

Empirical Research on Scientific Thinking Training

【作者】 米广春

【导师】 王祖浩;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学科教育, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 知识经济时代呼唤具有创造精神的人才,这对学校教育提出了新的要求,作为重要组成部分的科学教育,也需要顺应时代潮流,在知识和技能的传授之外,思考学生科学思维的培养。在此背景下,本研究综合心理学、学习科学、科学教育等相关研究成果展开跨学科研究,在辨析科学思维概念的基础上,追溯科学思维培养目标的转变,构建以科学思维为核心的科学课程目标体系,并基于生理学和心理学有关科学思维培养基础的认识,构建MBD教学模式,以“物质的粒子模型”知识为依托,在科学课堂中开展模型建构项目学习的实证研究,旨在促进初中生6年级学生科学思维的发展。本论文主体包括两大部分共八章展开研究,第一部分是有关科学思维培养的理论探讨,由前三章组成,第二部分是科学思维培养的实践研究,包括第四至第八章。具体如下:第一章从分析一般思维概念入手,进而定义并辨析科学思维概念,最后讨论智力、能力和科学思维培养等相关概念及其关系。本章主要解答了“科学思维是什么?”的研究问题。第二章从历史的角度回答了“为什么要培养学生的科学思维?”这一问题,通过回顾“形式教育”和“实质教育”的演变,梳理国际(主要是美国)科学教育目标的演变历史,建构了以科学思维培养为核心的科学课程目标体系。第三章主要解决有关思维(科学思维)是否可教的争论,结合生理学和心理学的研究成果,本研究认为个体的思维(科学思维)发展具有生理的硬件基础和心理的软件适应性,因此,思维(科学思维)是可以通过恰当的培养方式而发展的。第四章开始进入科学思维培养的实证研究部分。第一节根据前三章有关科学思维培养的理论探讨总结了进行实证研究的理论思路,包括以多变量因果系统的逐级完善为指向;以知识、技能、价值的整合发展为目标;以学生生理和心理发展特点为基础。基于此设计了实证研究的过程,并分别进行了被试选择、变量说明、学习内容确立、学习过程规划以及评价工具的选择与开发等方面的说明。最终,有关科学思维培养的实证研究将在学校科学常规课堂中进行,目标对象为6年级学生,采用MBD教学模式,进行“物质的粒子模型”的学习,共分为7个课时,最终效果将由测验、课堂观察、临床访谈以及植入性调查等手段进行检验。第五章本章主要阐述了MBD教学模式的构建过程及结果。MBD教学模式主要分为四步,分别是研究原型、构造模型、应用模型和返回原型;相应的,学生活动分为学习定位、建立模型、迁移应用和优化拓展;教师活动分为启思设疑、协调构建、启迪应用和总结评价。本章还分析了MBD教学模式在具体教学实践中的应用课型。第六章重点进行了科学思维测量工具的开发。以Rasch模型以及测量建构的“四基石”模型为理论基础设计前、后测验卷项目,并采用Bond&Fox Steps软件对前、后测试卷进行了信度和效度方面的质量检验。结果表明,前、后测试卷具有较高的信度和效度,能够反映测量的心理特质。第七章主要分析和讨论了科学思维内容的培养结果,表明,MBD教学模式能够有效的促进学生对“物质的粒子模型”相关知识的理解和学习,女生学习效果优于男生,学优生学习效果明显。教学实践后,实验组被试建模水平和模型解释水平有了大幅度提升,但也存在容易忽视系统中背景因素的缺陷。第八章对科学思维过程进行的结果分析,表明,学优生被试的科学思维过程更加缜密,能够提出有效的研究假设,具有“证实倾向”,能够有效地控制变量。访谈显示,学生原有知识结构也即科学思维的内容能够影响学生科学思维的过程。基于此,总结了具体情境中的科学思维过程模型。本论文结论与反思部分重点梳理了本研究的研究结论,并从实验效果和教师两个层面进行了研究反思。

【Abstract】 The era of knowledge economy calls for people with creative spirits, which makes new requirements to school education. As an important component, science education, in addition to imparting knowledge and skills, also needs to adapt to the times and consider cultivate students’scientific thinking. On the basis of analysis of scientific thinking, tracing the transition of the goal of cultivating scientific thinking, this study combines psychology, learning science, science education and other related research results to develop an interdisciplinary research. It set up science curriculum with scientific thinking as the core aim and built MBD teaching model based on the knowledge of physiology and psychology related scientific thinking. It carried out empirical study about the learning of modeling construction in science classroom to facilitate the 6th grade students’scientific thinking.This dissertation has eight chapters, which is divided into two parts, theoretic discussion and empirical research.In the first chapter, the author defined the key concepts, such as thinking and scientific thinking, discussed the relationship with other concepts. So this chapter solved the first question that what scientific thinking is. It is the definition and summary of the concepts for the entire dissertation."Why should the students’ scientific thinking be cultured?’ is the second question which was answered in the second chapter. The author reviewed the history of formal education and material education, analyzed the changes in science education aims, and construted a system of science curriculum objectives with the scientific thinking as its core.Chapter three was drivened by the argument that whether scientific thinking could be cultured. This dissertation stood the point that scientific thinking chould be cultured by proper method because its development had the physiological bases and psychological adaptability based on the study in physiology and psychology.Chapter four turned to the empirical investigation of the dissertation. The theoretical framework, which referred to completing the students’mental causal model, targeting the students’development in knowledge, skills and value, and basing on the students’physiological and psychological condition, was summarized in the first lesson. Then this chapter designed the whole process of the empirical investigation, which contained the subject, variables, contents, learning process, and evaluation. Around 180 students of grade 6 in Shanghai attended the empirical study, and half of them used the MBD teaching model during their 7-lesson study about the particle model of matter. Test, interview, classroom observation and embedded observation were used as the measurement tool.Chapter five constructed the MBD teaching model, which consists of four steps. The first step is studying phenomenon, the second step is constructing model, the third step is using model, and the last step is returning phenomenon. Each step corresponds student activity and teacher activity.Chapter six focused on the development of the test. The author designed pre-test and post-test based on the Rasch model and Wiloson’ "Four Building Blocks". This two tests were analyzed by the software Bond & Fox Steps. The results indicated that these two tests were in high quality.All the data were analyzed and discussed in chapter seven and chapter eight. Chapter seven focused on the discussion of the content of the students’scientific thinking. The results proclaimed that MBD teaching model could promote students" understanding of the particle model of matter, female students could get more benefit from MBD teaching model than male students, and the students in high level had more progress. Meanwhile, the experiment group has progression in modeling and explaination. However, all the students were inclined to ignore the unimportant variables of the system.Chapter eight analyzed the experiment group students’ process of scientific thinking. The author compared interview results of the students from different level, which indicated that top learners were much better than poor students in their performance.Based on the work in theoretical and empirical study, the author summarized the conclusion and gave the reflection in the last part.

  • 【分类号】G632.0
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2410

