

Agro-forestry Organic Waste Compost as Growth Media for Ornamental Plants

【作者】 栾亚宁

【导师】 孙向阳;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 土壤学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 当前,农林有机废弃物生产有机生态型栽培基质作为泥炭替代基质是废弃物资源化及花卉优质、高效生产的有效途径。论文通过菇渣、小麦秸秆和园林绿化废弃物的单组分好氧堆腐试验,研究三种农林有机废弃物在实际堆腐过程中的理化性质变化,采用相关性分析确定针对不同单一废弃物的腐熟度判定指标;测定堆腐产物的主要理化性质并找出障碍因素,添加基质水分调理剂调节小麦秸秆基质的吸水性;添加天然复合有机酸调节园林绿化废弃物基质的pH值和EC值及铜元素含量;分别以菇渣、园林绿化废弃物、小麦秸秆三种堆腐产物为主要原料研发百合栽培基质,最终提出花卉栽培基质的理想指标范围和测定方法。研究结果如下:1.堆腐腐熟度指标的确定堆腐开始后,3种材料温度均迅速升高,短时间内又较快下降,不同材料温度上升的快慢及达到的最高温度差异很大;园林绿化废弃物和菇渣堆制前吸水特别困难,堆腐较短时间后吸水就变得很容易,小麦秸秆失水较快,腐解过程中需要不断加水;3种材料在堆腐过程中的pH值变化曲线不一致,EC值均表现为先升高后降低;NH4+-N都是先升高后降低;N03--N含量总体上呈先升高、后降低、再升高的趋势;3种材料的腐殖酸和胡敏酸含量呈现先降低、后升高的趋势,富里酸一直处于下降趋势;胡敏酸和富里酸比值变化呈先下降后上升的趋势,充分说明了不稳定成分的分解及后期物料的腐熟稳定;最终GI都达到或超过80%。根据相关性分析,G1、温度、富里酸三个判定指标可用于评估农林有机废弃物腐熟度。2.基质的理化指标分析菇渣基质和园林绿化废弃物基质的各项物理指标与泥炭基质差异不显著,均在理想范围内。而小麦秸秆基质大小孔隙比为1.71,超出理想指标范围(0.25-0.67),由于蜡质的存在小麦秸秆基质表面有一定的水分张力,导致吸水、保水性能都比较差,同时其通气孔隙较大,渗透系数最高,水分很容易下渗。泥炭及3种替代基质的有机质含量都比较丰富,全量及有效营养元素含量没有规律性,但营养元素一般在栽培中通过添加营养液的形式补充,其含量高低不足以说明基质的优劣。除园林绿化废弃物基质外,其它3种基质的pH值和EC值均符合植物生长的理想指标范围,而园林绿化废弃物基质的pH值高达7.65,EC值高达2.02ms·cm-1,铜元素含量高达106.93 mg·kg-1。3.基质水分调理剂对小麦秸秆基质通透性、吸水性的改良浓度为2%和4%的基质水分调理剂均能有效提高小麦秸秆基质的通透性和吸水性;通过新几内业凤仙的扦插生根情况,2%基质水分调理剂处理下新几内业凤仙的成活率、根系长度、根系体积、根系表面积、根系活性及SOD酶、POD酶活性最高。4.天然复合有机酸对园林绿化废弃物基质pH值、EC值和有效铜含量的改良添加天然复合有机酸可使园林绿化废弃物基质的pH值下降1-2个单位,浓度为4%和6%时能使pH值控制在5.00-6.50的理想范围内;通过天然复合有机酸的化学络合作用,EC值控制在理想范围(0.12-1.20 ms·cm-1)内,且随着天然复合有机酸剂量的增高EC值不断下降;4%处理下,基质有效铜百分含量最低,铜不易释放,新几内亚凤仙吸收铜含量也最低。5.百合栽培试验效果通过4种栽培基质对百合生长指标影响可以看出,(菇渣+蛭石)、(园林绿化废弃物+蛭石)与(泥炭+蛭石)对照处理栽培的百合均生长健壮,切花品质优良,其中以(菇渣+蛭石)的效果最佳,生长速率较快,(小麦秸秆+蛭石)由于性质不稳定,不适合百合栽培。(菇渣+蛭石)与(园林绿化废弃物+蛭石)均可完全替代(泥炭+蛭石)用于百合栽培,小麦秸秆基质需要混配结构相对稳定的材料才能替代泥炭基质使用。

【Abstract】 Currently, agro-forestry organic waste compost as growth media for peat substitution is an effective way to waste recycle and high quality ornamental plants.Through aerobic composting experiment with spent mushroom (SM), wheat straw (WS) and garden waste (GW), physical and chemical properties dynamic changes were added up and maturity were determined by correlation analysis. Subsequently, main physical and chemical parameters were analyzed and limited factors for waste compost as growth media were found. Water absorption of wheat straw were improved by watering amendments and pH value, EC value and copper content were decreased by natural organic acids. In addition, three kinds of compost were used for growing ornamental plants. Finally, the ideal values and determination methods of growth media were put forward as professional standard.The findings are summarized as follows:1. Maturity parameters evaluation for agro-forestry organic waste compostThe temperature began with rise rapidly and then decline quickly. The speed of temperature rise and the maximum temperatures varied widely among different materials. Water was added to wheat straw frequently due to its rapid dehydration. The pH value curve was inconsistent. The EC and ammonium nitrogen values firstly increased and then decreased. The nitrate nitrogen value first increased, then decreased, and then increased. The humus and humic acid contents first decreased and then increased, and fulvic acid content decreased instantly. The germination indexes (GI) reached or exceeded 80 percents. The Gl, temperature and fulvic acid values were regarded as maturity evaluation parameters for agro-forestry organic waste compost.2. Physical and chemical properties of growth mediaThe physical indicators differences between spent mushroom compost (SMC)and garden waste (GWC) were not significant in the ideal range. The porosity ratio (PR) of wheat straw compost (WSC) is 1.71 exceeding to the ideal target range (0.25-0.67) due to the presence of wax.The pH value of GWC was 7.65, EC value was 2.02 ms·cm-1 and copper content was 106.93 mg·kg-1. The above three parameters all exceeded the ideal values.3. Effect of watering amendments on permeability and water absorption of WSCThe permeability and water absorption of WSC were improved by watering amendments with concentration of 2% and 4%. And rooting parameters of Impatiens hawkeri were improved by watering amendments with concentration of 2%.4. Effect of natural organic acids on pH value, EC value and available copper contents of GWCThe pH value was decreased by one to two units with natural organic acids and was 5.00 to 6.50 with concentration of 2% and 4%. And rooting parameters of Impatiens hawkeri were improved by watering amendments with concentration of 2%. By chemical complexation of natural organic acids, the EC value was controlled in the ideal range (0.12-1.20 ms·cm-1). With the increased dose of natural organic acids, the EC values decreased. The available copper contents were lowest in GWC and Impatiens hawkeri with natural organic acids of 2% concentration.5. Effect of SWC, WSC and GWC on growth of Lilium Siberia.Lilium Siberia had high quality and cut flowers in SWC and vermiculite (SWCV), GWC and vermiculite (GWCV), peat (control) and vermiculite (PV). However, the unstable WSC and vermiculite (WSCV) was not suitable for Lilium Siberia. As PV substitution, SWCV and GWCV can be used for lily cultivation; while stable alternative was needed to WSCV for growth Lilium Siberia.


