

A Study on Secondary School Teacher’s Professional Accomplishment

【作者】 邓睿

【导师】 陈玉琨;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 “教师职业成就感”指的是教师在完成其教育教学任务的过程中,发挥了自身的教育工作能力,充分展示了其在教育教学工作方面的潜能,实现了教育教学目的,达到了自己事前设定的标准,对实现自我价值与社会价值的感受与体验,以及由此而获得的一种内在满足。在当前的背景下,探讨教师职业成就感的课题,既有国家宏观政策的期待,也符合理论深化发展的趋势,更是对我国当代教师专业发展现状的关照与回应。从政策上来看,“教育家办学”已经从民间呼声上升成了国家战略,我们需要大批热爱教育事业的教师在工作中不断探索,从新教师变为教学能手,变为教学家,再成长为教育家。从理论上来看,一方面,在当代哲学的观照下,人类的生存问题不再局限于生命的存在,也不仅是物质世界,更重要的是精神世界,人不仅要活着,更要在生存世界中坚守着生存价值,活出更高的人生质量,活出厚重的成就感,活出更有意义的人生;另一方面,从当代教育管理理论的发展来看,也越来越关注教育生活中的“人”,在物质水平达到一定程度之后,教育管理的实践及其理论研究更需要关注教师的精神和价值层面的追求。从现实状况来看,大量的案例表明,当前我国教师队伍中存在着不容忽视的教师职业倦怠问题,教师职业成就感低是职业倦怠的表现之一,也是产生职业倦怠的原因之一,由此,提升教师职业成就感就成为我们试图解决教师职业倦怠,催生大批教育家时所必须考虑的问题。本研究在分析教师职业成就感理论框架的基础上,开发出了我国中学教师职业成就感量表。并在此基础上,通过实证研究的方法对我国东、中、西部采集了6073个有效数据(教师问卷),分别来自我国28个省市自治区的107所中学。调研表明:我国中学教师的职业成就感整体偏低,仅四成被调查教师具有职业成就感,七成教师认为同事的职业成就感状况不同乐观。同时还发现:我国中学教师的职业成就感呈现区域差异,中部教师职业成就感最高,西部教师次之,东部教师职业成就感最低;农村教师的职业成就感显著强于城市教师。从学校层次上来看,高中教师的职业成就感略强于初中教师;从学校类型上来看,普通中学教师的职业成就感略强于重点中学教师的职业成就感。从教师职业成就感的内在结构看,可分为教师职业的物质成就感,教师职业的人际成就感和教师职业的精神成就感。从教师职业成就感的本质属性看,可分为量的教师职业成就感和质的教师职业成就感。本研究进一步分析了教师职业成就感体验的影响因子。从特征因子来看,在设定的性别、学历、任教学科、职务、教龄、职称、年收入、在校工作时间以及荣誉称号等九个因素中,“学历”和“收入的绝对数字”对教师职业成就感的获取影响相对较弱,其余七个因素都对教师职业成就感具有显著影响;从内部因素看,影响教师职业成就感的各内部因素与教师职业成就感存在正相关关系,影响教师职业成就感的各内部因素按影响程度从高到低排序依次是:教师的职业信念、教师的职业行为、教师的职业认知和教师的职业情感;从外部因素看,影响教师职业成就感的各外部因素与教师职业成就感存在较强线性关系,如社会的期待、教师的收入、教师的人际关系、学校因素、外界对教师工作的认可等。在实证研究的基础上,研究者尝试对教师职业成就感的形成规律进行总结,修正、完善关于我国中学教师职业成就感的理论模型。主要借鉴了心理学家用计算机对信息加工的过程来比拟人的心理活动过程这一做法,提出了我国中学教师职业成就感理论模型的五大系统(构建了模型图),试图通过它们把教师职业成就感的产生过程、影响因素、表现形态以及效用串起来,这五大系统分别是“对象系统”;“准备系统”;“输入系统”;“加工系统”和“输出系统”,并通过这样的研究找出提升教师职业成就感的途径,即充实准备系统,优化输入系统,改良加工系统,最终提升输出系统的产品品质。研究最后还提出了从外部促进与自我改善两个角度来提升我国中学教师职业成就感的对策建议。在提升我国中学教师职业成就感方面,政府和教育行政部门、社会各界以及学校等主体都有责任通过建立有力的政策保障、营造良好的社会舆论、改善学校的工作环境等外部措施来促进教师的专业发展和成就体验的获得;而教师主体也有着重要的责任做出个体的努力,以“自省”寻“自我”,从“自在”(in itself)到“自为”(for itself),化“自觉”为“自主”,以实现自主的发展来体验事业的成就。

【Abstract】 Teacher’s professional accomplishment is a kind of subjective experience. To create professional accomplishment, teachers have to possess certain kind of teaching ability to accomplish his/her educational and teaching task. Someone who has professional accomplishment, he must have achieved his goal, his needs must have been satisfied, he must have realized his self-worth.In the modern context, the government need such kind of research on teacher’s development for policy making. Studying on teacher’s professional accomplishment is of great significance for the development of teacher, as well as for the development of theory. When talking about the policy,’education should be run by educator’is not only a strong voice of civil society, but also rising as the national strategy. We need a large number of excellent teachers who are eager to devote themselves to education become educational experts and finally educators. When talking about the theory, on the one hand, in the philosophy research areas, human beings is not only a problem of being present, but his physical worlds and his spirit worlds. What we need is not just live but life with high quality. On the other hand, the development of educational administration theory pay more and mort attention on people in education life. Nowadays, most parts of China teachers have solved the problem of being living, so we should pay more attention on teachers’spiritual pursuit and value pursue. When talking about the realistic state, teacher burnout has become a social problem. People have paid close attention to it. Teacher’s professional accomplishment is one of the feature of teacher burnout, as well as one of the most important reasons for teacher burnout. Therefore, enhancing teacher’s professional accomplishment becomes an important issue when we are trying to resolve this problem and cultivating more educators.This dissertation developed a scale for secondary school teacher’s professional accomplishment base on the analysis of the theory for teacher’s sense of professional achievement. It also carried out an empirical research on secondary school teachers from different part of China. We have collected 6,073 valid sample from 107secondary schools of 28 provinces. The data analysis results show that the state of secondary school teachers’ professional accomplishment is not optimistic. Only 40% teachers feel they have professional accomplishment.70% teachers thought that not only themselves but their colleagues don’t have professional accomplishment either. Close analysis of the statistics shows the regional variations:teachers’who are from central China sense of professional accomplishment is stronger than teachers from other area of China, while teachers from east part get the lowest sense of professional accomplishment. Teachers from rural area have stronger sense of professional accomplishment than teachers who come from city. Teachers from senior middle school have stronger sense of professional accomplishment than junior middle school teachers. Teachers from upper secondary school have stronger sense of professional accomplishment than common secondary school teachers.This dissertation has also analyzed the factors that affect the sense of teacher’s professional accomplishment. Gender, subject, teaching-age, manager of the class or not, professional title, post, working hours all has obvious influence on teacher’s professional accomplishment. While the educational background and the absolute number of income does not have obvious influence on teacher’s professional accomplishment. There exists the positive relation between the interior factors and teacher’s professional accomplishment. The interior factors include teacher’s occupational conviction, teacher’s professional emotion, teacher’s professional cognition and professional behavior. Among them, teacher’s occupational conviction has the most important influence while teacher’s professional emotion has the least influence. The linear relation between external factors and teacher’s professional accomplishment are good. The external factors include social expectation of teacher’s role, teacher’s satisfaction on incomes, personal relations, school factors and external evaluation on teacher’s achievement.In this research, I tried to summarize the rules of the formation of teacher’s professional accomplishment, and construct a theoretical model to explain teacher’s professional accomplishment. Taking example by using the model of information processing for computer to explain the process of human’s psychological process by psychologists, we put forward five system of teacher’s professional accomplishment model, including object system, preparation system, input system, processing system and output system. This model try to explain how the internal and external factor play their role in the process of teacher’s professional accomplishment. Based on this model, we find some approaches to enhance teacher’s sense of professional achievement, that is to enrich the preparation system, optimize the input system, improve the processing system and promoting the quality of the products of output system.Finally, this dissertation proposed the countermeasure on enhancing secondary teacher’s professional accomplishment from two aspects, external guarantee and self-improvement. Government, educational administration departments, society and secondary school should be responsible for making proper policy, cultivating a good social atmosphere and improving schools environment. For teachers, they should be responsible for self-improvement, find themselves in self-examination, for itself on the basis of in itself, transform conscientious to autonomously.


