

Possibility and Limitation

【作者】 赵双花

【导师】 杨扬;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 抗战时期,受特殊的地理、政治、文化等环境因素影响,国统区出现了一批具有强烈抒情色彩的小说。它们彰显了战时作家不懈的艺术探索精神,代表了现代文学发展的新趋向。本文从最具有艺术个性特征的抒情角度入手,深度分析其形成的可能性及存在的局限性。抒情,在这里,不仅是一种文体风格,还是一种理想、意志,甚至是一种意识形态,潜含着变革现实的美学能量。论文首先对抗战时期国统区小说中的抒情写作做了整体描述、分析,在此基础上,厘析出最具有代表性的四种情感形态,即寂寞、激进、和谐与超越。这四种情感形态既各具特色又相互映衬,共同体现了作家为民族前途打开可能的新历史面向而做出的种种努力。寂寞的情感形态对应着启蒙的叙事主题。在对现代启蒙思想的坚持或反思中,作家坚持以个人的生命体验书写内心的真实感受。将个体解放的人生主题置于民族解放的语境中,作品流露出的寂寞情绪体现了追求这种社会理想的难度,也因此承载了深厚的社会意义。对五四启蒙思想的片面性解读、传统文化资源的匮乏以及就个体经验的偏执等等都是这种情感抒发最终转向或休止的原因,同时也说明了战时环境中启蒙力量的有限性。激进的情感特征对应着战斗的叙事主题。作家的本意是以激进的主观姿态突入到现实的战斗,在波澜壮阔的情感书写中做成时代的史诗,在主观与客观的完美结合中把握历史的本质。但是,这种激情所爆发的美学能量远远逾越了理性的规约,在文本中跃居主体地位。同时,这种情感所体现的政治能量隐隐威胁着政党权力的顺利运作,而遭到排斥。另外,在创作中对政治意识的主动邀约以及作家自身思想的薄弱等因素使得这情感在节奏上呈现出一种回旋性特征。战斗的姿态最终成就的是一种悲壮的美感。和谐的情感形式对应着唯美的叙事主题。物我相融、天人合一的和谐美感一直是作家的抒情理想,它体现出一种将情感看成历史之恒常的观念,与事功相对。以情纬文,使其担当起民族命运重建的重任,现代知识分子以志明道。但是,抗战时期社会变动非常剧烈,常与变的交错严重失衡。因此,在作品中和谐与焦虑并存。情感的抒发也最终走向抽象、虚空的象征层面。另外,这种抒情方式所潜含的变革力量不见容于主流意识形态,再加上其抒情理想内部存在着自反之处等因素,作家最终是在抽象中“发疯”。超越的情感志向对应着历史的诗意化叙事主题。将历史上的复仇故事做诗意化处理,延宕其复仇行为,而着重写人物的精神蜕变与超越,作家是以一种特殊的写作方式寄托了自己的现实关怀。在这种抒情的背后,是对人类元初历史的向往,作家渴望在原乡的回归中找到前进的力量。其笔下的抒情形象在这种历史启示中最终成长、蜕变,以无言的方式唤醒他人,给予启蒙。然而,抒情本是一种发声行为。将有声的行为做沉默处理,作品存在着自相矛盾之处。在现实与历史的复杂辩证中,这种抒情最终为讽刺取代。总之,在政治、思想、文化均出现大的波动乃至必须转型方能新生的历史时期,要了解现代知识分子是如何调整自我与国家、民族乃至整个人类历史之间既亲密又紧张关系,抒情,是一个最佳切入角度。情感是小说诸风格要素中最主观的部分,体现出人类精神生活的立体性与丰富性。对于这个问题的研究有着特别的学术价值。

【Abstract】 During the Auti-Japanese War, there had been a large number of fictions with strongly lyrical feature in the Guomintang occupied areas, influenced by special environment including politic, culture and geography. They embodied the writers’ spirit of exploring on art and stood for new trend of modern literature. The dissertation focus depth analysis on the possibility and limitation from the standpoint of lyric. Here, the lyric not only belongs to one style, but also ideal and will, even ideology. So, it carries aesthetic energy to change reality potentially. On the base of the unified description and analysis to them, we find four kinds of the most typically emotional forms, lonesome, radicalness, harmonious and transcending. On the one hand, they are individual, and on the other hand, they are united,symbolize the explosion that the writers had done something for our nation’s future.First, the lonesome is corresponding to the enlightenment theme. With persevering or rethinking about the modern thought of enlightenment, the writers expressed their true feelings sincerely by their own true experience in life. In works, the subject Individual liberation was ahead of national, so, the feeling carried deeply social meaning. It embodied writers’ ideal and pursue, at the same time, indicated the difficulty to realize it. If you ask the reasons, we can find them from one-side understanding about the May-Fourth thought, the shortage of traditional culture resources, the crankiness to individual experience and so on, they had showed the limitation of enlightenment during war.Second, the radicalness is corresponding to the battle theme. At first, the writes were going to wade into the real fighting by radically subjective spirit, they hoped make their vast feelings into epic at the times, and could hold the essence of history by the perfect combination of the subjective and the objective. But, as a result, the unbridled engery from this passion had exceeded rationality, and gained the subject placement. it constituted a threat to party control, it could not be kept on. Moreover, the emotional rhythm was whirling because of political and writer’s insufficient thought. So, at the end, this fighting embodied stirring esthetics.Third, the harmonious is corresponding to the aesthetism. The writers’ lyrical ideal was the united human and the universe, they took the feeling as constant thing in history, opposited to noble works. But, it was unbalanced between eternity and change, during the war. It was full of anxious in works. And the feeling could not be expressed by specific images, but by abstraction and symbol. These modern intellectuals had hoped their works could reconstruct national future. But they suffered a great failure, because this feeling was not welcome by the mainstream ideology. It was also self-contradictory. They could not keep up with the drasticly changing reality. It seemed no way but crazy.Fourth, transcending is corresponding to the poetic history theme. In works, the writer made story of revenge poetic, delaying the historical figure’s behavior. He payed attention to the figure’s transcendce in spirit, and reposed reality on it. Behind of the lyric, we can get to know that the writer was eager about history of the ancient times, he hoped get strength from the returning to hometown. The figure had grew up under this inspiration, he could wake up others in silence, this was also one kind of enlightenment. But, we know, the lyric is related to voice. if the writer could explore new way to express his ideal, the lyric would not be continued. the dialectical of the reality and history made the lyric into irony.One word, at the great historical turn, including the turn of politics, thought and culture’s,if we want to know modern intellectuals how to adjust the intense and intimate relation between himself and the country,nation and even the whole history, the lyric is the most appropriate angle. The feeling is the most subjective than other factors of style. We can find more profuse spirit in human life. So, the study on it has especial value in academe.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【下载频次】148

