

Physical and Chemical Effect Differences of Artemisia from Different Years

【作者】 戚曙光

【导师】 李万瑶;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 艾草的应用在我国有着悠久的历史。中医认为艾叶苦燥辛散,能理气血、温经脉、逐寒湿、止冷痛,艾叶预防瘟疫已有几千年的历史,中草药可以就地取材,且现代医学的药理研究表明艾叶是一种广谱抗菌抗病毒的药物,它对多种病毒和细菌都有抑制和杀伤作用,对呼吸系统疾病有一定的防治作用。灸法或称灸疗,是祖国医学中的重要组成部分,是我国古代劳动人民长期与疾病作斗争的一大经验总结,是一种防治疾病、强身健体的医疗方法。灸疗使用艾绒或其他药物放置体表的腧穴或疼痛处烧灼、温熨,借灸火的温和热力及药物作用,通过经络的传导,以温通经脉、调和气血、协调阴阳、扶正祛邪,达到治疗疾病、防病保健、养生美容之功效。灸法很早就被人们所重视,由于其安全性高、无毒副作用、养生保健,因此流传很广。现代医疗方法应用的推广是以疗效作为前提的,而疗效又是通过药性及作用量来获得的。本文从灸材入手,通过实验手段对艾叶药理特性进行分析,以期为艾灸的机制研究和提高艾灸疗法的有效性提供数据支持。通过对不同年份蕲艾绒挥发油的成分进行测定,来检测艾灸疗法对于小鼠痛阈及疲劳恢复的影响,并观察温和灸下的人体体表温度变化,从温度角度探讨不同灸材影响灸效的意义。实验一用气相色谱-质谱法研究不同年份艾绒(1年和5年)挥发油含量,比较不同年份艾绒挥发油的组分;实验二将实验小鼠随机分为6组:空白对照组、1年艾灸组、5年艾组、挥发油A组(1年艾组)、挥发油B组(5年艾组)、阳性组,以观察不同处理方法对小鼠热板镇痛实验痛阈值的影响;实验三将实验小鼠随机分为5组:空白对照组、1年艾灸组、5年艾组、挥发油A组(1年艾组)、挥发油B组(5年艾组),以观察不同处理方法对小鼠游泳实验中游泳时间的影响;临床研究方法:按照随机分组的方法将90例受试者分成3组:1年艾组30例、3年艾组30例、5年艾组30例。分别测量3种不同年份(1年、3年、5年)温和灸施灸右侧肺俞穴位的体表温度,对施灸前、施灸过程中(2分钟、4分钟、6分钟、8分钟、10分钟)穴表面温度变化进行比较,并调查了解受试者在不同温和灸过程中的舒适感及接受度。不同年份艾绒的挥发油化学成份分析:1年蕲艾和5年蕲艾的挥发油组分分析比较:1年艾中发现52种化学成分,5年艾中发现50种化学成分;1年艾中挥发油含量较5年艾多。小鼠镇痛实验分析:干预前各组热痛阂值比较,差异无统计学意义(p>0.05)干预后,组间方差分析比较,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05),进行两两比较,与空白组比较,西药组、艾灸组以及挥发油组,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05);与西药组比较,艾灸组以及挥发油组,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05);与艾灸A组比较,艾灸B组及挥发油组,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05);艾灸B组、挥发油A、B组间比较,差异无统计学意义(p>0.05)。小鼠抗疲劳试验分析:干预前各组小鼠力竭时间值比较,差异无统计学意义(p>0.05)干预后,组间方差分析比较,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05),进行两两比较,与空白组比较,艾灸组及挥发油组,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05);艾灸A、B组比较,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05);挥发油A、B组比较,差异无统计学意义(p>0.05);艾灸A组与挥发油A组比较,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05);艾灸B组与挥发油B组比较,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05)。临床研究:三组受试者在年龄、性别构成方面比较均无显著性差异(p>0.05),提示三组的一般情况具有可比性。施灸前,各组体表温度无显著性差异(p>0.05)。与1年艾相比,3年艾除在施灸4分钟、8分钟有显著性差异(p<0.05),其他时间点无显著性差异(p>0.05);与1年艾相比,5年艾在各个时间点都有显著性差异(p<0.05)。与3年艾相比,5年艾在各个时间点均有显著性差异(p<0.05)。以上三种艾条组内任两个时间点的比较均有显著性差异(p<0.05)。舒适度方面,三组间舒适度比较有显著性差异(p<0.05),1年艾组与3年艾组组间舒适度比较无显著性差异(p>0.05),1年艾组与5年艾组组间舒适度比较有显著性差异(p<0.05),3年艾组与5年艾组组间舒适度比较有显著性差异(p<0.05)。接受度方面,1年艾与3年艾相比无显著性差异(p>0.05),1年艾与5年艾相比有显著性差异(p<0.05),3年艾与5年艾相比有显著性差异(p<0.05)。1.不同年份艾绒的挥发油化学成份分析:结果显示,不同年份蕲艾绒挥发油组分基本相同,但其含量有较差别:年份越久、艾绒比例越高,易挥发成分的相对含量越少,难挥发成分含量越多。表明蕲艾叶及艾绒挥发油成分基本是安全的。陈年高比例艾绒挥发油以难挥发成分为主,如刺柏脑、石竹素、石竹烯等,这些难挥发物质可能就是艾灸时的有效成分。结果表明两种样品组分基本一致,但挥发油含量不同,5年比1年含量少;且挥发油成分中的难挥发性物质含量相对较多。2.小鼠镇痛实验分析:艾灸组与挥发油组均能显著增加实验小鼠的痛阈值,不同年份艾条灸疗,产生的镇痛作用有差异,5年艾优于1年艾;不同年份艾绒挥发油通过呼吸道产生的镇痛作用差异不明显;同一年份艾,艾条艾灸与艾绒挥发油的镇痛作用比较,1年艾挥发油优于艾灸,5年艾灸组与5年艾挥发油组的镇痛效果差异不明显。3.小鼠抗疲劳试验分析:艾灸组与挥发油组均能显著增加小鼠游泳力竭时间。不同年份艾条灸疗,产生的抗疲劳作用有差异,5年艾优于1年艾;不同年份艾绒挥发油通过呼吸道产生的抗疲劳作用差异不明显;同一年份艾,艾条艾灸与艾绒挥发油呼吸道的抗疲劳作用有差异,艾灸疗法优于艾绒挥发油。4.临床实验部分:1年艾燃烧速度要快于3年艾和5年艾。穴位局部皮肤温升速度以1年艾最快,3年艾次之,5年艾最慢。5年艾火力柔和,渗透力强,患者舒适度和接受度都明显高于1年艾组和3年艾组。提示5年艾更容易被受试者接受可能因其艾绒含量较高,挥发油含量较少,所以火力较柔和,温度上升较缓慢,而温度缓慢上升则避免了因温度快速上升而造成的对皮肤的刺激,所以患者舒适度评分较高;当然也有可能跟艾叶里的难挥发性物质有关。

【Abstract】 The application of Asiatic wormwood has a centuries-old history in China. Chinese medicine thinks that Asiatic wormwood can recuperate QI and blood, warm meridian and channel, drive out cold and dampness, and stop crymodynia. Asiatic wormwood has a long history in preventing pestilence. The pharmacology research of Modern medicine indicates that Asiatic wormwood is a broad spectrum antibiosis medicine. Asiatic wormwood can restrain various virus and germ, and can prevent and cure some respiratory system diseases.The moxibustion or moxa treatment is an important part of national medicine. It is a rich experience of ancient Chinese Laboring people drawing from long period’s battles against the disease. And it is a kind of treatment, which can prevent and cure disease and make people stronger and healthier. The moxibustion burns the acupoint or the pain-point through moxa or other medicines to warm meridian and channel, recuperate QI and blood, Coordinate yin and yang, and strengthen body resistance and eliminating evil. The moxibustion has the function of curing diseases, preventing diseases, keeping in good health and improving looks. People pay attention to the moxibustion for a long time.Because of it’s high safety and functions of keeping in good health and improving looks, the moxibustion is spreaded widely. Now the curative effect is a prerequisite to the application and dissemination of treatment. The effect appears through natural capacity of medicine and proper amount of application.This subject starting from the moxibustion material through experiment method to analyze moxa pharmacological characteristics. By this way, we want to provide some data support to the mechanism of moxibustion study and improve the effectiveness of moxibustion therapy.Objective:Through the Artemisia Argyi of different years from Qichun volatile constituents, to detect the determination of moxibustion therapy pain threshold and fatigue in mice. And observe the influence of the human body surface temperature under mild moxibustion change from different perspectives, and explore different moxibustion material effect significance from the aspect of temperature.Method:Experiment 1:through the research different years of moxa wool (1-year and 5-year)volatile oil content by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, comparing different years of moxa wool components.Experiment 2:Laboratory mice divided into six groups as follows:control group, 1-year of Ai group, Naphtha group A,5-year of Ai group, Naphtha group B, positive group, and observe different hot plate processing methods of analgesic experiments in mice pain threshold value influence.Experiment 3:Laboratory mice divided into five groups as follows:control group, 1-year of Ai, Naphtha group A, 5-year of Ai, Naphtha group B, and observe influence from different processing methods of mice swimming in the experiment.Clinical Research:The 90 volunteers randomly devided into three groups as follow:one-year 30 cases of Ai, three-year 30 cases of Ai, five-year 30 cases of Ai.Acupoint surface temperatures of three different years of warming moxibustion (1-year,3-year,5-year) were measured in 90 volunteers, and then a comparison of surface temperature changes in right acupoint(Feishu) was made among pre-moxibustion, moxibustion-processing(2、4、6、8、10min). The sense of comfort and the acceptance of the moxibustion were surveyed after the experiment.Results:Different years of moxa wool the chemical composition of essential oil analysis:The volatile oil composition analysis comparison were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS):1-year of Ai found 52 species chemical composition, 5-year of Ai found 50 kinds of chemical composition; 1-year of Ai elliott volatile oil content is in more than 5-year of Ai.The mice of analgesia experiments analysis:Comparing with all groups before treatment, there was no significant difference(p>0.05). Comparing with the control group after treatment, positive group, moxibustion group and naphtha group all have significant differences (P<0.05); Comparing with the positive group, moxibustion group and naphtha group have significant differences (P<0.05); Comparing with the moxibustion group A, moxibustion group B and naphtha group have significant differences (P<0.05);naphtha group A compared naphtha group B with no significant difference (p>0.05); moxibustion group B, naphtha group A and naphtha group B all have no significant difference (p>0.05).The mice of resist to fatigue test analysis:Comparing with all groups before treatment, there was no significant difference(p>0.05). Comparing with the control group after treatment, naphtha group and moxibustion group all have significant differences (p<0.05); moxibustion group A compared with moxibustion group B have significant differences (p<0.05); naphtha group A compared naphtha group B have no significant difference (p>0.05); moxibustion group A compared with naphtha group A have significant difference (p<0.05);moxibustion group B compared with naphtha group B have significant difference (p<0.05).Comprehensive clinical observation:three groups of participants in age and sex showed no significant difference(p>0.05), suggesting that the general situation of the three groups were comparable. There was no significant difference among the three groups before moxibustion (p>0.05).There was significant difference between 1-year of Ai and 3-year of Ai at the point of 4 and 8(p<0.05).There was significant difference between 1-year of Ai and 5-year of Ai at any point (p<0.05). The difference in temperature between 3-year of Ai and 5-year of Ai was significant(p<0.05).The differences in comfort standards among the three groups were significant(p<0.05). There was no significant difference in comfort standards between 1-year of Ai and 3-year of Ai while there was significant difference between 1-year of Ai and 5-year of Ai. Compared with 3-year Ai,5-year Ai had significant difference (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in acceptance between 1-year of Ai and 3-year of Ai(p>0.05). There was significant difference between 1-year of Ai and 5-year of Ai(p<0.05). Compared with 3-year of Ai,5-year of Ai had significant difference.Conclusion:1.Analysis about essential oil of Different years moxa:the chemical composition was similar between 1-year of Ai and 5-year of Ai, but the contents were different。The flammable fraction in 1-year of Ai was more than that in 5-year of Ai. The involatile fractions were more in 5-year of Ai, and these fractions may be the valid element.2. The mice of analgesia experiments analysis:Moxibustion group and control group were significantly higher volatile caused glacial acetic acid in mice pain threshold, but compared with the positive group,the effect was a bit poor; moxibustion group B was better than moxibustion group A to ascend the pain threshold of mice, volatile oils group B was better than volatile group A in ascending the pain threshold of mice. It suggested that the contents of involatile fractions may be the cause of ascending the pain threshold of mice.3. The mice of resist to fatigue test analysis:Comparing with the control group, naphtha group and moxibustion group all had significant differences, and suggested naphtha and moxibustion could make tired mice get recovery rapidly; moxibustion group B compared with moxibustion group A had significant difference (p<0.05). It can be concluded that 5-year of Ai had fewer flammable fractions than 1-year of Ai, so the penetration 5-year of Ai was better than 1-year of Ai.4. Clinical experiment:The burning speed of 1-year of Ai was the fastest of the three groups.1-year of Ai can raised the temperature of the point fastest. The comfort standards and acceptance standards of 5-year of Ai were higher than 1-year of Ai, and higher than 3-year of Ai, too. The volatile oil of 5-year of Ai was scarce, and the moxa was rich, so the temperature of 5-year of Ai raised gently, and the score of comfort standards was the highest; and maybe the involatile fractions resulted in the highest comfort standards of the subjucts.

【关键词】 挥发油镇痛抗疲劳温度
【Key words】 ArtemisiaNalgesiaEssential OilAnti-fatigueTemperture
  • 【分类号】R246
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】473

