

Systemizing and Study of Lingnan’s Herbal Works "Herbs Medicine of Lingnan" and "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine" in the Period of the Republic of China

【作者】 孔祥华

【导师】 刘小斌;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 南方草木蕃盛,可为用药者不少,岭南医家在运用本地生草药防治疾病的长期实践中,积累了丰富的经验,出现一批专门的生草药学医家和著述。清代有番禺何克谏《生草药性备要》、新会赵寅谷《本草求原》,而民国时期萧步丹《岭南采药录》、胡真《山草药指南》,亦名重一时,至今未见有人对其进行系统的整理研究。在对岭南医学历史的调研过程中,笔者获得了《岭南采药录》、《山草药指南》复印本,为了使得名医著述不致湮没,对《岭南采药录》、《山草药指南》进行了整理与分析。现将本研究的研究目的、方法、内容与结果以及结论分述如下:一、研究目的我们调研岭南草药著作研究现状时,发现现存的岭南草药典籍并不多,一部分已由专家学者对其进行整理研究,例如李殉《海药本草》已有尚志钧的辑校本,《生草药备要》、《本草求原》、《南方草木状》三部岭南中药文献已由朱晓光点注本等。但是民国时期岭南医药学家萧步丹《岭南采药录》以及胡真《山草药指南》等未见有人对其进行系统的整理研究。2009年,广东科技出版社影印《岭南采药录》与《山草药指南》出版,但属于未经整理的原版书籍。此二书在民国岭南草药著作中具有一定的代表性,既记载了深刻的理论又有丰富的实践,对于后世相关科研殊为珍贵。二书记载的很多草药,在民众的防治疾病以及保健的生活中发挥着重要作用,例如,化州橘红、高良姜、青天葵、飞扬草以及狗肝菜等。因此,系统整理研究二书中记载的岭南草药,分析学术特点,梳理岭南草药源流,并对其进行点注,具有理论意义与实用价值。二、研究方法文献研究法:首先是《岭南采药录》与《山草药指南》二书版本的研究,目前获取的《岭南采药录》为民国21年(1932年)复印本,《山草药指南》为民国31年(1942年)复印本,2009年广东科技出版社据此版本影印出版。其次,现存于世的典籍多数是几经翻刻或传抄才流传下来的,在刻印抄写过程中难免有错、简、漏、衍之误,必须经过点注、校勘等整理研究,才能为我们提供贴近原作的版本。再有,参考相关文献研究资料,对《岭南采药录》与《山草药指南》从草药分类、草药的性味功效、主治功能、炮制或食疗方法等角度对二书对其学术特点进行深入评析,比较其学术思想之异同,阐述其学术价值,同时,从开发新的草药用药来源、开拓新的中药生产基地等医药经济价值角度阐明其文献参考的作用。采访调研法:无论是二书的版本问题,还是对二书进行深入整理研究和评析,以及二书所记载草药在现今临床当中的应用情况的了解等。除了必须广为收集、参考、研究有关岭南草药临床与工业应用的书籍资料以外,我们必须采取采访调研法,咨询有关中医临床医生,尤其是临床用药喜用岭南草药者。同时,还需请教医药行业的其他专家。比较分析法:我们从草药分类、草药的性味功效、主治功能、炮制或食疗方法等角度对二书的学术特点进行深入评析,以阐述其学术与经济价值,同时,又就草药分类、草药的行文描述、草药的异同以及草药配伍使用等角度对二书进行了比较研究。通过分析与比较,有助于读者更好的了解二书,阐述二书的学术特点。三、研究内容与结果本论文的研究内容与结果主要包括以下三个方面。(一)简要介绍萧步丹与胡真生平,与二书的版本研究以及点注整理。萧步丹与胡真都是民国时期岭南一带的医药学家,根据所查的研究资料,本文对两位医药学家以及二书版本进行了简要介绍,对二书的点注整理主要着重于二书标点符号的添加与修改,二书总共200多字地方方言、繁体字、异体字或者过于生僻字注音与释义等。(二)二书学术特点进行评析以及对比研究根据本文研究后所知,二书记载内容、学术思想及特点既有共通之处,又各有千秋,它们之间的密切关系显而易见。1.共同点首先,行文简洁,内容丰富。萧步丹《岭南采药录》与胡真《山草药指南》二书在中国医药历史中,不见经传,但观其内容却十分丰富,《岭南采药录》全书3.7万多字,记载草药480余味,《山草药指南》全书接近5.1万字,记载草药640余味,均是关于岭南草药的一次大荟萃。二书能做到体积小而容量大,其秘诀就是行文简洁,不尚浮词。每一药下的各项内容不是面面俱到,而是有用则录,无用则略。其次,记载的草药多数相同,记载的草药的功效以清热为主。二书同是民国时期关于岭南草药的著作,所记载的草药多数相同,在这一点上,是无容置疑的。据我们统计,二书共有白佛桑等328味草药是一样的。二书所记载的草药大多一样,大同小异并互为补充,所以通过比较研究二书,这对于深入研究岭南中医药文化渊源都是不可多得的文献资料。二书记载的草药的功效以清热为主,有道是“一方水土养一方人”,岭南草药的一般是性味苦寒,功效大多具有清热、利湿或祛湿等作用,比较适合岭南人由于地理、环境、气候因素或生活习惯而导致的疾病。再次,对草药的性味功效、主治功能、炮制或食疗方法等描述相似。二书在学术上—脉相承,故在每味草药性味功效、主治功能、炮制或食疗方法等方面,多有相似之处,并互为补充有所发展。例如,《岭南采药录》记载:半边莲“味甘辛,性平,治蛇伤,敷恶疮火疮,消肿散毒,谚云:‘有人识得半边莲,包管共得蛇眠”,《山草药指南》记载:半边莲“味甘辛,性平。治毒蛇咬伤,捣烂敷患处”,类似例子,不胜枚举。二书在每味草药性味功效、主治功能、炮制或食疗方法等方面的记载,多有相似之处,证实了岭南草药在应用当中是有深厚的群众基础的,岭南民众对岭南草药性味功效是有共识的。第四,体现岭南草药简、便、廉、验的特点。我国医药家用药,倡导简、便、廉、验为原则,简是指组方简单,便是指得来方便,廉是指价格低廉,验是指有疗效。书当中所记载的草药与用药特点充分体现了简、便、廉、验的特点。2.不同点第一,二书对所记载的草药分类不同。萧步丹的《岭南采药录》对草药的分类方法与一般草药书有所不同,其体例效仿唐末五代药学家肖炳《四声本草》之法,以“平、上、去、入”四声相从分类,如此分类,对于研读是书者查考、检索草药更为方便。胡真的《山草药指南》对所记载的草药分类是按人体部位、按临床病证对药物进行分类,把生草药分为头面部药等65类,对指导草药的具体运用有一定帮助的。第二,对所记载的草药的植物学性状描述侧重不同。萧步丹的《岭南采药录》对于所记载的草药的植物学性状非常详细,将草药的根、茎、叶、花、果实以及种子都描述得非常清楚,这对于避免用药错误,是非常有必要的。而胡真的《山草药指南》则未重点描述所记载的草药的植物学性状,每一药下的各项内容不是面面俱到,行文更简洁。第三,《岭南采药录》记载了更多草药的地道产地。据统计,萧步丹的《岭南采药录》记载了60多种草药的产地,胡真的《山草药指南》记载了30多种草药的产地。我们发现,《岭南采药录》与《山草药指南》共有29种草药所记载的地道产地是一个地方,它们分别是:产于番禺的人字草,产于高州的高良姜等。中药材基地的选址是药材基地成功的最重要的一个因子,它包括基地的位置、走势、以及有无种植中药材的历史等,其中草药典籍中记载的草药产地便是有无种植中药材的历史。二书中对多种草药产地的记载对进一步开发新的中药生产基地,具有很好的文献参考的作用。第四,《山草药指南》比《岭南采药录》记载了更多草药与其它草药配伍使用的验方。萧步丹的《岭南采药录》基本是对单味草药的别名、应用、功效以及炮制或食疗方法的记载,对于所记载的草药与其它草药配伍使用的组方极少,而胡真的《山草药指南》记载了更多该草药与其它药物配伍应用的组方,据统计,《山草药指南》记载草药方剂有40多个,虽然有些组方只是简单地说明其组成,并未记录其用量以及指明其君臣佐使的配伍关系等,但是这也为有志于研究中医药文献或中药复方配伍组成者提供了新的课题来源。(三)阐述与发掘二书的学术价值与经济价值本论文除对名家医籍进行系统的整理研究外,还对二书记载的许多草药的独特的炮制或食疗方法,加以发掘参考,以期丰富中医“医食同源”内容。胡氏《山草药指南》记载了不少该草药与其它药物配伍应用的组方,这为现代中医临床治疗某些病症也提供了较好的组方参考等。二书均记载了众多对某种病症具有明显功效的草药,尤其是清热解毒功效的草药,例如,“金樱蔃”为洗疳疔痔疮之圣药等,为进一步开发之提供了重要的文献依据;另外,二书中对多种草药产地的记载对进一步开发新的中药生产基地,具有很好的文献参考的作用等。此均应为本研究课题经济价值之体现。四、结论岭南草药典籍的研究构成岭南医学研究不可缺少的重要一环。萧步丹《岭南采药录》、胡真《山草药指南》极大丰富了岭南医药学乃至中华本草药物学的内容。二书承前启后一脉相承,互为补充有所发展,是继清代岭南草药学家何克谏的《生草药性备要》以及赵寅谷的《本草求原》之后具有代表性的岭南草药著作,具有一定的学术价值、实用价值以及文献参考价值。本论文创新点:首次发掘整理民国时期萧步丹《岭南采药录》与胡真《山草药指南》,按照三类中医古籍简体字横排本进行校勘;较为系统的研究了二书所载的岭南草药种类、形态特征、性味功效、主治、临证应用的学术特点,并运用比较分析方法对二书学术异同点进行了比较研究。

【Abstract】 The grass and trees were very exuberant in the south of China, and lots of them could be herbal medicine. Lingnan’s physicians had accumulated rich experience in the long-term practice of using local herbs to prevent and cure diseases, and emerged many herbal medicine physicians and writings. For example He Kejian’s "Summary of Herbs Medicinal Properties" of PanYu City and Zhao Yingu’s "Essential of Herbal Medicine" of Xin Hui City in the period of Qing Dynasty. In the period of The Republic of China, Xiao Budan’s "Herbs Medicine of Lingnan" and Hu Zhen’s "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine" were very famous, and we found that no one systemized and studied both of them. In the period of investigation of Lingnan medical history, we got the copy of "Herbs Medicine of Lingnan" and "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine".In order to preserve the famous medical works, we decided to systemize and study both of them. Then we introduced briefly the purpose, method, content and result and conclusion of our research.1、Research purpose In the period of investigation of Lingnan medical works, we found that The existing Lingnan herbal works was not many, and part of them were systemized and studied by experts and scholars, for example Shang Zhijun had already revised Li Xun’s "Overseas Herbal Medicine" and Zhu Xiaoguang had already commented "Summary of Herbs Medicinal Properties", "Essential of Herbal Medicine", "Current Situation of Southern Vegetation" and so on. But we found that no one had systemized and studied Lingnan medical experts Xiao Budan’s "Herbs Medicine of Lingnan" and Hu Zhen’s "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine". "Herbs Medicine of Lingnan" and "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine" was published by Guangdong Science and Technology Press in 2009, but it belonged to original books that without being systemized. This two books were representative Lingnan herbal works in the period of The Republic of China, which had recorded a profound theory and rich practice, and they were very precious to offspring related research field. Many herbs in this two books played an important role in public health life, for example Huazhou Ju Hong, Gao Liang Jiang, Qing Tian Kui, Fei Yang Cao and Gou Gan Cai etc. Therefore it had theoretical significance and practical value that Studying the herbal medicine in this two books systematically, analysing their scholarly characteristics, combing their Lingnan herbal origins.2、Research Methods Literature research methods:first it was the research of the version of "Herbs Medicine of Lingnan" and "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine". Now it was what we got that "Herbs Medicine of Lingnan" was the copy version in 1932 and "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine" was the copy version in 1942, and the copy version of this two books were published by Guangdong Science and Technology Press in 2009. Secondly,it must be several times of duplicating and copying that the most existing classics could survived. In this period it was unavoidable that there were no mistake, simplification, leak and redundance. In order to close to original version we must systemize and study this two books. Thirdly,we referred to related literature research material to deeply analyse the academic characteristic of herbal classification, herbal efficacy, processing and dietotherapy methods etc in "Herbs Medicine of Lingnan" and "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine", compare their Similarities and differences of academic thought, expound their academic value, and reveal their use of literature reference in developing new herbal medicine and openning up new Chinese medicine production base. Interview survey methods:We must consult relevant Chinese clinical doctors or other experts in pharmaceutical industry to explore edition problem and academic characteristic of this two books, the application in the clinical of herbal medicine in this two books.Comparison and analysis methods:It helped the reader understand this two books through comparing their similarities and differences and analysing the academic characteristic of herbal classification, herbal efficacy, processing and dietotherapy methods etc in his two books.3、research content and result It mainly included three content and resultes in this paper.(1) Briefly introduced the life of Xiao Budan and Hu Zhen, version research and systemizing and study of this two books Xiao Budan and Hu Zhen were both medical experts of Lingnan in the period of The Republic of China. According to research data, this paper briefly introduced the life of Xiao Budan and Hu Zhen, version research and systemizing and study of this two books, The emphasis of systemizing and study to this two books was addition and modification of punctuation, notation and interpretations of more than 200 words of dialect, traditional Chinese, variant forms and rare charac etc.(2) Comparison and analysis research of this two books in academic characteristicAccording to the result of research, there were same and different characteristics in this two books. Same characteristics:First, the article was concise but the content was abundant. It was rare in China medical history that Xiao Budan’s "Herbs Medicine of Lingnan" and Hu Zhen’s "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine", but their content was abundant. There were more than 37000 words and 480 herbal medicine in "Herbs Medicine of Lingnan" and There were more than 51000 words and 640 herbal medicine in "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine". They were both assemble about Lingnan herbs. The secret of success of the article was concise but the content was abundant was that this two books wrote down the useful content and eliminated the useless content.The second, most of the herbal medicine was same and the efficacy of herbal medicine was eliminating toxic heat. This two books were the same period works about Lingnan herbs, so it was undoubtedly that most of the herbal medicine was same. According to our statistics,there were 328 herbal medicine in this two books, for example Bai Fo Sang etc. So it was very important to deeply study Lingnan culture origin of TCM through comparison and analysis research of this two books. Most of the efficacy of herbal medicine in this two books was eliminating toxic heat. It was well knowed that people belonged to where they were born and living. Generally speaking, the nature and flaour of Lingnan herbs was bitter and cold or cool, and most of the efficacy of herbal medicine was eliminating toxic heat, dredging and eliminating damp. All of these were suitable for the Lingnan people’s disease that resulted from geography, environment, climate or living habit.Thirdly, the description of herbal medicine were similar and complementary in the nature and flaour, efficacy, indications, processing and dietotherapy methods etc. For example, the description of Ban Bian Lian in "Herbs Medicine of Lingnan" was that the flaour was sweet and pungent, the nature was insipid, and it could cure biting by snake, remedy skin ulcer and swelling. It was well knowed that if you recognized Ban Bian Lian, you could sleep with snake. The description of Ban Bian Lian in "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine" was that the flaour was sweet and pungent, the nature was insipid, and it could cure biting by snake, it should be mashed up before cure diseases. The same example was many. It proved that Lingnan herbs had deep mass base and Lingnan people had consensus to the the nature, flaour and efficacy of Lingnan herbs. The fourth, both of this two books wrote down the characteristics of simpleness, convenience, cheapness and efficacy of Lingnan herbs. And what was principle that Chinese medical experts advocated. Simpleness referred to that the composition of prescription was simple. Convenience referred to that it was not difficult to get the herbal medicine. Cheapness referred to that the price of herbal medicine was not expensive. Efficacy referred to that the herbal medicine had Curative effect.Different characteristics: First, the classification of herbal medicine was different. The classification methods of herbal medicine in "Herbs Medicine of Lingnan" imitated Xiao Bing’s "Si Sheng Herbal Medicine" who was pharmacy experts in Tang Dynasty. This kind of classification methods helped the reader search Herbal Medicine. The 65 classification methods of herbal medicine in "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine" was according to parts of human body and clinical disease and syndrome. This kind of classification methods helped the specific use of herbal medicine.Secondly, the focus of description of botany properties of herbal Medicine was different. The description of botany properties of herbal Medicine was very detailed in "Herbs Medicine of Lingnan".It was described clearly that the root, stem, leaf, flowers, fruit and seeds of herbal Medicine.It was very important to avoid using herbal Medicine. But the description of botany properties of herbal Medicine was not detailed in "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine" whose article was concise and focused on describing the efficacy of herbal Medicine.Thirdly, there were more authentic origin of herbal Medicine in "Herbs Medicine of Lingnan".According to our statistics, there were more than 60 herbal Medicine who had authentic origin in "Herbs Medicine of Lingnan", but about 30 in "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine".We found that there were 29 herbal Medicine who had same authentic origin in this two books, for example Ren Zi Cao growed in Pan Yu city and Gao Liang Jiang growed in Gao Zhou city etc. It was most important factor to the success of medicinal material base that the choose of address of Chinese herbal medicine base.It included the position, trends and the history of planting herbal medicine etc that the choose of address of Chinese herbal medicine base. And the history of planting herbal medicine referred to the authentic origin of herbal Medicine wrote in herbal classics. It was a very good references and did help develop new medicinal material base that the authentic origin of herbal medicine wrote in Herbal classics.The fourth, there were more effective prescriptions in "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine". It focused on the records of single herbal medicine and there were little records of effective prescriptions in "Herbs Medicine of Lingnan". According to our statistics, there were more than 40 effective prescriptions in "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine". Although some prescriptions only told us the composition and did not told us the dosage and the compatibility relations of herbal medicine, it provided new source of subject for the people who was interested in the research of TCM literature or the Compatibility relations of herbal medicine.(3) Elaborating and excavations the Academic value and Economic value of this two booksIn order to rich the content of TCM that the herbs and food were the same source, this paper excavated unique processing and dietotherapy methods of herbal medicine in this two books except the Systemizing and Study to both of them. It provided good reference for TCM clinical that there were more effective prescriptions in "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine".There were many effective herbal medicine that had special functions in this two books, specifically the efficacy of eliminating toxic heat, for example Jin Ying Qiang who was the divine herbal medicine in treating hemorrhoids etc. All of these were the important literature basis in further exploitation of this two books. In addition, it helped develop new medicinal material base that there were many authentic origin of herbal medicine in this two books, and what was the economic value of this paper.4、Conclusion It was indispensable important constituent part of Lingnan medical research that the research of Lingnan herbal classics. Xiao Budan’s "Herbs Medicine of Lingnan" and Hu Zhen’s "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine" greatly riched the content of Lingnan medicine even the content of Chinese herbal medicine. "Herbs Medicine of Lingnan" and "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine" were representative works about Lingnan herbal medicine after He Kejian’s "Summary of Herbs Medicinal Properties" and Zhao Yingu’s "Essential of Herbal Medicine" in the period of Qing Dynasty. And the relationship of this two books was inherited and complementary and they had Academic, practical and documentary value.It was the innovation point of this paper that this paper was the first time to collate "Herbs Medicine of Lingnan" and "Guide of Mountain Herbs Medicine" who were famous works in The Period of The Republic of China, according to the methods of collating third kind of Chinese ancient works. This paper systematically studied the Academic characteristic in the species, morphological characteristics, efficacy, function and clinical application of herbal medicine in this two books, and compwered and analysed the same and different characteristics of this two books.


