforestation of China’s coastal argillaceous saline-alkali land, and may promote for more area for its simple and low cost. The results provide theoretical basis in afforestation and land reclamation in saline-alkali land.


