

The Research of the Modernization of Shanghai Jingwu Sports Association’s Physical Education (1910-1937)

【作者】 胡玉姣

【导师】 李蓓蓓;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 1910-1937年是上海精武体育会百年发展历程中较为辉煌的一段时期。在这段时间里,上海精武体育会构建了较为系统的体育思想,改革以武术为代表的中国传统体育,引进西方体育项目及管理模式,有组织地向社会推广精武体育等。上海精武体育会在体育方面所做的努力,对上海乃至中国体育的现代化产生了重大影响。本论文共分四章,另有绪论和结语两部分。绪论部分介绍选题旨趣、研究现状、研究方法、研究思路、研究资料等。结语部分对本文的学术观点进行归纳。第一章,“精武体育思想的形成”。主要通过分析近代体育思潮的兴起及其社会影响,探讨上海精武体育会产生的社会历史背景,在此基础上重点研究和解读上海精武体育会体育思想的形成及其内涵。中国精武体操会是在军国民教育思潮影响下创办的具有军国民性质的体育组织。之后随着实用主义和自然主义体育思想的传入,中国精武体操会借助新思想、新思潮,更易名称,改革会务,逐步走向现代化体育组织的道路。上海精武体育会把它对自身文化内涵的阐释、所宣扬的各种道德规范、行为理念、教育思想等一系列内容,统称为精武主义。精武主义强调“体”、“智”、“德”三育并重的全面教育思想,提倡“尚武”、“合群”、“牺牲”精神,把它们作为普及精武体育,实现体育救国理想的手段和途径。精武主义成为精武体育会的行动指南。第二章,“改革中国传统体育”。本章主要分析和探讨上海精武体育会对以武术为主的中国传统体育所进行的改革。结合中国传统武术“谱系传承”的传播模式,分析上海精武体育会对以武术为主的中国传统体育在师承流派、传播方式、教学训练方法、订定教学内容等方面所进行的改革。针对西方兵式体操代替体育盛行全国的现象,精武体育会将中国传统技击术与西方兵操及军事技术相糅合,创编出具有自身特色的“中国式体操”,本章探讨其深层原因及具体方式、方法。上海精武体育会以挽救“国乐”为名,抗衡西方健美体操表演为实,探索其如何将武术、舞步与音乐相结合,编制成具有现代武舞表演形式的精武跳舞术。上海精武体育会创建运动会(技击大会)制度,精武技击运动会是精武体育会展示体育研究成果的重要舞台,也为现代体育运动会的开展奠定了实践基础。第三章,“引入西方体育项目及管理模式”。主要探讨上海精武体育会对西方体育运动项目、运动形式及组织管理模式的引进和应用。把上海精武体育会对西方体育项目及管理模式的引进,放在近代国人对西方体育文化认识和接受的历史大环境下,关注精武体育会对诸如足球、网球、铁饼、台球、乒乓、篮球、溜冰术等现代不同体育科目的设置及管理,尤其是精武体育会参与现代体育赛事的措施和途径。上海精武体育会不仅创办体育期刊,开设国语、书法、中英文学习班,并设置摄影学、音乐等专科,本章考察它在推广体育的同时兼办文事的意义和影响。另外,结合西方代议制民主形式在中国政治管理中的应用,探讨上海精武体育会在会务管理上对西方管理模式的借鉴。第四章,“精武体育的社会化”。重点分析精武体育会在体育社会化方面所采取的策略和手段,以及所产生的效果和影响。上海精武体育会为发展精武事业,不仅在国内外建立分会,组织北游,还创办中央精武,作为管理各地精武体育会的中央机构。上海精武体育会倡导妇女解放,提倡女子参加体育锻炼,不仅吸收女子加入精武会为会员,帮助女会员组织精武女子体育会,而且帮助和指导各地成立精武女子体育会。上海精武体育会通过与政界、商界、新闻传媒、社会各团体的交往,拓宽生存空间,扩大精武体育的社会影响范围。精武体育社会化进程得到推进。结语作为近代规模最大、延续时间最长的民间体育组织,上海精武体育会不断丰富和成熟,形成了系统的体育思想、对中国传统体育进行多方位的改革、引进西方体育项目及管理模式等,它还通过建立分会、创办中央精武、构建社会关系网络等形式,把中国体育文化有组织、有计划地向海内外传播和推广。但由于受中国传统文化的影响和约束,上海精武体育会在发展过程中又存在这样或那样的不足和缺陷,这是历史的产物,也是时代的需要,是近代体育向世界靠近,走向现代化的必经之路。

【Abstract】 1910-1937 is the brightest period for Shanghai Jingwu Sports Association’s ten decades history. During this period, Shanghai Jingwu Sports Association forms systematic Physical Education thoughts, reforms Chinese traditional RE. represented by martial arts, introduces into western sports items and management pattern, and popularizes Jingwu sports to the society in an organized way. What Shanghai Jingwu Sports Association has done contribute to the modernization of Shanghai and even China sports.The thesis has four chapters other than introduction and conclusion. The introduction is about significance, current situation, train of thought, methods and resources of the study. The conclusion is to summarize the academic point of view of the thesis.Chapter 1, Jingwu Physical Education thoughts, explores the social and historical background for Shanghai Jingwu Sports Association to development through analyzing the rise and social influence of modern physical education thoughts, and then focuses on studying and explaining the formation and connotation of Jingwu physical education thoughts. Shanghai Jingwu sports association names its ethics, behavior ideas and education thoughts Chin Woo Doctrine. Chin Woo Doctrine emphasizes to educate people from three aspects of body, intelligence and virtue. And it also calls for the spirits of warrior, affiliation and sacrifice. Chin Woo Doctrine becomes the guide for Jingwu sports association.Chapter 2, the reform of Chinese traditional P.E., analyzes how Shanghai Jingwu sports association has reformed Chinese traditional P.E. represented by martial arts combining with the transmission pattern of genealogical inheritance of Chinese traditional martial arts. Being against the prevailing of western military gymnastics in China, the reason and way of Jinwu sports association creating Chinese gymnastics are discussed. In the name of saving National Music, to be against western gymnastics, Shanghai Jingwu sports association combining martial arts and dances with music, has made the new style Jingwu dances. Jingwu sports meeting with the characteristics of attack provides the important arena for the Association to show its research achievements and the practical basis for the development of modern sports meeting.Chapter 3, the introduction of western sports items and management pattern, in the historical context of modern Chinese acceptance of western sports culture, focuses on the introduction of western sports items and management pattern. This chapter pays attention to how Jingwu sports association set up and manage different RE. subjects, the way of taking part in modern sports events and the significance and influence of participating the cultural events. What’s more, in the domain of political management, western democracy of representative government system being applied, it is analyzed that Shanghai Jingwu sports association has learned from western management pattern.Chapter 4, the socialization of Jingwu sports, emphasizes the strategy and measurement, the result and influence of socialization of Jingwu sports. Shanghai Jingwu sports association promotes to establish branches of Jingwu sports association within China and abroad. With the development of branches, Chinese sports culture spread to other countries. Shanghai Jingwu sports association supports strongly the emancipation of women so that the women are encouraged to join in it, and then the women’s sports association has been established in Shanghai and other places. More and more women take part in sports meeting. Shanghai Jingwu sports association also has good relations with other organizations like political, commercial, social and mass media organizations.The conclusion, Shanghai Jingwu sports association, as the largest and longest-term non-governmental sports organization in modern times, its rise and development has been a dynamic historical process. During this process, Jingwu sports association has developed gradually. In the aspects of the formation of Physical Education thoughts, the reform of Chinese traditional sports, and the introduction of western sports, the Association has learned from western countries and combined with Chinese practice. Due to the influence and constraints of Chinese traditional culture, some deficiency and limitation are inevitable. These are historical products and the need of time, and meanwhile the must for the modern sports approaching to the world and modernization.

  • 【分类号】G852
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】908

