

The Theories and Practice Research on Effective Instruction of University Physics

【作者】 高兰香

【导师】 胡炳元;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学科教育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 基于对大学物理教学现状的认知、问题的剖析,尝试以典型的案例实施教学以促成大学物理有效教学的实现。论文在对有效教学概念界定的基础上,梳理了有效教学、中学物理有效教学以及大学物理有效教学相关文献,表现为有效教学的理论研究丰富、教学实证研究缺乏,呈现了基于中学特定学科的有效教学研究有待深入而大学学科的有效教学之关注缺乏。论文以大学物理学科为载体,针对大学物理学科特征,以有效教学在中学学科教学中的理论与实践关注为基础,从大学物理有效教学目标、有效教学内容、有效教学方法、有效教学实施与评价等几个方面理论探讨了大学物理有效教学的实现路径。理论的阐释离不开实践的检验,论文还进一步基于典型大学物理案例开展实证研究与教学评价,进而得到研究的结论与反思。本论文主要研究内容如下:第一章:为引言部分,明确了该论文的研究背景、已有的研究基础,厘晰了论文的研究问题、思路及框架。第二章:基于对大学物理教学现状的剖析,认为大学物理有效教学设计可以为实现大学物理有效教学提供可行途径。论文进一步明确了大学物理有效教学的理论基础、原则,并阐释了本论文的相关概念。第三章:大学物理有效教学目标;基于对教学目标与教学目的的区分,明确教学目标的预设性与生成性。基于对教学目标分类理论的探讨,提出了大学物理有效教学目标设计的方式,明确了大学物理有效教学的目标。第四章:大学物理有效教学内容。教学内容的选择与呈现是有效教学开展的基础,论文第四章明确了大学物理教学内容生成的多种途径、多维原则,基于特定的案例说明教学内容的生成方式的丰富性与教学内容呈现方式的不同。教学内容生成方式的丰富性,促进了对教学内容呈现方式的不同需求。第五章:大学物理有效教学方法。知识属性的多样性以及矛盾性,决定了有效教学方法的多样性,也决定了教学方法与教学内容的关联性。论文第五章明确了大学物理有效教学基于教学组织形式的有效教学方法与基于特定教学内容的有效教学教学方法。第六章:大学物理有效教学实施。以“质点运动的描述”、“电场强度以及磁感应强度的计算”、“单摆”、“牛顿运功定理的应用”等大学物理典型案例为例,提出了大学物理有效教学的变式教学、相似性教学、主题教学与基于问题的教学等教学策略。第七章:大学物理有效教学评价。在明确有效教学评价的基础上,针对大学物理教学实施,利用调查法、访谈法等对大学物理教学实施效果与实施策略进行评价与反思。第八章:结论与反思,基于对大学物理有效教学的理论与实证研究,明确了论文研究的结论,并对大学物理有效教学提出了几点可供反思的建议。

【Abstract】 Based on the cognizance of the teaching actuality of the University Physics Instruction, and the analysis of the problems, we show the realization of the effective instruction for the University Physics by representative case analysis. Based on the research on the relative literature about effective instruction, effective instruction for the middle school physics and for the University Physics, we make the concept of the effective instruction more definitely, we see that there are abundance of the theory research on the effective instruction, it needs deep research on the effective instruction for the special subject in the middle school, while scarce of the research on the teaching demonstration, and deficiency of the research on the effective instruction for the special subject in the University. Based on theories and practices of the effective instruction in Middle school, and on the character of the University Physics, we discuss the realization of the effective instruction for the University Physics from the following four aspects:the effective teaching aim; effective teaching content; effective teaching method; effective teaching implementation and appraisement. We show the effective practices based on the typical university physics cases, and then get the research conclusions and rethink.This paper is arranged as follows.In chapter 1, which is the introductory part, we present the research background and the present research results, and show my research problem, methods and frame of the paper.In chapter 2, based on the analysis of the teaching actualities of the University Physics, we show that the effective instruction design is a feasible way to realize the effective instruction of the University Physics. We futher definitely show the theory basis and principles of the effective instruction of the University Physics, and also, we explain the related concepts in the paper.In chapter 3, we discuss the effective teaching aim. By discussing the difference between the effective teaching aim and objectives, we give the predesign and generation of the teaching aim. Based on the discussion to the class theories of the teaching aim, we present the ways of designing the effective teaching aim of the University Physics, and definitely show the effective teaching aim of the University Physics.In chapter 4, we discuss the effective teaching content. We show the choice and presentation of the teaching content is the premise and base of the implementation of the effective teaching. We present the different methods and multi-dimentional principles of the generating of the teaching content for the University Physics. We show the abundance of the generating teaching content and the differences of the different presentation of the teaching content, and also show that the abundance of the generating teaching content promotes the different demands of the way of the presentation of the teaching content.In chapter 5, we discuss the effective teaching methods. We show that the multiplicity and contradiction of the knowledge attribution detemiine the multiplicity of the effective teaching methods and the correlation between the teaching method and teaching content. We definitely declare that the effective teaching of the University Physics is based on the effective teaching methods which are based on the teaching organization form and the particular teaching content.In chapter 6, we show the implementation of the effective teaching of the University Physics. Based on some typical teaching cases such as "description of particle’s motion"," calculation of electric intensity","pendulum" and "application of Newton’s laws of motion", we raise some teaching strategies as changing teaching, similarily teaching, thematic teaching and problem based learning.In chapter 7, we present the appraisement of the effective teaching of the University Physics. Based on definite appraisement of the effective teaching, we appraise and rethink the teaching results and policy of the teaching implementation by inquiry and interview.In chapter 8, we show conclusions and rethinks. By the theory analysis and the demonstation researches, we draw the conclusions and rethink the problems we encountered in the research.


