

Du Yaquan and Chinese Modern Science Education

【作者】 阎乃胜

【导师】 金林祥;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文采用文献分析、纵横比较和人物访谈等研究方法,以中国近代科学教育的核心要素——科学教育价值观、科学教育目的论、科学教育内容论、科学传播为切入点,全面、系统、深刻地探讨“中国科学界的先驱”杜亚泉的科学教育思想和实践与这些核心要素之间的关系。同时将杜亚泉的科学教育思想和实践置于整个中国近代科学教育的发展进程中,加以深沉、理智、索隐求赜地剖析,揭橥其个性特质,使其“局部”特征在中国近代科学教育史的“整体”中显现出来,力求真实地展现杜亚泉在中国近代科学教育史上的角色地位和贡献影响以及当代价值。全文共分8个部分:绪论:即引言,包括选题缘起和意义、文献综述、核心概念厘定、研究的主要内容和主要方法、研究的重点难点和创新处、研究框架与思路。第一章:从历史背景和思想渊源两个层面来探究影响杜亚泉科学教育观生成与演变的因素,厘清其科学教育观的嬗变轨迹:从崇尚科学救国到力倡中西文化调和。但究其一生来说,他对科学教育终生矢志不渝。第二章:从近代国人论科学教育的社会救亡和思想启蒙价值的维度来评析杜亚泉的科学教育价值观。杜亚泉认定科学教育的救国价值,主张“艺重政轻’坚信科学教育的思想启蒙价值:实现“人心之改革”和“祛世人迷信”。第三章:从近代国民改造论的维度来评析杜亚泉的科学教育目的论。为实现国民改造,杜亚泉倡言陶铸“理性国民”和“科学的劳动家”。尤其是“科学的劳动家”的提出,开创了中国近代科学教育史上德才兼备、脑力劳动与体力劳动相结合的育人之路,彰显出中西文化融通的“调和”色彩。第四章:从近代国人论科学知识传授、科学方法训练、科学精神培育的维度来评析杜亚泉的科学教育内容论。在科学知识传授上,杜亚泉不仅重视自然科学知识的介绍,而且融通自然科学与社会科学之间的关系,力倡农村科学教育,移风易俗,强调以科学指导人生;在科学方法训练上,杜亚泉重视科学实验,倡导科学调研,着力训练学生的学习思维方法;在科学精神培育上,杜亚泉倾力理性科学精神的培育:倡导“科学认知有限论”,呼吁国人打破对科学的盲从态度,力主“科学调和论”。他以对新青年派科学主义僭妄的矫正,开创了一条迥异于激进主义的“温和渐进式”的“另一种”启蒙。第五章:从中国近代科学传播史的维度来评析杜亚泉的科学传播实践。杜亚泉主要通过编纂自然科学书籍和主办期刊,“救国人知识之饥荒”,大力推进中西科学融通和“科学的中国化”,孜孜不倦、鞠躬尽瘁,践行着“为国家谋文化上之建设”的人生理想和追求。第六章:理性思考杜亚泉对中国近代科学教育的历史贡献以及思想局限。杜亚泉对中国近代科学教育的历史贡献主要有:他提出“艺重政轻”论,为国人认识科学救国打开了新的视窗:开创了“温和渐进”的“另一种”科学启蒙路径;首创了“科学的劳动家”的教育目的;对中国近代科学传播具有创始之功。杜亚泉科学教育思想的局限是:没有将科学功能的发挥置于相应的社会环境中去考察;视“纲常名教”为“国是”,陷入“中体西用”的窠臼;对某些科学术语的阐释稍显晦涩。结语:联系实际,深入发掘其对推进当前我国科学教育事业发展有现实启迪和借鉴意义的学思资源。杜亚泉科学教育思想与实践留给我们的思考是:以科学教育为抓手,助推国家兴盛;全方位提高国民的科学素养;推进“科学的中国化”,培养“科学的中国人”;科学普及需要贴近民生,反映民意。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the author uses the documents analysis, personal interview and the comparative method. Science education in modern China has some key elements which include the values, teleology, substance and dissemination of science education. In order to showing Du Yaquan’s personality, this paper discusses the relationship between those elements and the thoughts and practice of science education from Du Yaquan. At the same time, the author places this person on the development of Chinese modern science education so as to reveal Du Yaquan’s contribution in modern Chinese history of science education and discover some contemporary values.The whole article can be divided into eight parts:Introduction:including topics origin and meaning, literature review, the redefinition of core concepts, the main research contents and main method, the research key points and difficulties and innovation, research framework and ideas, for full text make leading interpretation.The first chapter:the author traces historical settings and ideological origins that affect Du Yaquan’s view on science education. From the view of’saving the nation by science’to’the consonance of cross-cultural communication between China and Western countries’, Du Yaquan propagated scientific ideas all his life. Also, he holds the ambition of’self-devotion for people’which prompts he adhere to the ’utilitarianism’value orientation of science education.The second chapter:the author analyses Du Yaquan"s values of science education. Du Yaquan confirms the value of saving nation that science education has. And he put forward the theory of’grasp the science and let go the politices’. Also, he believes in the enlightenment meaning of science education, namely,’the reform of minds’and ’destroy the superstition’.The third chapter:the author analyses Du Yaquan’s aims of science education. Du Yaquan put forward the concrete training objective of science education, that is, ’national people’and’scientific labor’The fourth chapter interpreting the contents of science education which has the scientific knowledge, method and spirit and so on. Especially, as for the cultivation of national scientific spirit, Du Yaquan creates another path of moderate gradual reform’ Last but not the least, Du Yaquan spreads scientific knowledge by compiling natural science books and journals so as to promote the cross-cultural communication between China and Western countries.Du Yaquan not only pays attention to the introduction of natural scientific knowledge, but also accommodates the relation between natural science and social science. He advocates rural scientific education and makes changes in customs and traditions. As to the training of scientific methods, Du Yaquan attach importance to experiments and scientific investigation so as to trains students’thinking methods. As for the development of scientific spirit, he appeals people not to follow the science blindly and advocates’the theory of scientific coordination’. At the same time, Du Yaquan creates another path of’moderate gradual reform".The fifth chapter:Du Yaquan spreads scientific knowledge by compiling natural science books and journals so as to promote the cross-cultural communication between China and Western countries.The sixth chapter:summarizing Du Yaquan’s historical contribution and ideological limitation for Chinese modern science education. Also, the author discovers some resources that can contribute to present Chinese science education.As to Du Yaquan’s historical contribution to scientific education in modern China, he advocates the theory of’grasp the science and let go the politics’,’scientific labor’and creates’another’path of’moderate gradual reform’. Nevertheless, Du Yaquan’s ideas of scientific education also have some limitations. He does not understand the power of science that can not play a role by itself, and he has the tendency of’utilitarianism’. Also, he does not illuminate some scientific terms very clearly.Conclusion:DU Yaquan’s ideas and practice tells us that we must improves peoples’scientific literacy by popularizing science education, promotes’the Chinese transformation of science’and cultivates’scientific Chinese people’.Meanwhile, the scientific popularization must concerns with people’s livelihood and reflects their demand.


