

Ecological Effects of Beijing Olympic Forestry Park

【作者】 潘剑彬

【导师】 董丽;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 城市绿地被誉为“城市之肺”,其作用和功能一直受到城市建设和规划者的重视。目前,国内外已经有大量的相关研究证明城市绿地在调节空气温湿度、固碳释氧、影响产生空气负离子、抑制空气微生物等方面起到不可替代的作用。相关研究成果显示,这一作用和功能以依据自然生态系统原则构建的城市绿地体现的更加明显。北京奥林匹克森林公园(以下简称奥运森林公园)是依据自然生态系统原则建立的大型城市绿地。该绿地是2008年北京奥运会期间服务于赛事的重要基础设施,同时亦是此项赛事在赛后馈赠给北京市居民的珍贵“绿色遗产”。2005年至2010年,我们以此公园绿地为研究样地,在奥运森林公园内外选定17个样点和2个对比样点,持续进行了近6年的二氧化碳浓度、空气负离子浓度和空气微生物浓度测定,并基于测定数据对上述生态效益因子的口变化、季节变化和年度变化等时间变化规律进行了探讨;还对不同群落结构和群落类型条件下生态效益因子的空间差异性进行了探讨。结果如下:1、奥运森林公园绿地的二氧化碳浓度在年度内具有显著的日、季节变化特征。1)生长季,奥运森林公园绿地二氧化碳日平均浓度为328μmol·mol-1,其日变化特征明显,08:00-11:00,二氧化碳浓度呈现显著的下降趋势:11:00-13:00,公园绿地的二氧化碳平均浓度在310μmol·mol-1上下浮动,13:00-17:00,二氧化碳浓度在14:00达到300μmol·mol-1(此浓度为测定时间内最低值)后呈现显著的升高趋势。2)非生长季节,二氧化碳口均浓度为413μmol·mol-1,此值高于生长季节。此季节的二氧化碳浓度日变化特征与生长季节类似,日最低浓度出现时间除外(13:00,生长季节为14:00)。3)4个季节的二氧化碳平均浓度比较,夏季最低(328μmol·mol-1),秋冬季最高(413μmol·mol-1),而春季(410μmol·mol-1)较秋冬季无显著差异。奥运森林公园绿地的二氧化碳浓度在2005-2010年的不同季节,亦呈现出显著的时间变化特征。4)春季呈现逐渐升高的趋势,上升幅度为33μmol·mol-1,而夏季呈现逐渐下降的趋势,下降幅度约为30μmol·mol-1,秋季的二氧化碳浓度在试验期内呈现的趋势目前尚不显著,冬季的二氧化碳浓度值显著高于其他季节,并在试验期内呈现出高浓度浮动的特征。5)公园建成使用前,其区域的二氧化碳浓度等于或略高于对比区域,公园建成后,二氧化碳浓度则低于对比区域。2、奥运森林公园绿地内部不同区域间、不同植物群落结构和类型间的二氧化碳浓度差异显著。1)公园内部区域间在生长季由边缘区(360μmol·mol-1)经由过渡区(336μmol·mol-1)到核心区(332μmol·mol-1)的二氧化碳浓度呈现逐渐降低的梯度变化特征,在非生长季节,样点间二氧化碳浓度的梯度变化特征不及生长季节显著。2)不同群落结构区域的二氧化碳浓度由低到高的顺序为复层群落、双层群落、单层群落;双层群落结构区域由高到低的顺序为乔草结构、乔灌结构、灌草结构;单层群落区域顺序为乔木、草本地被、灌丛。3)不同群落类型区域的二氧化碳浓度由低到高的顺序为针阔叶混交型群落、落叶阔叶型群落、针叶型群落、灌丛、草本地被。3、奥运森林公园绿地的空气负离子浓度具有显著的口、季节和年度变化特征。1)空气负离子浓度在08:00-17:00呈现双峰值的变化特征,首次峰值出现于10:00-11:00,二次峰值出现于16:00前后。2)夏季的空气负离子浓度最高,试验期内均值为2745个·cm-3,春季最低,为995个·cm-3,秋季(2258个·cm-3)仅次于夏季而高于冬季(1078个·cm-3)。3)2005-2010年,2008年的空气负离子浓度最高(2710个·cm-3),2005-2007年,空气负离子浓度差异不显著,而2008-2010年,空气负离子浓度逐年降低。4、奥运森林公园绿地内部不同植物群落结构和类型间、公园绿地区域与对比样点代表的城市区域间的空气负离子浓度差异显著。1)2008年前,公园区域的空气负离子浓度等于或略低于对比区域,公园建成后,其浓度则高于对比区域。2)不同群落结构区域的空气负离子浓度由低到高的顺序为双层群落、复层群落、单层群落;双层群落结构区域由高到低的顺序为乔草结构、灌草结构、乔灌结构;单层群落区域顺序为草本地被、乔木。3)不同群落类型区域的空气负离子浓度由低到高的顺序为落叶阔叶型群落、草本地被、灌丛、针阔叶混交型群落、针叶型群落。5、奥运森林公园绿地的空气微生物浓度具有显著的日、季节和年度变化特征,而空气真菌与空气细菌所呈现出的变化特征有较大差异。1)生长季,空气真菌日平均浓度为176CPU·m-3,08:00-14:00,真菌浓度呈现显著的下降趋势,14:00-17:00,真菌浓度呈现显著的升高趋势;空气细菌日均浓度为96 CPU·m-3,08:00-14:00,细菌浓度呈现显著的下降趋势,而在14:00-17:00则呈现较显著的升高趋势。2)非生长季节,空气真菌日均浓度为111 CPU·m-3,此值低于生长季节,日最低浓度出现时间与生长季节相同;空气细菌日均浓度137CPU·m-3,此值高于生长季节。3)夏季空气真菌浓度最高,为114CPU·m-3,春季空气真菌浓度最低,为66CPU·m-3。同时,秋冬季节空气真菌浓度相当,分别为87CPU·m-3和90CPU·m-3;春季空气细菌浓度最低,而冬季细菌浓度最高,由春季到冬季细菌浓度呈现逐季升高的特征。6、奥运森林公园绿地内部不同植物群落结构和类型间、公园绿地区域与对比样点代表的城市区域间的空气微生物浓度差异显著。1)不同群落结构区域的空气真菌浓度由高到低的顺序为复层群落、双层群落、单层群落;双层群落结构区域由高到低的顺序为灌草结构、乔草结构、乔灌结构;单层群落区域顺序为草本地被、灌丛和乔木;空气细菌浓度由高到低顺序为单层群落、双层群落、复层群落;双层群落结构区域由高到低的顺序为灌草结构、乔草结构、乔灌结构;单层群落结构区域由高到低顺序为草本地被结构、灌丛和乔木。2)不同群落类型区域的空气真菌浓度由高到低的顺序为落叶阔叶型群落、草本地被、灌丛、针阔叶混交型群落和针叶型群落;空气细菌浓度由高到低顺序为草本地被、灌丛、落叶阔叶型群落、针阔叶混交型群落、针叶型群落。另外,研究还选定海淀公园绿地与奥运森林公园绿地进行生态效益对比分析,后者的植被生态效益要显著优于前者。由于绿色植被的影响,城市绿地区域本研究所关注的的生态效益因子具有明显的日变化、季节变化和年度变化规律,与此同时,城市绿地区域的环境质量要显著高于城市一般区域。在城市绿地的不同区域,由于植物群落结构和类型不同,对生态效益产生了不同的影响。上述结论将有益于城市绿地的植物群落景观构建及管理运营。

【Abstract】 Urban green space was praised as "Lung of City", and the effect and function of it were much accounted of urban governor and designer all the time. Currently, at local and abroad, relevant research have confirmed that urban green space play an important portion in regulating air temperature and relative humidity, photosynthetic carbon fixation, releasing oxygen and generating nagitive air ions (NAI),especially spatial designs based on natural forests (e.g.,the incorporation of natural floristic composition, type and structure of plant community).Beijing Olympic Forest Park (BOFP) is a great urban green space, which was build by natural forestry ecolosystem, and it is located north of the main Olympic stadiums (the Bird’s Nest and the Water Cube) and it is a precious’green heritage’for urban dwellers. Here, we established 19 sampling points, including 17 inside the park and 2 outside the park as the urban background level, the concentration of airborne fungus, carbon dioxide and Negative air ions were measured in clear and windless days for 5 years, from 2005 to 2010. Based on these data, we discussed the daily, seasonal and annual variation of those effects. In addition, we discussed the correlation between those effects and the type and structure of plant community (PC).1.This paper investigated carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the Beijing Olympic Forest Park. And the results indicated that:1) In growing season, the daily average of CO2 concentration was 328μmol·mol-1,the diurnal variation of CO2 in this park was significant, presenting generally a picture of decreasing from 08:00—11:00, then fluctuating at noon (11:00-13:00) around a low concentration point (approx.310μmol·mol-1),13:00-17:00, CO2 reaching the minimum concentration (approx.300μmol·mol-1) at 14:00 pm, and increasing significantly afterwards; 2) In non-growing season, the daily average of CO2 concentration was 413μmol·mol-1, and it was higher than that in growing season. The variation characteristics of CO2 were similar to that in growing season, except for the time of the minimum concentration (13:00 pm); 3) the lowest concentration of CO2 was (328μmol·mol-1 in the summer and the highest one in the winter (413μmol·mol-1) of four seasons, but no significant difference of concentration was between the spring (410μmol·mol-1) and the autumn (413μmol·mol-1).Seasonal and annual data of CO2 concentration from 2005 to 2010 were presented in this paper, to research the vegetation ecological benefits of BOFP. The results indicated that:4) The CO2 concentration of Spring increased gradually about 33μmol·mol-1 through the measurement time (six years);in Summer, CO2 concentration dropped gradually about 30μmol·mol-1 in this period;CO2 concentration of Autumn was not significantly at present; CO2 concentration of Winter was the highest one of four seasons, and it fluctuated around high concentration in six years.5) Before this park was constructed (before 2008), CO2 concentration of this park was higer than that of urban background level, and after this park was constructed, CO2 concentration of this park was lower than that of urban background level.2.There are significant differences of CO2 concentration among those zones with different structure and type of PC.1) In BOFP, CO2 concentration in growing season followed a gradient change, decreasing gradually from near the border of the park (360μmol·mol-1) to the buffer area (336μmol·mol-1) and to the center of the park (332μmol·mol-1).2) CO2 concentration of the zones with different PS from high to low was as follow:MPC, DPC, SPC;CO2 concentration of the zones with different DPC from high to low was as follow:TG, TS, SG; and that of different SPC as follow:T, G, S. 3) CO2 concentration of the zone with different PT from high to low was as follow:G, S, CP, DBP, CBP.3.Negative air ions (NAI) concentration of BOFP has significant daily, seasonal and annual variation.1) 08:00-17:00, NAI showed significant daily variation with double peak, the first peak showed in 10:00-11:00, and the second one showed in 16:00.2) NAI of Summer was highest one in four seasons, with 2745 n·cm-3 in measurement time, and that of Spring was the lowest one in four seasons with 995 n·cm-3, and that of Autumn (2258 n·cm-3) was lower than that of Summer and higher than that of Winter (1078 n·cm-3).3) NAI of 2008(2710 n·cm-3) was the highest one through the period from 2005 to 2010,2005-2007, the trend of NAI was not significant, and 2008-2010, NAI decreased processly.4.There were significant differences of NAI concentration among different zones with different structure and type of PC, between BOFP and urban background level.1) Before 2008, NAI of BOFP was lower than that of urban background level, and after 2008, NAI of BOFP was higher than that of urban background level.2) NAI of zones with different PS from high to low was as follow:DPC, MPC, SPC;NAI of zones with different DPC from high to low was as follow:TG, SG, TS; and that of different SPC as follow:G, T.3) NAI of zones with different PT from low to high was as follow:DBP, G, S, CBP, CP.5.In BOFP, the concentration of airborne bacteria and airborne fungi has significant daily, seasonal and annual variation.1) In growing season, the daily average of airborne fungi was 176 CPU·m-3. 08:00-14:00, concentration of airborne fungi decreased significantly,14:00-17:00, it increased significantly; and the daily average of airborne bacteria was 96 CPU·m-3,08:00-14:00, the concentration of airborne bacteria showed decrease trend, and 14:00-17:00, it showed increase trend.2) In non-growing season, the daily average of airborne fungi was 111 CPU·m-3 and the value were lower than that in growing season, the time of the daily lowest concentration of airborne fungi was similar to that in growing season; concentration of airborne bacteria was 137 CPU·m-3, which was higher than that in growing season.3) Concentration of airborne bacteria of Summer was the highest one in four seasons, and that of Spring was the lowest one,114 CPU·m-3 and 66 CPU·m-3, respectly, at the same time, that of autumn and winter was similar,87 CPU·m-3 and 90 CPU·m-3, respectly; concentration of airborne bacteria in summer was the lowest one in four seasons, and that of winter followed, and it showed the characteristics of increased processly.6. There were significant differences of airborne bacteria and airborne fungi concentration among different zones with different structure and type of PC, between BOFP and urban background level.1) The airborne fungi concentration of zones with different Ps from high to low was as follow:MPC, DPC, SPC; The airborne fungi concentration of the zones with different DPC from high to low was as follow: SG, TG, TS; and that of different SPC was as follow:G, S, T; The airborne bacteria concentration of zones with different Ps from high to low was as follow:SPC, DPC, MPC; The airborne bacteria concentration of zones with different DPC from high to low was as follow:SG, TG, TS; and that of different SPC was as follow:G, S, T.2) The airborne fungi concentration of zones wth different PT from low to high was as follow:DBP, G, S, CBP, CP; The airborne bacteria concentration of zones with different PT from low to high was as follow:G, S, DBP, CBP, CP.Moreover, the comparative study between BOFP and other urban green space (Haidian Park) clarified the factor of green spaces, such as area, shape, the strcture and type of plant community, which affect the ecological effects of green spaces. Due to the effects of green vegetation, the ecological factor of urban green space had significant daily, seasonal and annual variation, and the environmental quality of urban green space was better than that of urban generally environment (urban background level).In the zone of urban green space, different Ps and PT had different effect to the ecological effects. And these results would benefit to the construction of plant landscape and government of urban green space.


