

Clinical Observation of Integrating the Therapeutic Effect of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine on Treating Chronic Eczema

【作者】 吴奕兴

【导师】 许能贵;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 湿疹是一种常见的慢性复发性皮肤病,由多种内外因素引起的表皮及真皮浅层的变态反应性炎症性皮肤病。以自觉剧烈搔痒,皮损多形性,对称分布,有渗出倾向,慢性病程,反复发作为特点。古代医书中记载的“奶癣”、“旋耳疮”、“浸淫疮”等皆属此病管畴。近年来在香港、国内及世界发达国家湿疹患病率呈逐年上升趋势,此病已在全球范围内受到广泛的关注。但由于湿疹致病的因素复杂,涉及内因的免疫因素及外因的致敏因素、微生物等多种病因,临床治疗十分困难,而且现在临床常用药,如糖皮质激素类和抗组胺类药物,也存在副作用大,有药物依赖及停药易复发等问题,是重要的医学和社会问题,有迫切需要探讨研究安全有效的治疗方法,提高临床疗效。我们从以下几个方面进行研究和观察:1文献研究从近代对湿疹基础研究以及临床相关研究的文献着手,分别从湿疹的中医及现代认识及治疗及发展—综述。湿疹是一种变态反应性炎性皮肤疾病,其临床特点为自觉剧搔痒,皮损多形性,对称分布,有渗出倾向,慢性病程,且反复发作。组织病理学特征为表皮细胞间水肿,伴有不同程度棘层肥厚及浅表血管周围淋巴组织细胞浸润。湿疹的诊断主要依据皮损的形态。在2002年全国科学技术名词审定委员会公布的《皮肤病学名词》确认湿疹为“特应性皮炎”,相当于中医的湿疮、四弯风、浸淫疮、奶廯、顽癣、顽湿等范畴。流行病学研究提示,湿疹的发病情况在全世界呈上升趋向,探讨有效的治疗方法是迫切需要解决的问题。中医认为湿疹的病因病机是由禀赋不耐,风、湿、热邪侵袭肌肤而成,或因脾失健运,或营血不足,湿热羁留,以致血虚风燥,风湿燥热郁结,肌肤失养所致。主要致病因素为风、湿和热邪,相关脏腑则以心、脾、肝、肾的失调为主要矛盾。总结致病因素有饮食不节致湿热蕴结;禀赋不耐,接触外毒而致毒邪蕴结;来自母体的胎火遗毒;素体血热,加入风热外袭所致风热血燥;或气血两虚或情志内伤所致。病久致瘀也是其中一个病因。根据中医的辨证论治原则,主要症型有风湿蕴肤、湿热蕴结、脾虚湿蕴、血虚风燥、气滞血瘀和肝肾阴虚型。其中属湿热证的湿热下注、湿热蕴结及血虚风燥、湿热血虚风燥最为常见;现代医学研究认为湿疹的病因及发病机制相当复杂,涉及体内、外多种因素,主要由复杂的内外激发因子引起的变态反应。主要病因有遗传因素、环境因素、感染因素、饮食因素、药物因素及其他如精神紧张、温度变化等。学者对湿疹病因的研究当中发现,湿疹的发病机制与湿疹患者的免疫功能和免疫调节有密切的关系。学者一般认为是与Ⅰ型变态反应及Ⅳ型变态反应的关系最为密切,常伴有细胞因子、嗜酸性粒细胞和肥大细胞的参与。湿疹患者免疫机制的改变主要有T淋巴细胞功能失衡,T淋巴细胞和辅助T细胞数量及血液中CD3+值和CD4+/CD8+的比值及NK细胞数低于常人。而患者体内IgE及IgG水平升高,B淋巴细胞数量减少,嗜酸性粒细胞偏高,当中还涉及细胞因素子IL-2,IL-5,炎性物质如白三烯等的参与。各学者的研究结果虽未能明确描绘出反免疫因素之间的关系,但已为从调整免疫机能以治疗慢性湿疹提供了理论依据。目前湿疹主要依据病程、皮肤损害、发病部位及全身症状进行分类,可分为急性、亚急性和慢性湿疹。某些特殊的致病条件,湿疹好发于某些特定部位,常见有耳部湿疹、乳房湿疹、脐窝湿疹、阴囊湿疹、女阴湿疹、肛门湿疹、手部湿疹和小腿湿疹等。传统针灸治疗通经腧穴的选择,采用针刺或艾灸等方法,结合适当的经穴组合,通经经络的作用达到调和阴阳,疏通经络和扶正祛邪的作用,以治疗疾病。根据中医理论,针对湿疹的病因病机,选取合适的穴位以治疗湿疹。古代文献也不乏以针灸治疗皮肤疾患的记载。针灸理论中的原穴是重要的特定穴位,有良好的本经代表性,取原穴可以使所主之脏腑功能恢复正常。而现代的针灸机理研究也证实针灸对免疫系统有双向调整作用,既能调动免疫成份的不足,又可以抑制过度的免疫反应,对T淋巴细胞、血清免疫球蛋白、IFN、白介素等细胞因子、嗜酸粒细胞及NK细胞均有调整效用,可以提高机体特异性及非特异性免疫能力。通过文献的调查,针灸治疗方面,近年有学者根据针灸经络学的理论,采用针刺、按摩、刺络放血、艾灸等方法探讨湿疹的治疗方法皆取得良好的成果。中医的针灸治疗主要依据湿疹的病因病机,针对湿疹的风、湿、热邪,采用有健脾利湿,祛风止痒,养血润燥,清热凉血的穴位治疗湿疹。文献应用最多的穴位是曲池和血海,其次是三阴交、阴陵泉、合谷、大椎和足三里。诸穴既有健脾利湿,养血祛风,扶正祛邪的功效。在中药治疗方面,学者针对湿疹的病机采用内服、外用和内外合用的中药治疗湿疹取得很好的疗效。一般中药的应用,都是采用辨证分型的方法,把患者按中医辨证原则分型,再根据证型予以相应的药物治疗。大部分观察研究都取得良好的疗效,而且治疗的复发率低及未见面显的不良反应。而在慢性搔痒性皮肤病方面,中药处方“当归饮子”有养血润肤,祛风止痒的功能,被广泛采用。近代药理研究也显示当归饮子的组成也能从不同机制调节免疫机能。根据中医“异病同治”理论上当归饮子能应用于治疗血虚风燥型的各类慢性搔痒性皮肤病,包括慢性荨麻疹、皮肤瘙痒症、慢性湿疹、神经性皮炎、异位性皮炎等。西医对湿疹的治疗常采用局部应用糖皮质素类药物,其次是钙调神经磷酸酶抑制药。系统用药采用抗组胺类药物、抗微生物药物、糖皮质激素药物和免疫调节剂等。目前学者主要是探讨减少应用西药治疗的不良反应,及提高药物的疗效。故此,很多学者采用将糖皮质激素类药物联合其他药物如水扬酸、抗微生物类药物及抗组胺类药物使用,希望减少药物的使用剂量及时间,以提高疗效及降低不良反应。也有学者探讨免疫调节剂如MTX及其他药物如阿维A、复方甘草酸苷、非甾体消炎镇痛药等应用及安全使用方法。还有学者探讨结合物理方式如微波照射、长波紫外线光化学疗法、远红外线光谱照射等方法,均取得一定成果。但是研究过程中,药物的不良反应仍是常见的问题。各学者纳入观察对像时主要参考赵辨主编的《临床皮肤病学》所提供的诊断标准,但对疗效的评价,仍缺乏统一标准。学者赵辨提出了的改良EASI评分可作为客观临床症状的评估工具。2临床研究本研究采用随机对照方法,共观察76例广东省中医院针灸门诊及病房的慢性湿疹病人。依据赵辨《临床皮肤病学》标准纳入观察对像。76例湿疹患者分为分为治疗组41例和对照组35例。治疗组应采用针灸治疗结合内服中药“当归饮子”加减;对照组则单纯内服“当归饮子”加减。针灸治疗穴位选取合谷、曲池、血海、三阴交、足三里、神门、太白、太冲、关元。关元穴处针柄上穿置2cm长艾条施灸,以患者局部有温热感而无灼痛为宜。隔天治疗一次,10次为一个疗程。治疗需进行2个疗程。配合中药以当归饮子加减治疗。每天1服,水煎分2次早晚服用,20剂为一疗程,共服用40剂。中药处方:当归9克,白芍12克,川芎6克,生地黄15克,白蒺藜10克,防风10克,荆芥穗10克,何首乌12克,黄蓍10克甘草6克。伴见热盛者加金银花、蒲公英;湿重者加苍术、土茯苓;阴亏者加玉竹、枸杞子;服用方法:每天1服,水煎分2次早晚服用,20剂为一疗程,共服用40剂。对照组则单纯采用内服中药治疗,中药处方与服药方法与治疗相同,不应用针灸治疗。疗效评估采用赵辨改良之湿疹面积及严重度指数评分法(EASI)、搔痒程度评分及皮肤病生活质量指针调查表(DLQI)。资料分析计量数据组间比较用两样本t检验,组内比较用配对t检验,治疗结果根据EASI法换算成计数资料后采用x2检验,采用SPSS软件19.0进行分析。2.1研究结果:治疗组的显效率达68.92%,有效率85.37%;对照组的显效率28.57%,有效率45.71%,两者差异有统计意义,说明以针灸治疗配合中药当归饮子的治疗组,在EASI评分方面,较单纯使用当归饮子有明显着的优势。而在EASI评分中各项临床症状均有所改善,但红斑、丘疹及表皮剥脱的评分差异较明显,且有统计意义。在瘙痒程度评分上,治疗组平均积分减少0.71±0.52也比对照组减少0.24±0.37优胜。患者生活质量的DLQI评分上,治疗组评分由治疗前的19.78±4.07下降至治疗后的14.659±5.20,而对照组的评分则由19.17±2.61下降至17.63±3.16。治疗组的生活质量改善较对照组明显。治疗组四肢内侧的EASI评分与四肢外侧的EASI评分作比较,结果两者的差异没有统计意义,说明针灸的治疗处方对四肢内外侧的治疗效果不存在差异。以治疗组的资料,将搔痒程度评分与DLQI评分、EASI评分与DLQI评分及搔痒程度评分与EASI评分作相关性比较,结果三者互相间皆呈现正相关。研究过程观察病例没有出现明显不良反应。2.2分析:湿疹的病理机制与免疫机制关系密切,学者一般认为是与Ⅰ型变态反应及Ⅳ型变态反应的关系相关。研究证明针灸对免疫系统有双向调节作用,既能够调动免疫成分的不足,又可以抑制过度的免疫反应。针灸疗法可以提高机体特异性及非特异性免疫能力。针灸的作用针对性地改善湿疹的免疫病理反应,调节机体内的免疫机制,从而达到良好的治疗效果。是次治疗穴位的选择参考了既往学者的研究成果,选取了既符合传统理论又有文献证实对免疫机能有调节作用,针对湿疹免疫机制变化筛选相应的穴位。足三里、三阴交和合谷穴能提高T淋巴细胞亚群和淋巴细胞转化率,且能提高CD4+水平和|CD4+/CD8+的比值。既往研究还发现关元穴也有类的作用,同时艾灸关元穴还有增强机体各种特异性和非特异性免疫功能,提高吞噬细胞的吞噬功能和血清中CD3+,CDs和自然杀伤细胞的含量及调整免疫球蛋白IgG、IgA、IgM的含量的作用。足三里、三阴交、曲池、血海几穴,则能降低过高的CD4+/CD8的比值和IgE和IL-4的水平,从而抑制I型的变态反应。足三里、三阴交同时调整IgG、IgA、IgM的水平,可以使高值下降,低值上升,正常者则无变化。这些穴位的选用,都有针对性地改善湿疹患者失衡的免疫机制的作用,从而提高治疗的疗效。从传统中医理论的角度而言,血虚风燥性慢性湿疹的病因是由于禀赋不耐,风湿热邪侵袭肌肤而成。营血不足或脾虚失运是本虚,风湿热羁留标实。风湿热羁留不去,日久伤耗阴血,血虚生风生燥而致病。主要相关的脏腑以心、脾、肝脏的失调为主。各穴位组合有养血润燥,祛风清热、健脾利湿及扶正祛邪的作用。原穴的应用直接调整脏腑功能。结合传统理论,再依据现代对针灸疗法与免疫相关的研究成果筛选有效之经穴,是这次临床研究取得良好疗效的关键。中药处方当归饮子对血虚风燥性的瘙痒性皮肤病具有良好的效果。其药物组成,同样具有调节患者免疫机能的作用。文献显示本方同样能提高T淋巴细胞的转换率,降低IgG及IgE的异常升高,对Ⅰ型及Ⅳ型变态反应都有抑制作用。而根据中医理论,当归饮子有养血润燥,祛风止痒的功效,既能滋阴养血以治本,又可祛风止痒治其标,寓有”治风先治血,血行风自灭”之意,标本兼治。无论是中药当归饮子或针灸疗法都对慢性湿疹有良好的疗效,但结合两者之长,以针灸配合中药,将免疫机制研究和传统理论有机结合,比单纯应用中药内服而言,能明显提高临床疗效。至于各项临床症状的改善方面,红斑、丘疹及表皮剥脱的EASI评分减少较明显,而苔藓化及渗出的评分减少组间比较则不具统计意义。原因可能因为治疗时间较短,苔藓化为角朊细胞及角质层增殖和真皮炎症细胞浸润而形成的斑块状结构,改变其结构是长时间缓慢的过程,如果延长治疗观时间,有可能有较好的治疗效果。而渗出疗效不明显,主要是因为观察病例是慢性湿疹患者,渗出并非其主要症状,主要表现在慢性湿疹急性发作期,可能由于出现此症状的病例不多,故统计学上不具备意义。是次使用的EASI评分系统采用学者赵辨在原EASI基础提出的改良EASI评分。主要改变是皮损面积大小的估算是按中国新九分法换算成所占该部位的比例计分,并加入了渗出/结痂一项,能更全面反应湿疹的严重程度。是次研究过程中,也未见观察对像有明显的不良反应出现。仅于治疗开始后1周内曾见大便次数增加及纳呆情况,不影响患者日常生活,且未经处理自己行缓解。没有出现类似糖皮质类固醇类药物的皮肤刺激症状或抗组胺类药物嗜睡、口干的情况。三个评估系统的线性相关虽然显示以后的湿疹临床研究任择一个系统作为评估体系即可,但对是次临床研究而言,也保证了无论是临床症状、患者自觉搔痒程度和生活质量的改变都能被全面客观地反映出来。2.3结语研究结果显示结合针灸治疗配合内服中药的疗效优于单纯内服中药。是次治疗研究结合了传统的中医理论和现代的研究成果,提示针灸与中药结合治疗血虚风燥型慢性湿疹有助提高湿疹的临床疗效,值得进一步探讨研。

【Abstract】 Background and objectivesEczema is a common chronic allergic inflammatory dermatological disease. The pathology of eczema is complex, involving a series of internal and external factors which induce inflammation of epidermis and superficial dermis. The main characteristic of eczema is severe itching, polymorphous skin lesions, symmetrical distribution and has exudation tendency. In recent years, Hong Kong, China and the developed countries the prevalence of eczema increased year by year, the disease is widespread worldwide attention. However, since the pathogenic factors of eczema are complex, includes both internal and external factors, clinical treatment is very difficult. Commonly used medicine, such as glucocorticoids and anti-histamine drugs has adverse effects like drug dependence, relapse and withdrawal symptoms. Thus, it is an important medical and social problem waiting to be solved. There is an urgent need for safe and effective treatment to improve the clinical efficacy.Literature studyThe literature study is carried out by reviewing articles of recent fundamental research and clinical research of eczema.Eczema is a chronic allergic inflammatory dermatological disease with clinical symptoms like severe itching, polymorphous skin lesions, symmetrical distribution, exudation tendency and chronic process. Histopathological feature is edema between epidermal cells, with varying degrees of acanthosis and superficial perivascular infiltration of lymphoid cells. The morphology of skin lesion is the main criteria for diagnosis of eczema. In 2002 the National Science and Technology Terminology Committee published "Dermatology Term" recognized eczema as the "Atopic Dermatitis". It falls in the categories of Shi-chuang, Si-wan-feng, Nai-xuan, Wan-xuan, etc of Chinese Medicine. Epidemiological studies suggest that the incidence of eczema is increasing in the world, exploring effective treatment is an urgent need to address the problem.In the theory of traditional Chinese Medicine, the pathology and etiology of eczema is due to the invasion of external pathological factors under the condition of congenital insufficient or due to dysfunction of spleen organ, or insufficiency of blood and detention of wet and heat pathogen, resulting in a syndrome of blood deficiency and wind-dryness. The target organs affected includes liver and spleen organ. Dysfunction of the spleen, liver, kidneys and heart associated with depletion of blood and invasion wet pathogens is main cause of disease.According to the principles of TCM syndrome differentiation, there are six main syndromes of eczema. Syndrome of down flow of Hot and Damp and syndrome of blood deficiency and wind-dryness are most common syndromes. Modern medical research suggests that the etiology and pathology of eczema are very complex. It is a series of allergic reaction caused by complex internal and external factors. Main etiology includes genetic factor, environmental factors, infection factors, dietary factors and drug factors. It’s is believed the pathology of eczema is closely related to immune system. TypeⅠand typeⅣallergic reactions are the main pathological mechanism happened in eczema. Immune functions and immune regulatory functions are suppressed in eczema patients, factors like cytokines, T lymphocytes, natural killer cells and EOS are involved. Studies also proved that the cellular immunity and humoral immunity both contribute to the pathogenesis of eczema. The result of studies provides a theoretical basis for treating eczema by regulating immune mechanisms with the application of acupuncture. The categorization of eczema is based on disease process, skin lesion and body symptoms. Eczema is divided into acute, sub-acute and chronic eczema. It is also classified by locations of skin lesions. Commonly diagnosis includes ear eczema, breast eczema, eczema umbilical fossa, scrotum eczema, eczema vulva, anus eczema, hand eczema and leg eczema, ect.By choosing appropriate acu-points and means like needling and moxibustion, acupuncture and regulate the imbalanced yin and yang, dredging the blocked meridians and reinforcing the immune system. According to the theory of acupuncture, it is a capable treatment for treating chronic eczema. On the other hand, modern study also proved acupuncture has bi-directional regulatory function on immune system, can promote the specific and non-specific immunity of human beings.Based on the theory of acupuncture and meridian, scholars apply acupuncture, massage, blood pricking therapy, moxibustion and other methods for treating eczema. The treatment of Chinese medicine mainly based on etiology and pathogenesis of eczema, which targets on wind, wet and hot pathogens. They have the function of reinforcing spleen function, expelling wind and anti-itching, nourishing blood and moisturizing skin. Most frequently used acu-points in the studies are Quchi(LI11) and Xuehai(SP10), followed by Sanyinjiao (SP6), Yinlingquan (SP9), Hegu (LI4), Dazhui (DU14) and Zusanli (ST36). The combination of acu-points fulfills the therapeutic principle mentioned above.In traditional Chinese medicine treatment, oral, topical application of herbal medicine is used. The principle of application of herbal medicine is mainly based on the differentiation system of Chinese Medicine. Most researches get satisfactory result. In addition, prescription medicine Dang Gui Ying Zi is widely used to treatment chronic pruritic skin diseases, it is proved effective and pharmacological research also suggest it has regulatory function for immune system. It has the function of nourishing blood and invigorates skin, dispelling wind pathogens and anti-inching function. Based on the same treatment for different diseases principle in traditional Chinese medicine, the prescription medicine is widely used for treating chronic urticaria, pruritus, chronic eczema, atopic dermatitis and neurodermatitis and proved effective in various studies.Western medicine commonly uses topical application of glucocorticoid drugs, followed by calcineurin inhibitor drugs for the treatment of eczema, System drugs like anti-histamine drugs, anti-microbial drugs, glucocorticoid drugs and immune regulating agents are also used. Recent research main stress on reducing side effects of current drugs, and improve the efficacy of drugs. Therefore, many researchers used glucocorticoid drugs amalgamate with other drugs such as water salicylic acid, anti-microbial drugs and anti-histamine drugs used to try and reduce the drug dose and application period to improve efficacy and reduce adverse reactions. Safe use and application of immunomodulatory agents such as MTX and other drugs such as Avi A, glycyrrhizin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs are also under investigation. Another approach like combining physical methods such as microwave irradiation, long-wave ultraviolet light therapy, far infrared spectral radiation has achieved some results. But adverse drug effect is still a common problem.Diagnostic criteria used in recruiting cases for research is mainly based on "Clinical Dermatology" edited by Zhaobian. Evaluation of efficacy of treatment is mostly using subjective methods, and the improved EASI scoring system modified by Zhaobian can be used for evaluating the efficacy of research.Clinical Study and ResultThe study is designed in randomized control trial method.76 cases are dived into two groups, the experimental group (41 cases) and the control group (36 cases). The experimental group applies "Acupuncture+Prescription medicine Dang Gui Yin Zi, while the control group uses prescription medicine Dang Gui Yin Zi only. Acu-points choosed included Hegu, Quchi, Xuehai, Sanyinjiao, Zusanli, Shenmen, Taibai, Taichong, Guanyuan. The last also use Warm-needling method. The efficacy is evaluated by EASI, the severity of itchiness and the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI).Referred to the result of EASI, both groups show positive results. However, the experimental has higher efficacy than the control group. The rate of highly efficacy of the experimental group is 68.29% while that of the control group is only 28.75%. The total efficacy rate of the experimental group is 85.37% while that of the control group is only 45.71%. Both groups also decrease in the severity of itchiness and DQLI. All the results are authenticated by statistic methods.The efficacy of the result is achieved by appropriate choose of acupoints amalgamates with the application of effective prescription Chinese herbal medicine "Dang Gui Ying Zi". Both treatment methods fulfill both traditional principle of Chinese Medicine and result of modern research in immunology and eczema pathology.Although linearly relationship are shown in the three assessment systems of eczema, adopting three system ensures that changes in objective clinical symptoms, subjective feeling of itchiness and quality of life can all be evaluated.Conclusion:Integrating the therapeutic effect of acupuncture and herbal medicine is effective on treating chronic eczema, and is worth further investigation and promotion.

  • 【分类号】R246.7;R275.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1221

