

From "Management" to "Counseling": Research of Class Change

【作者】 王洪明

【导师】 范国睿;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在一个巨大变革的时代,学校变革几乎成了一种教育常态。在中国,班级是学生学校生活的基本型态,也是学校教育教学的基本单位。班级是否从来如此,在一个充满变革的时代是否永远如此,这需要对班级变革作历史考察与学理审视。在当下,班级有着丰富的教育变革实践,这些变革实践背后都有深刻的社会根源、哲学基础、理论依据、文化传统等,有的可能外显于班级的教育教学中,有的可能内隐于日常的班级工作中,不认识班级变革的这些特点,可能会导致对班级的错误理解,或导致班级变革的盲目性,或将班级的非本质特征固化于班级之中,遮蔽了班级的本来面目,以至于班级变革落后于当今社会的转型与变革。梳理班级变革的历史、解读班级变革的实践、开展班级的教育学理论研究,对于丰富班级教育理论、指导当下班级变革、开展班级教育实践都有着十分重要的意义。本研究认为,班级变革是班级在受到外力(如学校变革)或/和内力(如班级内部)的推动下发生的价值取向、组织形态、生态环境、运行机制等方面的更新与改造。从班级变革的历史考察来看,班级正发生着从“管理”到“辅导”的深刻变革。本研究的旨趣在于梳理班级变革的历史进程,追寻班级从“管理”到“辅导”的发展脉络;解读当下班级变革的实践,探索班级变革的发展规律。本研究主要探讨了班级“管理”与“辅导”的融合是如何从历史与现实两个维度分化,走向“管理”的彰显与“辅导”的沦落的,进而倡导走“班级共同体”的整合之路。本研究用四章分别从融合、分化、整合来说明班级变革的过程。在整合章节中,对班级辅导作教育学意义上的思考。本研究首先论述了由分析走向综合的思维变革,处于变革时代班级的新特征,班级变革中几个基本关系的认识等方法论思考;然后运用文献研究法,分别梳理历史上班级组织的沿革与班级性质的论争,重现班级“管理”与“辅导”相融合的本来面目;接下来,再运用文献研究法,分别梳理历史上班级“教学”、“管理”、“辅导”的变革过程,再现了班级“管理”与“辅导”的历史分化之路;再然后,运用调查法、内容分析法、访谈法等方法,从班级意识和班级领导行为两维度对当下班级教育的现实型态做了判断,剖析班级意识与班级行为分化的现实场景:最后,论述班级“管理”与“辅导”整合之可能,以及班级变革的未来走向与重建路径。文中运用实证方法,尝试性提出“班级意识”概念与因素构成,“班级意识”是班级中全体师生对于班级性质和组织的看法,各自的角色责任、行为方式、人际互动等方面的体认以及班级环境、制度对学生个人成长作用的认知,它由角色责任感、组织观、纪律意识、班级特性观、班级社会观、人际互动观、班级性质观、规则意识八个因素构成;本文尝试提出“班级领导行为”概念,认为班级领导行为是由领导者、被领导者和环境所构成的函数,得出了班级意识与班级领导行为产生分化的结论。主要观点有:在班级意识方面,班级意识结构、不同学校管理者、不同年龄段学生以及师生之间出现了分化;在班级领导行为方面,班级与个体维度、秩序和纪律因子、班级环境类型、班主任领导行为类型、班主任领导行为对班级环境影响、班主任领导行为类型对班级环境影响等出现了分化:班级意识与班级行为出现了分化。本研究是在文献研究和现实调研的基础上,对班级变革的历史与现实做一整合分析,从“史”“论”结合的角度剖析了班级从“管理”到“辅导”的变革历程。

【Abstract】 In an age of enormous change, school change has nearly become a normal condition of school education. In China, class is not only the common form of the school life, but also the elementary unit of schooling. It must be reviewed from history and pondered from theory that whether class is like these both in the past and in the future in this era of great change.Nowadays, there are abundant practices of change in the school class. They possess origin of society, foundation of philosophy, basis of theory, tradition of culture. Some are explicit in class teaching and learning, and some arc implicit in ordinary management of class. If these characteristics of class change aren’t known well, class may be misunderstood, or class change can be executed blindly, or nonessential character can be solidified. Thus, original properties of class will be covered, and class change will be lagged behind in social transition and change. Therefore, carding history of class change, unscrambling practice of class change, and building pedagogy theory of class, which are significant to enrich class education theory, can guide today’s class change and develop class practice.The research holds that the class change is renewed and reformed in value orientation, organizational shape, ecological condition, operational mechanism, which is propelled by outer forces(e.g. school change)or/and inner forces(e.g. the class organization). From the view of history of class change, there is far-reaching change, namely, from "management" to "counseling". On one hand, the objective of this research is to card history of class change in order to pursue sequence of change from "management" to "counseling". On the other hand, the objective is to unscramble practice of class change in order to explore law of development.This research mainly focuses on how the class "management" and "counseling" develops from blend to differentiation in the two dimensions of history and reality, namely, the highlight of "management" and the weakening of "counseling", then promote "class community". In this research, four chapters respectively, blend, differentiation, and integration are used to illustrate the process of class change. Class counseling has been pondered over in the meaning of pedagogy in the chapter on integration.This research firstly elaborates the methodology which has changed from analysis to synthesis new characteristics of class in the transformation time, and view on several basic relation of class change. Then using the literature methodology, the paper has combed the evolution of the class organization and the debate of the class nature in order to restore historical truth of blend of "management" and "counseling". Then, in the same way, the paper has combed the transformation process of class "teaching", "management", "counseling" separately, in which the road of the historical differentiation of the class "management" and "counseling" has reappeared. Again then, by questionnaire method, content analysis, interview method and so on, there is a basic estimate of current patterns of class education from the two dimensions of class consciousness and class leadership behavior. This research has also analyzed the differentiation of the real scene of class consciousness and class behavior. Finally, this research has discussed the feasibility of integration of the class "management" and "counseling", as well as the future direction and reconstruction path of the class change.This paper tries to propose the concept and factor constitution of class consciousness by the empirical research. Class consciousness is a realization of view of class nature and organization, individual’s role responsibility, behavior way, interpersonal interaction of all teachers and students, and cognition of function of the class environment and the class system to the student individual growth. Class consciousness consists of eight factors, including the role sense of responsibility, the organization view, discipline consciousness, the class characteristic view, the class society view, the interpersonal interactive view, the class nature view, and the rule consciousness. This article tries to propose the concept of class leadership behavior. It is the function which constitutes by the leader, the led and the environment. This paper has obtained conclusion about differentiation of class consciousness and class behavior. The main points include:there are some differentiation in the structure of class consciousness, among administrators from different schools, among students from different grades, and between teachers and students; there are some differentiation in dimensions of classes and individual, in factor of order and discipline, in type of the class environment, in type of class adviser leadership behavior, in influence of class adviser leadership behavior on class environment, class adviser leadership type on class environment; and there are some differentiation between class consciousness and class behavior.Based on document study and empirical study, this research has integrated history and reality of the class change and analyzed the change process from management to counseling by combining "history" and "argument"


