

Precise Irrigation and Fertilization Management System of Populus×Euramericana Cv. "74/76"

【作者】 王梓

【导师】 马履一;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林培育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 水分和肥料是林木生长发育的两大重要因素,合理的水肥管理有利于林木发挥更大的生长潜力,而盲目的水肥管理不但对植物生长发育不利,还将导致水肥资源浪费和环境污染。本研究在掌握苗木苗期需水需肥规律研究的基础上,采用田间裂区试验设计,通过考察不同水肥梯度处理对一年生苗木生长的影响,探究水肥之间的交互效应,建立水肥耦合模型,制定合理节水灌溉和精准施肥制度,建立以节水节肥为核心的资源节约型速生丰产林优质苗木培育技术体系。本研究主要取得的成果有:(1)阐明了欧美107杨苗木生长的年周期动态变化规律。综合不同水肥方案下1年生欧美107杨的苗高、地径、地上生物量以及叶和茎内N、P、K的年动态变化,发现苗木遵从“慢—快—慢”的生长规律。1年生欧美107杨苗高生长的Logistic方程为地径生长的Logistic方程为根据方程,将苗木生长划分为3个阶段:Ⅰ、生长初期:4月初~6月末,包括苗木成活期和幼苗期,苗木生长速度较慢;Ⅱ、速生期:7月初~8月末,生长高峰期,苗木生长指标增长最快阶段;Ⅲ、生长后期:9月初~年底,各项生长指标增长速度减少并趋于停止,地上生物量由于叶片凋落而下降。对年生长动态的掌握,有利于合理安排水肥管理的时间。(2)比较了不同水肥管理方案下欧美107杨苗木生长差异。通过方差分析,12个处理下1年生欧美107杨的苗高、地径、地上生物量以及地上部分N、P、K含量之间有显著性差异。对于苗高、地径和地上生物量,处理10(每次灌溉至田间持水量、年N肥施入量为15.08g·株-1)的各项指标最好,处理3(不灌溉、不施肥)最差。根据多重比较结果,处理8(每次灌溉至田间持水量80%、年N肥施入量为8g·株-1)与处理10之间无显著性差异。地上部分N、P、K含量与形态指标的结果不同。对于地上部分含N量,处理10最高,处理9(每次灌溉至田间持水量80%、不施肥)最低;对于地上部分含P量,处理4(每次灌溉至田间持水量60%、年N肥施入量为15.08g·株-1)最高,处理6(每次灌溉至田间持水量60%、不施肥)最低;对于地上部分含K量,处理11(每次灌溉至田间持水量、年N肥施入量为8g·株-1)最高,处理2(不灌溉、年N肥施入量为8g·株-1)最低。(3)建立了地上生物量和苗高、地径与水肥因子的回归模型。1年生欧美107杨地上生物量(Y)与灌水量(x1)和施氮量(x2)之间的关系可用二元二次多项式描述:Y=297.378+4.018x1+33.876x2-0.046x12-2.015x22+0.412x1x21年生欧美107杨苗高(Y)与灌水量(x1)和施氮量(x2)之间的关系可用二元二次多项式描述:Y=297.378+1.737x1+5.382x2-0.008x12-0.197x22-0.015x1x21年生欧美107杨地径(Y)与灌溉量(x1)和氮施入量(x2)呈线性正相关,其关系可用Y=21.487+0.093x1+0.248x2描述(4)探讨了水、肥及水肥互作因子对地上生物量、苗高和地径的影响效应。结果表明:增加灌溉量和氮肥施用量均有增产效应,水肥交互作用表现为正效应,对地上生物量影响作用由高到低依次为:氮肥施入量、灌溉量、水肥互作;增加灌溉量和氮施入量均有增加苗高的效应,对苗高影响作用由高到低次序为:氮施入量、灌溉量、水肥互作,水肥交互效应不显著;氮施入量对地径的效应大于灌溉量。(5)确定了培育不同规格1年生欧美107杨的灌溉和施肥方案。地上生物量>900 g·株-1、苗高为360~400 cm,地径为26~31mm下的水肥方案为:灌溉量为36.13~41.35 kg·株-1,氮肥施入量为9.23~11·38 g·株-1(即尿素施入量836.06~1030.81kg·hm-2);地上生物量<900 g·株-1、苗高为300~360 cm,地径为20~26mm下的水肥方案为:灌溉量为12.56~18.18kg·株-1,氮肥施入量为4.68~8.10g·株-1(即尿素施入量423.92~733.70kg·hm-2)。(6)开展验证试验证实灌溉施肥方案的可行性。2010年采用相似的水肥方案观测1年生欧美107杨的苗高、地径、地上生物量;结果表明,不同水肥处理下各项指标均有显著性差异,表现最优的仍为每次灌溉至田间持水量、年N肥施入量为15.08g·株-1,多重比较结果显示,每次灌溉至田间持水量80%、年N肥施入量为8g·株-1的处理与最优处理之间无显著性差异。综合苗木各项指标,从节水节肥的角度考虑,在管理中可采用每次灌溉至田间持水量80%、年N肥施入量为8g·株-1的处理的水肥管理方案。

【Abstract】 Water and fertilizer are two important factors for plant growth and development. Rational irrigation and fertilization management helps to exert plant’s growth potential, while irrational irrigation and fertilization management dose not only limited the plant growth, but also leads to water loss and environment pollution. Based on mastering the law of water and fertilizer requirement, this research used split plot design to explore coupling effect and modeling of water and fertilizer, to establish precise irrigation and fertilization management system for high quality Populns×euramericana cv."74/76" with water-saving irrigation technology, and aims to build the fast-growing and high-yield plantation cultivate system for high quality seedlings by the core of water-saving and fertilizer-saving.The following is the main research results in this paper:(1)Clarified the annual variation growth rule of Populus×euramericana cv."74/76". A combination of the variation of seedlings height, ground diameter, above-ground biomass, and N, P, K content in leaves and stem made clear that plant growth accords with "slow—quick—slow" rule under 12 kinds of irrigation and fertilization scheme.The Logistic growth models for seedling height and basal diameter of 107 I1-0 were y=396.94/1+63.11e0.039t and y=28.15/1+22.66e0.034t,respectively. According to Logistic growth models, the annual growth cycle divided to three stages:Ⅰ、early growth stage:from the beginning of April to the ending of June, including the survival and teen, plant grows slowly;Ⅱ、fast-growing stage:from the beginning of July to the ending of August, it’s the peak of growing and every indicators stays fast growing stage;Ⅲ、later growth stage:from the beginning of September to the end of year, each indicators grows slower and slower, and to suspend.It benefits for confirming the times of efficient irrigation and fertilization as to mastering annual variation rule.(2)Compared the growth differences of Populus×euramericana cv. "74/76" with different irrigation and fertilization schemes.By ANOVA analyzing, there were highly significant differences in seedlings height, ground diameter, above-ground biomass, and N,P, K content in leaves and stem.For seedlings height, ground diameter and above-ground biomass, the optimal presentation was treatment 10(watering to field capacity, N fertilizer application (pure N) is 15.08 g/per tree),the worst was treatment 3(no watering, no fertilization).Later analyzing multiple comparison, treatment 8(watering to 80% field capacity, N fertilizer application (pure N) is 8 g/per tree) has no significant differences with treatment 10.The N, P, K content of above-ground plant was different from morphological markers. For N content of above-ground plant, the optimal presentation was treatment 10, the worst was treatment 9(watering to 80% field capacity, no fertilization);For P content of above-ground plant, the optimal presentation was treatment 4(watering to 60% field capacity, N fertilizer application (pure N) is 15.08 g/per tree), the worst was treatment 6(watering to 60% field capacity, no fertilization);For K content of above-ground plant, the optimal presentation was treatment 11 (watering to field capacity, N fertilizer application (pure N) is 8 g/per tree), the worst was treatment 2(no watering, N fertilizer application (pure N) is 8 g/per tree).(3) Established regression models between seedling height, ground diameter and above-ground biomass and water, fertilizer, respectively.Regression model of between above-ground biomass(Y) and irrigation quantity (x1),N fertilizer application (x2):Y=297.378+4.018x1+33.876x2-0.046x12-2.015x22+0.412x1x2Regression model of between seedling height (Y) and irrigation quantity (x1),N fertilizer application (x2):Y=297.378+1.737x,+5.382x2-0.008x,2-0.197x22-0.015x1x2Regression model of between ground diameter (Y) and irrigation quantity (x1), N fertilizer application (x2):Y=21.487+0.093x1+0.248x2(4) Discussed the effect of water, fertilizer and coupling of water and fertilizer. Results showed:above-ground biomass increased as the increasing of irrigation and fertilization,the coupling effect is positive, the descending order of them was N fertilizer application, water quantity, the coupling of water and fertilizer; seedling height increased as the increasing of irrigation and fertilization, the coupling effect is negative, the descending order of them was N fertilizer application, water quantity, the coupling of water and fertilizer; N fertilizer application influence ground diameter more than irrigation quantity. (5) Built the irrigation and fertilization managements for cultivating different targets of Populus×euramericana cv."74/76’The optimum combination of irrigation quantity and N fertilizer application on aboveground biomass≥900g/per tree, seedling height between 360 and 400 cm,and ground diameter between 26 and 31 mm is:irrigation is between 36.13~41.35 kg/per tree, N fertilizer(pure N) is between 9.23~11.38g/per tree(urea is between 836.06~1030.81 kg/hm2).The optimum combination of irrigation quantity and N fertilizer application on aboveground biomass≤900g/per tree, seedling height between 300 and 360 cm,and ground diameter between 20 and 26 mm is:irrigation is between 12.56~18.18 kg/per tree, N fertilizer(pure N) is between 4.68~8.10g/per tree(urea is between 423.92~733.70 kg/hm2).(6) Launched validation test for confirming feasibility of irrigation and fertilization management system.The similar experiment was taken place to observing the growth of seedling height, ground diameter and above-ground biomass in 2010. It showed that there were still highly significant differences among different programs, the optimal presentation was treatment of watering to field capacity, N fertilizer application (pure N) is 15.08 g/per tree.By analyzing multiple comparison, it had no significant differences with treatment of watering to 80% field capacity, N fertilizer application (pure N) is 8 g/per tree. Combining each indicator, it’s benefit for water-saving and fertilizer-saving to adopt treatment of watering to 80% field capacity, N fertilizer application (pure N) is 8 g/per tree.


