

A Study on the Benefit Game in the Distribution Adjustment of Rural Primary and Middle Schools

【作者】 张洪华

【导师】 范国睿;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 农村中小学布局调整有其内在逻辑,并受外部环境因素的影响与制约,既是社会变革的重要组成部分,也是农村教育变革的重要举措。在农村中小学布局发展演变的历程中,充满了理论逻辑与实践逻辑的分歧与对立。本研究选择特定区域,以实地调研的形式深入分析学校布局调整背后各种力量的此消彼长,有助于发现农村中小学发展演变的规律,为进一步解决农村中小学布局调整遗留问题,推动农村教育顺利转型提供参考与借鉴。具体而言,论文框架共计三个部分。在第一部分,首先阐述了选题缘由、研究现状、研究对象和研究方法,对苏镇及所在区域的地理环境、历史人文、经济状况和教育传统进行了比较详尽的介绍,点明了其为中国一般农村典型的特点。接下来分析了自新式学堂产生以来,在现代化与城镇化的大背景下,农村人口结构与学校生源的发展变化,加之国家政策不断地摇摆于公平和效率之间,使得农村中小学的数量、规模与布局也随之发生了相应变化。在计划经济体制下,个体利益与地方利益从属于国家利益,缺乏自我表达的意识与空间,农村中小学布局受国家政策和人口因素影响较大。20世纪90年代以来,利益主体逐步分化且日益成熟,在农村中小学布局调整中依据各自实力,选择符合自身利益的表达方式和行动策略,使学校布局向着有利于自己所在群体的方向发展。第二部分是实地调研的主体部分,包括三个章节,分别介绍了苏镇学校布局调整的三种类型。第四章选取了苏镇较早建立的几处小学为个案,以他们的发展和命运为主线,分析不同时期政府和村民办学、就学积极性的变化,以及学校的发展、增减与合并。第五章选取了位于苏镇最北端的一处中学为例,通过该校屡次被撤并仍能存在的事实,分析了农村初中学校撤并过程中各种力量的对抗。第六章以第四中学被撤并,私立学校嵌入为开端,介绍了万隆学校在本地从无到有、从弱到强的发展变化,以及给当地教育教学、生源流动和学校规模等造成的影响。第三部分是论文的深化与结论部分,也是论文的难点所在。第七章分析了中央、地方和农民等不同利益主体在不同历史时期对待教育的目标取向及行动逻辑,阐明了由此导致的各个时期学校布局的特点。在第八章,首先以实证调研为基础,分析比较了苏镇中小学布局调整的各种可能。然后,从历史的角度,对当前农村中小学布局调整中的各种争议进行了反思。最后指出,农村中小学布局调整应该站在历史和全局的高度,让农村孩子看到成长与发展的希望,让农村学校成为儿童成长的乐园,坚持教育均衡发展,积极构建城乡和谐的学校生态体系。

【Abstract】 With the internal logic, the distribution adjustment of rural primary and middle schools, which is not only the important component of the social change, but also an important measure of the rural educational reform, is affected and restricted by external factors. The evolution course is checkered with opposition and differences between the theoretical logic and practical logic. Based on the spot investigation into the particular area—the Su Town, this dissertation discussed the game relation among the central government, local government and the local villagers, which contributes to discover the evolution law of the primary and middle schools and provide reference for the distribution adjustment and educational transformation in the rural area. Concretely speaking, this dissertation is composed of three parts:In Section One, the paper firstly introduces the selection cause, research status, research objects and the research methods. Then it describes the general situation of Su Town and its region, including the geographical condition, history, economic status and the educational tradition, which shows that Su Town is the typical representative of the rural China. Besides, it analyses not only the development of the population structure and student source under the background of modernization and urbanization since the birth of the new-style schools, but also the change in the number, scale and distribution of the primary and middle schools in rural China as the policies change to promote social justice or to improve efficiency. Under the planned economy system, the distribution of primary and middle schools in rural China was greatly affected by the central policies and population because during that period individual and local interests are subject to the state interests. Since entering 1990s, the interest subjects have divided and saddled up. They spoke and took action to make the school distribution benefit their group according to their strength.Section Two, the main part of the field research in this paper, consists of three chapters which introduces the three types of school distribution adjustment in Su Town. In Chapter Four, by taking some primary schools built earlier as case study, we can focus on their development and analyze not only the change of the government and villagers’ enthusiasm in running schools and going to school during different period but also the increasing,decreasing and merging of schools. In Chapter Five, a middle school in the north of Su Town which has been cancelled and merged for many times is chosen as an example to analyze the game relation between different interest subjects during the process of cancelling and merging rural middle schools. In Chapter Six, starting with the merger of No.4 Middle School and its combination with a private school, we can learn that it has grown out of nothing and from weak to strong and how its development has influenced the local education, student source flow and the scale of local schools.Section Three, the difficult point, comes to the conclusion of this paper. Chapter Seven not only analyzes target orientation and action logic of different interest subjects, such as the central government, local government and the villagers but also explains the character of the school distribution during different period. Based on the field investigation, Chapter Eight raises the possibilities of the school distribution adjustment in Su Town. Then the current situation of rural primary and middle school distribution adjustment is rethought historically. At last this paper proposes that the rural primary and middle school distribution adjustment should be conducted historically and globally to bring the rural students new hope, make rural areas a paradise for students, promote the balanced development of education and establish a harmonious school system.

  • 【分类号】G639.2
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】2612

