

The Contribution of 《Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing》 on the Development of Anti-tumor Medicine

【作者】 林铭堉

【导师】 周岱翰;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 中西医结合临床, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 研究目的:在现代最令人们恐惧且束手无策者,莫过于癌症了,随着人类寿命的延长,肿瘤的发病率与死亡率持续上升,2007年38个中国肿瘤登记地区恶性肿瘤发病率为276.16/10万,恶性肿瘤依然是威胁我国居民健康的重大疾病。全世界的专家学者,莫不极力寻找有效的药物。《神农本草经》乃我中华民族现存最古老的医典之一,她反映了东汉以前药物学术经验及其成就。为我国药物学的发展做出了巨大的贡献,是中医药理论体系形成的四大标志之一。她奠定了中药学基础,中药理论体系便由此发生、发展而成,为一门独立的分支学科。对中药学的发展产生深远影响,至今仍对中医各二级学科,特别是中医抗肿瘤中药的研发具有很大的实用价值。故期望透过整理《神农本草经》抗肿瘤中药的研究来抛砖引玉,以便利人们对抗肿瘤中药的研发,以减少人类的病痛,在延长人类生命及改善生存质量有所贡献。研究方法:1.选定《神农本草经》版本。目前《神农本草经》版本诸多,经再三比较其内容,本经部份是否完备及编辑方式是否正确,确定以张登本主编之《神农本草经》全注全译为本研究之主要参考本。并简单介绍中医肿瘤学的基本内容,以方便后面《神农本草经》药物分述的开展。2.本文所摘录研究之中药选定是依据:1)《神农本草经》各药原文中载有肿瘤相关病症,如症瘕、积聚、痈疽、肿瘤之中药。2)现代有关肿瘤的书籍:①周岱翰教授主编的《临床中医肿瘤学》,②刘春安、彭明主编的《抗癌中药大词典》,两书中记载与《神农本草经》共同之中药,作为本研究之素材。将选取出的中药按肿瘤常用治疗法则分为六大类。每药按《神农本草经》原文、来源、性味归经、功效、临床应用、化学成分、现代药理、临床研究八个部分,将相关文献中的资料整理归纳陈列,传统论述与现代医学对该药的相关记载,相互对照,作为临床研究治疗之参考。3.尝试归纳《神农本草经》抗肿瘤中药在常见肿瘤治疗中的运用;以及对某些常用、疗效显著的抗肿瘤中药进行深入、详细的介绍,包括详细的抗癌成分、抗癌药理、抗癌临床应用和现代剂型。结果:1.中医肿瘤学是运用中医学理论和方法,研究肿瘤疾病发生、发展及其防治规律的专门学科,其学术内容涵盖肿瘤的病因学、发病学、中医四诊在肿瘤早期诊断及判断预后中的应用等。中医肿瘤学作为中医学的重要分支,形成一门以中医特色为主的独特学术体系。中医肿瘤学有完整的中医肿瘤命名、病因、病机和辨证论治体系。2.《神农本草经》为我国最早的药物学专着,大约成书于西汉至东汉时期。文章讨论了《神农本草经》书名的来由,介绍了《神农本草经》目前各种辑本的情况。《本经》首创上、中、下三品分类法。三品分类法是基于当时人们对药物性能、功效和临床应用而得出的。此种分法对汉代及其以前按“草木虫石谷”“五药”分类法有所发展,并对后世本草学家对药分类法的形成提供了可资借鉴的经验和启发作用。随着本草分支学科的发展,后世医家发展了三品分类法,不断完善本草的分类法,如纲目分类法、或按功效治法分类法则等。本文选取目前临床较常使用且抗肿瘤功效较好之中药共115味(上品43味,中品45味,下品27味),按常见肿瘤常见治法活血化瘀法、化痰祛湿法、软坚散结法、以毒攻毒法、扶正固本法,将上述中药重新分类为:清热解毒类:干地黄、龙胆、白英、黄连、茵陈蒿、槐实、苍耳子、栝蒌根、苦参、茈胡、百合、知母、黄芩、茅根、紫草、败酱、地榆、牡丹、石苇、栀子、孽木、羚羊角、牛黄、大黄、草蒿、贯众、白头翁、羊桃、蓝实。活血化瘀类:薄黄、卷柏、丹参、徐长卿、王不留行、牡桂、麝香、木香、川芎、芍药、紫葳、桃核仁。化痰祛湿类:滑石、菖蒲、车前子、干姜、瞿麦、贝母、白芷、紫苑、橘柚、白鲜皮、枳实、厚朴、猪苓、五加皮、杏仁、白僵蚕、半夏、桔梗、旋复花、射干、泽漆、皂荚。软坚散结类:牡蛎、海藻、鳖甲、泽兰、乌贼骨、夏枯草、连翘、蜚虻。以毒攻毒类:雄黄、露蜂房、附子、莨菪子、芫花、鬼臼、巴豆、瓜蒂、斑猫、水蛭、虾蟆、(?)虫、甘遂、商陆。扶正固本类:人参、天门冬、甘草、菟丝子、女萎、麦门冬、薯蓣、薏苡仁、石斛、巴戟天、赤芝、黄芪、肉苁蓉、续断、五味子、枸杞、茯苓、杜仲、桑上寄生、女贞实、大枣、阿胶、龟甲、当归、元参、淫羊藿、狗脊、山茱萸、龙眼、鹿茸。每味中药按“本经内容、来源、性味归经、功效、临床应、化学成分、现代药理、临床研究”详细论述。3.详细介绍了《神农本草经》所载中药在肺癌、鼻咽癌、乳腺癌、食管癌、胃癌、大肠癌、原发性肝癌、子宫颈癌、卵巢癌、恶性淋巴瘤常见肿瘤中的临床应用;特别介绍了《神农本草经》里当前常用抗癌中药:苦参、青黛(蓝实)、雄黄、赤芝、黄芪、人参、斑蝥、蟾蜍的抗癌成分、抗癌药理、临床应用和现代新剂型。

【Abstract】 Study objective:In modern society, the most fear and helpless disease for peole is cancer. With the extension of life expectancy, cancer incidence and mortality continue to rise. In 2007, cancer incidence of 38 Cancer Registry region in China was 276.16/10 million. Cancer remains a major threat to the health of people in China. Experts and scholars around the world, devoting great effort to find effective drugs to cure cancer.《Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing》is the oldest Chinese medical books, it reflects the previous academic experience and achievements in the Eastern Han Dynasty.It made a great contribution to the development of China’s pharmacy, and is one of the four signs that predict Chinese medicine theoretical system formed. The book laid a foundation for chinese herbal, then chinese herbal develop into an independent branch of medicine. So the book influence deeply in the development of chinese herbal. Now, it has great practical value on reseach about anti-cancer medicine. Our study hopes that through organizing anti-tumor medicine in "Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing" to facilitate the research on developing anti-cancer medicine, in order to reduce human illness and extend human life and contribute to improving the quality of life.Method:1. Selected《Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing》version:The current version are too much, by repeatedly comparing the contents, editing way. We determine use《Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing》to do the study. At the same time, we will briefly describes the basic content of TCM oncology to facilitate the posterior study. 2. Selected anti-tumor herbals and divided them into six categories on the basis of cancer treatment rules. original, source, character, taste, efficacy, clinical applications, chemical composition, pharmacological and clinical studies of every herbal are displayed, Traditional and modern research about the drug can be cross-refered, It will supply reference treatment for clinical research.3. According to clinical research and clinical application in《Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing》. Induction "Shen Nong Ben Cao Ting" anti-tumor medicine, and detailed description, which can be used by cancer medicine for reference.Result:1. Chinese medical Oncology is a special subjects which use traditional Chinese medicine theory and methods to study the development and control law of tumor diseases.It cover the tumor etiology, pathogenesis, four diagnostic in early diagnosis of tumor. As an important branch of Chinese medicine, It forms the unique characteristics of the academic system of traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese medical Oncology has a complete TCM oncology name, etiology, pathogenesis and diagnosis and treatment system.2. As the earliest monograph on the drug,《Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing》formulate from the Western Han Dynasty to the Eastern Han Dynasty. Article discussed the the reason behind the title, introduced the "Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic series, now in this situation.《The Classic》creat the first, middle and lower third grade classification method.It based on understanding ofpeople on the pharmaceutical properties, efficacy and clinical application. This kind of classification promote the Han Dynasty "worm grass Point Valley, " "Five drug " classification. And it provides a valuable experience for later generations. With the development of herbal medicine disciplines, Later generations develop the third grade classification. Our study select 118 most commonly used herbal medicine(43 top grade,48 middle grade,27 low-grade), According to common law rule used in curing tumor, such as Blood circulation method, phlegm expel wet, Endometriosis law, fire with fire method, solid centralizer Law, we reclassification of the above medicine:Reduce fever remove poison kind:Dry yellow, gentian, white British, berberine, Artemisia, Cassia real, fruit, Gualou root, Sophora, Xiaochaihu, lily, Anemarrhena, skullcap, Chine, Lithospermum, Patrina, acid pulp, Purple parameters, Burnet, peony, Shi Wei, gardenia, evil trees, Morus alba, antelope horn, bezoar, rhubarb, grass Artemisia, Guanzhong, Pulsatilla, Yang Tao, blue solidCirculate Blood kind:Thin yellow, selaginella, danshen, king XuChangQing, not line, whit guangxi and musk, woody, xiong, peony, purple Veda, peach nucleoli.Expectorant and remove wet kind:Talc, calamus CheQianZi, dry ginger, burt wheat, fritillary, a. dahurica asters, orange, the essential pomelo, skin, acid-insoluble ash, magnolia officinalis, pigs), WuJiaPi, almond, white JiangCan, sprouting, balloonflower, screw after flowers, shoot to dry, ze lacquer, hard.softening hardness to dissipate stagnation kind:Oysters, seaweed, turtle shell and ze LAN, squid bone, selfheal, fructus forsythiae, Meng consummate.combat poison with poison kind:XiongHuang, revealing the hive, aconite, hyoscyamus Niger 1, ghost son, and BaDou genkwanin mortar, getty, melons, spot cats, leeches, HaMa, centrifugal, Ian hence, shang worm land.enhance organism kind:Ginseng,30%-50%, liquorice, dodder, female withering MaiMenDong, diosgenin, kindhearted, YiRen, stone duhu, morinda officinalis how, included, astragalus, c. deserticola, renewal break, fructus schisandrae, medlar, tuckahoe, eucommia, mulberry parasitic, privet real, the donkey-hide gelatine, tortoise-shell, Chinese date, angelica, yuan participation, barrenwort, dog ridge, dogberry, longan, velvet antler. according to this source, sexual flavour to the, effect, clinical should, chemical composition, modern pharmacology, clinical research, each medicine was presented.3. Detailed application of traditional Chinese medicinein of《Shen Nong Ben Cao jing》in lung cancer, breast cancer, esophageal, nasopharyngeal carcinoma stomach cancer, colon cancer, primary liver cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, non-hodgkin’s lymphoma in linical. Emphasis on anti-cancer properties, anticancer pharmacology, clinical application and the modern new dosage form of Sophora flavescens, green Diane (blue real), XiongHuang, included, astragalus, ginseng, BanMao, toads in《Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing》

【关键词】 神农本草经肿瘤抗癌中药
【Key words】 《Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing》TumorAnticancer medicine
  • 【分类号】R281.2;R287
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】2484

