

Research on the Rural Social Cause Development in the Old Liberated Areas of Jiangxi, PRC

【作者】 聂火云

【导师】 姜国祥;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 江西是中国革命的摇篮、人民军队的摇篮、人民共和国的摇篮,是全国最著名的革命老区,为中国革命作出了巨大牺牲和重大贡献。新中国成立60多年来,确有一部分老区改变了贫穷落后的面貌,但还有相当一部分老区农村发展缓慢,农村社会建设、社会事业发展滞后,农民还比较贫困,民生问题突出。这与老区人民巨大的历史贡献不相称,有悖于科学发展的本质与和谐社会的要求。本文立足于老区农村民生改善,从农村社会事业所具有的公共性、公益性特征出发,运用马克思主义农村社会发展理论,在广泛进行实地调查的基础上,对老区农村社会事业发展的基本问题进行了比较系统深入的研究。马克思主义经典作家提出了“农业是社会生产的基础,也是一切社会的基础”、“缩小城乡差别,实现城乡一体化”、“农民是工人阶级最可靠的同盟军,要慷慨地对待农民,维护农民的利益”等重要思想,阐明了农村社会发展的基础、方向和出发点。中国共产党人在执政兴邦的伟大实践中提出了“农业关系国计民生极大、农业是安天下的战略产业、‘三农’是全党工作的重中之重的思想:用科学技术武装农业、对农业实行保护与发展现代农业的思想:统筹城乡发展、建设社会主义新农村、大力发展农村社会事业的重要思想;要尊重农民的意愿和首创精神、切实维护农民利益、改善农村民生的思想,”把对农村社会发展的认识提升到了一个新的高度。社会事业发展如果要使农民真正受益,就必须建立体现农民意愿与诉求的有效的需求表达机制,而这正是老区农村社会事业发展中存在的问题。因此,必须建立有效的信息收集与披露机制,帮助老区农民增强需求表达的意识,提高需求表达的能力。需求偏好是农民意愿与利益诉求的反映,老区农民对于社会事业具有明显的需求偏好。调查发现,老区农村对社会事业发展的需求意愿程度从强到弱呈现出清晰的优先序,即医疗卫生——子女教育——养老、社会救助——文化、体育,在教育事业中,老区农民最关心的仍然是义务教育。老区农村社会事业发展长期滞后,农村义务教育经费保障水平较低,基础设施落后,优质教育资源明显不足:乡村医疗卫生服务体系薄弱,专业技术人员不足、素质不高,新型农村合作医疗制度的筹资、管理、运行等机制仍不健全,看病难、看病贵、因病致贫的现象依然突出;农村社会保障体系薄弱,社会养老保险制度尚未建立,最低生活保障和社会救助标准低、范围窄,失地农民、农民工的社会保障体系亟待完善;老区农村文化事业建设投入不足,农村基层文化人才匮乏,农村公共文化服务供给难以满足群众需要。老区农村社会事业发展滞后使得农民丧失了对基本公共服务的选择权分享权,民生改善受到限制;农村人力资本积累不足、消费需求不旺,农村经济可持续发展受到牵制;农村基本公共服务长期供给不足,成为被社会公共事业遗忘的角落,全面小康社会建设受到制约。老区农村社会事业发展滞后的重要原因在于老区特殊的自然环境和长期被边缘化的历史条件;深层的原因在于保守的“亚文化”的禁锢、社会人文关怀的缺失以及人才短缺;根本的原因在于城乡分割的制度因素;而直接的决定性因素是长期存在的责任主体缺位、错位和投入不足。加快老区农村社会事业发展,最重要的是要明确政府的第一责任主体地位,加大投入力度。对老区农村义务教育要实行特殊的扶助政策,将责任主体的重心适度上移,积极推进义务教育学校标准化建设,促进均衡发展;加强老区农村三级医疗卫生服务网络建设,提高医疗卫生服务的可及性与服务水平,培养造就一支高素质的农村卫生人才队伍,完善新型农村合作医疗制度,提高医疗保障水平;建立福利型的社会保障模式,加快建立新型农村养老保险制度,着力完善以农村最低生活保障制度为核心的社会救助体系,切实保障贫困农民的基本生存权;着力构建老区农村文化事业发展的长效投入机制,加强农村公共文化服务体系建设,扎实推进文化惠民工程,发展老区农村特色文化。加快老区农村社会事业发展,必须打破城乡二元发展格局,建立覆盖老区农村的城乡公共财政体制;建立老区农村社会事业发展的有效供给机制;建立有效的扶贫开发机制;建立促进老区农村社会事业发展的人才保障机制。

【Abstract】 Jiangxi is the cradle of Chinese revolution, people’s military army, and People’s Republic. As the most famous old revolutionary area in China, it has sacrificed a lot in and contributed much to Chinese revolution. Since new China was founded for over 6o years, although the poor and backward situation has been improved in some of the old liberated areas. However, in some of the other old liberated areas, the rural development is slow; rural social construction and social cause development are blocked and back; the peasants are poor and there exists the obvious problems concerning the life of the people. These problems do not correspond with the great historical contributions made by the people of the old liberated areas and do not follow the requirement of the nature of the scientific development and harmonious society. Based on improving the life of the people in the old liberated areas and analyzing the features of the commonness and public welfare of rural social construction, this thesis applies the Marxism theories regarding the rural social development to have a systematic and deep research into the basic issues about rural social cause development in the old liberated areas by extensively investigating the situations in the old liberated areas proper.Marxism classics writers claimed that agriculture is the basis of social production and therefore of all the societies; the distance between city and the rural areas should be shortened and integrating the cities with the rural areas should be realized; the peasants are the most important alliance most trusted by the working class; the peasants should be generously treated and their benefits should be maintained. These important ideas illustrated the basis, direction and the start point of the rural social development. Chinese communist, in the practice of the power, proposed that agriculture is closely related to the people’s life, agriculture is the strategic enterprise stabling the world; rural area, agriculture and peasants are the central ideas in the most important work of the Party; arm the agriculture with science and technology; protect the agriculture and develop the modern agriculture; have an overall-planning of the development of the cities and rural areas, build the new socialism rural areas, and greatly develop the rural social cause; respect the willing and innovative ideas of the peasants; really maintain the peasants’benefit and improve the life of the peasants. These ideas increases the issue of the rural social development to a higher level. If the social cause development really benefits the peasants, the effective mechanism of reflecting needs and willing of the peasants should be constructed. This is the very issue of rural social cause development in the old liberated areas. Thus, the effective mechanism of collecting and disclosing the information should be built to help the peasants to strengthen the awareness and ability of reflecting their needs. The favoritism of needs reflects the willing and benefits of the peasants in the old liberated areas. They have an obvious favoritism to social cause. The investigation shows that the degree of the needs and willing is clearly from strong to weak:from medicine and health, children education, old life, social aid to culture and physical education. As far as the education is concerned, compulsory education is the most important issue the peasants concern most.The rural social cause has been developing in a backward way for long. There is a low level in ensuring the rural compulsory education fund. The basic facilities are backward with the insufficient superior education resources. The rural medicine and health service systems are weak. There are insufficient professional personnel who don’t have the good qualities. There is still an incomplete mechanism of raising funds, managing and operating about the newly-built rural cooperation medical rules. There is an obvious phenomenon that it is hard for the peasants to be treated in the hospitals with the high medical fee, which causes them to be poor. The rural social guaranteeing system is weak, and the social old people’s life insurance system has not yet been set up. The lowest life guaranteeing and social aiding standard and dimension are low. The social guaranteeing system built to help the peasants losing the land and working out of hometown should be urgently improved. The funds used in supporting rural cultural are insufficient. The rural elementary cultural talents are lacked. The offer of public rural cultural service can not meet with the needs of the mass.The backward situation of rural social cause in the old liberated areas makes the peasant lose the right to choose and share the elementary public service and therefore the improvement of people’s life has been limited. The sustained rural economy development has been blocked because of rural personnel capital accumulation and weak consumption needs. For long, the basic rural public service are insufficiently available, the rural areas are forgotten by social public cause. So the whole being-off social construction is blocked. The important reason for the backward development of rural social cause in the old liberated area is that there is a natural environment there and the old liberated areas are long edged in terms of historical conditions. The deep reason is that the conservative sub-culture is confined and social humanity care and talents are lacked. The proper reason for this is that there are factors in terms of the system separating the city from the countryside, however, the direct decisive factor is that the long-term responsibility is lacked and mixed with insufficient funds to be used.The most important thing in speeding the rural social cause development is to specify the main role the government should play and increase the funds. The policy of special supporting and aiding rural compulsory education in the old liberated areas should be made, putting the stress of responsibility on a higher scale. The building compulsory education school standard should be promoted so as to keep the balance of the development. The rural third-grade medical and healthy service network should be strongly built. The medicine and health service should be improved with a high-quality rural medical talents being trained. The newly-built rural cooperation medical system should be perfected, improving the medical ensuring level. The welfare pattern of social guaranteeing should be formulated. The newly-built rural old people’s life insurance system should be soon established, and the social aiding institutions focusing on rural lowest life ensuring standard should be particularly perfected to really guarantee the basic rights of the poor peasants to survive. The long-term supporting and funding mechanism of rural cultural cause development should be constructed to strengthen rural public cultural service institutions, greatly promote the construction of culture benefiting the people and develop the distinguishing features of rural culture in the old liberated areas.To speed the development of rural social cause in the old liberated, the cities and rural areas duality development formula should be eliminated. Instead, the public fiscal institutions of cities and rural areas covering the rural areas in the old liberated areas should be established; the effective offering mechanism of rural social cause in rural areas in the old liberated areas should be made; the effective developing system should be set up to aid the poverty; and the talents guaranteeing mechanism should be formulated to promote the rural social cause development in the old liberated areas.

【关键词】 江西老区农村社会事业发展
【Key words】 Old liberated areaRuralSocial causeDevelopment
  • 【分类号】F327
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】625

