
上海地区狗獾(Meles meles)的生态学研究

Studies on the Population Ecology of Badger (Meles Meles) in Shanghai

【作者】 谢志刚

【导师】 徐宏发;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 生态学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 狗獾(Meles meles),隶属于食肉目、鼬科、狗獾属,为本属唯一种,属中小型兽类,广布于欧亚大陆。在国内,除台湾省和海南岛外,其余各省均有分布。狗獾营洞穴生活,迁移能力较弱。目前,由于过度捕猎和栖息地面积的减少和破碎化,中国大部分地区的狗獾的数量正急剧减少。如果继续忽视对它的有效保护,在不远的将来,狗獾极有可能从很多地区绝迹。在上海,狗獾不仅是当地重要的兽类区系成分,而且是当地体型最大的野生哺乳动物,在生物多样性方面起着重要作用。历史上,上海郊区曾有很丰富的兽类资源,但随着上海城市化进程的不断加速,适合狗獾生存的环境正逐渐消失,狗獾已濒临灭绝。因此,采取有效保护措施恢复上海野生狗獾的种群数量到能长期健康生存的阈值之上,是保护上海生物多样性最紧迫的任务,对于建设现代化的生态城市,也具有重要意义。要保护和恢复一个濒危种群,就必须深入了解该种群的生物学特性,包括社群结构,种群分布和数量,生境特征,食物组成和活动节律等,以便能有的放失,科学合理地制定管理和保护措施,达到恢复该濒危野生种群的目的。鉴于此,2007年4月至2011年4月期间,我们对上海郊区野生狗獾的种群分布、种群数量、洞穴特征、生境选择和活动节律等方面进行了实地调查和研究,以期为当地野生狗獾的生态学研究工作提供数据和理论基础,并为制定更加完善的狗獾保护和种群恢复计划提供科学依据。主要研究结果如下:1.在上海市奉贤区庄行镇竹林培训中心、松江区南门村和塔港村附近、松江区的天马山、东佘山、西佘山、横山和小昆山等8处狗獾栖息地,采用自动感应照相机和红外摄像系统相结合的方法对野生狗獾的种群数量和分布进行调查。共用时107天,自动感应照相机累计拍摄野生动物照片263张,其中狗獾照片86张,占照片总数的32.70%,其它野生动物照片151张,占57.41%,未捕获动物照片26张,占照片总数的9.89%。红外摄像机累计拍摄视频260h,其中可见狗獾夜间活动的视频累计30.5h,占视频总时长的11.73%。此次调查结束,自动感应照相机拍到的照片和红外摄像系统拍到的录像的影像均十分清晰,确定上海郊区调查地的獾类为狗獾,猪獾暂时未见分布。推测该调查方法同样可潜在的用于营穴居家族生活的其它物种的个体识别和种群数量调查。2.根据红外摄像机记录到的狗獾活动视频和自动感应照相机拍到的狗獾照片,依据狗獾个体大小、性别、体征和出洞秩序等信息进行个体识别,最后统计各处栖息地狗獾的种群数量。结果表明:①奉贤区庄行镇竹林培训中心南,3只(♂:♀=1:2),庄行镇竹林培训中心北,2只(♂:♀=1:1)。②松江区车墩镇南门村,2只(♂:♀=1:1),车墩镇踏港村,4只(♂:♀=1:3)。③松江区天马山4只,东佘山2只,西佘山3只,横山2只。综合3个调查结果发现,狗獾曾经广泛分布于上海各郊区,而且数量较多。目前仅在上海西部县区松江区和奉贤区发现7处孤立的狗獾栖息地,共发现野生狗獾22只,平均种群密度极低。分析认为栖息地大范围减少和破碎化是导致狗獾种群数量减少的主要原因。此外,当地村民的人为捕杀也是重要的影响因素。3.在上海各郊区,采用查阅文献、问卷调查和实地调查相结合的方法,调查上海郊区狗獾洞穴的分布现状。结果表明:①2007年9-12月调查发现,上海郊区的嘉定、松江、金山、奉贤等四个区有狗獾洞穴分布,’其中松江区有9处(佘山3处、天马山2处、横山1处、小昆山1处、南门村1处、塔港村1处),奉贤区5处(庄行镇竹林培训中心2处、西渡1处、张云2处),嘉定区和金山区各1处,共15处狗獾洞群。②2009年3-6月再次调查时发现,嘉定区、金山区、奉贤区(张云、西渡)和松江区(小昆山)的5处狗獾洞群已经遭到不同程度的人为破坏,该处狗獾已经消失。综合2个调查结果发现,伴随着经济的快速增长,更多适合狗獾栖息的竹林、山地等生境被居民区和工业区所代替,部分山林也逐渐被开发为旅游景区,这导致狗獾的栖息地大范围消失,并且破碎化严重,进而影响野生狗獾的种群数量。4.在松江区天马山、东佘山、西佘山、横山和小昆山等狗獾栖息地,采用样线法和洞穴辨别法对狗獾洞穴的生境选择进行研究。调查期间共设置样线28条,样线间隔15-25m不等,样线总长度22.4km,共测定利用样方(n=107)和对照样方(n=107)内的20种生境因子。结果表明:①利用样方与对照样方连续型生境因子的比较,利用样方的乔木高度显著大于对照样方(P=0.017<0.05);利用样方的灌木盖度显著高于对照样方(P=0.026<0.05);利用样方中与竹子相关的3个生境因子竹子高度、竹子基茎和竹子密度均极显著大于对照样方(P=0.002<0.01,P=0.000<0.01,P=0.000<0.01)。②利用样方与对照样方离散型生境因子的比较,利用样方的郁闭度、坡位与对照样方均存在显著差异(郁闭度:χ2=6.998,df=3,P=0.021<0.05;坡位:χ2=10.81,df=3,P=0.039<0.05);利用样方与对照样方的水源距离差异极显著(χ2=15.71,df=2,P=0.002<0.01)。综合2个分析结果发现,狗獾喜好竹子基径大、密度高的竹林环境,并且趋于选择近和中水源距离、乔木郁闭度低且灌木盖度高的中坡位阳坡或平地生境。狗獾的生境选择是其多维生境适宜性的综合体现,是对食物、水源和隐蔽条件等生态需求的综合反映。5.在松江区天马山、东佘山、西佘山、横山和小昆山等狗獾栖息地,采用主成分分析法分析狗獾洞穴各生境因子变量。结果表明,前6个主成分的特征值的累计贡献率已经超过80.00%,可以较好的反映狗獾洞穴的生境特征。①第1主成分为竹子基径和竹子密度,可以定义为“植被因子”。②第2主成分为水源距离,可以定义为“水源因子”。③第3主成分为乔木郁闭度,可以定义为“乔木因子”。④第4主成分为坡位,可以命名为“地形因子”。⑤第5主成分为灌木盖度和竹子高度,可以定义为“灌木因子”。⑥第6主成分为坡向和人为干扰距离,可以命名为“地形因子”。综合主成分分析结果发现,前6个主成分因子可以满足狗獾对洞穴稳定性、食物、水源和隐蔽地的需求,它反映了动物与其生存环境之间的基本关系。6.在奉贤区庄行镇竹林培训中心,松江区南门村、塔港村、张云村和汀南村,松江区天马山、东佘山、西佘山和横山,采用洞穴辨别法确定狗獾洞穴(n=225)并调查洞穴基本特征。结果表明:①洞口朝向:东北和北朝向的洞穴数量最多,其次为开口朝上的通气洞穴,东南和西南朝向的洞穴数量最少。②洞穴占地面积、洞口数量:狗獾洞穴平均占地面积47.59m2,平均洞口数量11个。③洞口大小:平均洞口大小20.9±1.5 cm×22.7±2.8cm。通气洞穴与主洞穴和临时洞穴洞口大小之间均差异显著(P<0.05),临时洞穴与主洞穴洞口大小差异不显著(p>0.05)。④洞穴使用情况:经常使用(n=49),偶尔使用(n=34)和废弃(n=41),分别占洞穴总数量的21.78%、15.11%和18.22%。⑤隐蔽条件:较差(n=11),一般(n=108)和良好(n=106),分别占洞穴总数量的4.89%,48%和47.11%。综合5个分析结果表明,当人为干扰强度较大时,狗獾会挖掘更多的洞穴,洞穴占地面积和洞口数量也会相应增大和增加,这是狗獾对人类干扰的一种适应性进化,是狗獾的一种生存策略。7.在奉贤区庄行镇竹林培训中心,使用精创DS-1型温度测定仪对2处狗獾栖息地的10个洞穴(主洞穴,n=7,临时洞穴,n=3)进行四季温度测定。结果表明:①周围环境与主洞穴和临时洞穴的四季温度进行比较,均差异极显著(P<0.001),与通气洞穴进行比较,差异不显著(p>0.05)。②主洞穴和临时洞穴的四季温度进行比较,无显著差异(Mann-Whitney U-检验,P春季=0.215>0.05,P夏季=0.467>0.05,P秋季=0.384>0.05,p冬季=0.237>0.05)。对主洞穴和临时洞穴的平均温度,最低温度或最高温度进行比较,四季均无显著差异(p>0.05)。③比较不同类型洞穴的极差温度,临时洞穴和主洞穴的极差温度变化较小(1-3度℃),通气洞穴和周围环境的极差温度变化较大(1-6℃)。④比较不同季节的极差温度,夏季周围环境的极差温度最大(10.102℃),冬季临时洞穴的极差温度最小(1.564℃)。综合4个分析结果表明,狗獾洞穴内的四季温度变化幅度小于周围环境,证实上海郊区狗獾的自然洞穴可以抵御剧烈的气候温度变化,能为其提供一个相对稳定的生存环境。此外,临时洞穴和通气洞穴虽然结构和功能不同,但对于狗獾的生存同样必不可少。8.在奉贤区庄行镇竹林培训中心,使用红外摄像系统对狗獾的活动规律进行研究。结果表明:①平均出洞时间秋季最早,冬季最晚,两者时间相差约3h。平均回洞时间冬季最早,秋季最晚,两者时间相差约2h。②狗獾四季出洞、回洞频次均存在一个峰值,出洞时间主要集中在19:00至22:00,回洞时间主要集中在2:00至4:00。③全年狗獾每晚的活动持续时间平均为350.7min,平均活动持续时间,秋季最长,冬季最短。综合3个分析结果表明,影响狗獾活动持续时间的因素主要为季节因素,狗獾可通过调整活动规律来满足其不同季节的自身需求。9.在奉贤区泰日镇申亚生态园区的农园内,使用红外夜间监视仪采用全事件取样法对圈养条件下的狗獾进行观察。结果表明:①圈养条件下狗獾夜间较为活跃,活动频率曲线呈“M”型。夜间21:30-23:00和凌晨1:30-3:00为活动高峰期,前者为取食高峰,后者为挖洞高峰。②狗獾夜间用于取食的时间最多(40.15±9.17)%,其次为挖洞(32.24±8.52)%和其它行为(13.47±4.07)%,用于移动(12.36±2.41)%和警戒的时间(4.15±1.23)%最少。③晴天狗獾在取食、移动、挖洞和其它行为上的时间均高于雨天,在警戒上花费的时间较雨天少,仅取食(p=0.028<0.05)和移动(p=0.040<0.05)行为差异显著。综合3个分析结果表明,生存环境的改变能够直接影响动物行为的时间分配和活动节律,动物的这种改变是其对各种环境条件变化的一种适应。

【Abstract】 Badger (Meles meles), belongs to Carnivores, Mustelidae, Melinae, and as the only species of Meles. It is a medium-sizes mammals. Badger is widely distributed in Europe and Asian, and is distributed throughout China except TaiWan and HaiNan provinces. Badgers dig setts for living, the migrating ability are relatively weak. At present, Because of over-hunting and the reduction and fragmentation of distribution area, population amount of badgers have reduced sharply since recent decades. If you continue to ignore the effective protection for badgers, in the near future, badgers are likely dried up in many areas.Badgers are not only the important faunistical characteristics, but also the largest wild mammalian in ShangHai. Badgers play an important role in biological diversity. Historically, The suburbs of Shanghai have very rich resources of animals, but with the accelerating of urbanization process, the living environment of badgers are gradually disappear in ShangHai, so badgers have endangered. Therefore, the most urgent task is to take effective measures to protect the badger, and to recover populations to long-term health survival above the threshold.In order to protect and recover the endangered species, we must understanding the biological characteristics of the population, including community structure, population distribution and quantity, habitat characteristics, such as food composition and activities, so as to some aiming, set up a rational management and protection measures to restore the endangered wild population purpose.In view of this situation, the investigation and research on badgers in Shanghai suburb are implemented extensively from April,2007 to April,2011.The population distribution, population quantity, sett characteristics, habitat selection and activities rhythms and other aspects of badgers are analyzed comprehensive. So as to provide the data and theoretical basis for ecology study on badgers, and also provide the scientific basis for the protection and population recovery plan on badgers.The main research results are as follows:1.We selected 8 habitats of badgers for reseach, such as bamboo training center in ZhuangHang town of fengXian district, the TianMa mountain in SongJiang district, eastern She-Shan, western She-Shan, Heng-Shan, XiaoKun-Shan etc. The populations and distribution of badgers in ShangHai were visualized using automatic induction cameras and infrared imaging system. Lasted 107 days,263 photos of wild animals were collected by automatic induction camera,86 photos were badgers, accounting for 32.70%; 151 photos were other animals, accounting for 57.41%; and 26 photos have none animals, accounting for 9.89%. The video lasted 260h collected by the infrared camera, and 30.5h were nocturnal activity of badgers, accounting for 11.73% of video. As the results show, the images come from automatic induction camera and infrared imaging system were very clear, and we also make sure the Meles in Shanghai suburban are badgers. The survey method is also used to identification of other species and population quantity survey of settman family animals.2. According to the badgers activities information of infrared camera and automatic induction, we make the individual identification through body size, gender, the order information. Results show that:(1) In south of bamboo training center in ZhuangHang town of FengXian,3 (♂:♀=1:2), in north of bamboo training center in ZhuangHang town of FengXian,2(♂:♀=1:1), (2) the south village of SongJiang,2(♂:♀=1:1), TaGang village,4(♂:♀=1:3). (3) 4 badgers distribute in TianMa mountain,2 badgers distribute in eastern She-Shan,3 badgers distribute in western She-Shan,2 badgers distribute in Heng-Shan. The survey reveals that there were 7 habitats and 22 badgers were found in ShangHai. We conclude that the reduce of badgers population were caused by the reduce and fragmentation of habitat, and the hunting is also the important factor. 3.This paper adopts literature, questionnaire and on-the-spot investigation, so as to reveal the distribution of badgers in Shanghai suburban. Results show that:(1) During september to december in 2007, the distribution of 15 badgers’setts in JiaDing, SongJiang, JinShan, FengXian district were investigated.and 9 badgers’ setts in SongJiang district (3 setts in SheShan,2 setts in TianMa-mountain, 1sett in Heng-Shan, 1sett in Xiao-Kun mountain, 1sett in Nan-Men village, 1sett in Ta-Gang village),5 badgers’ setts in FengXian district (2 setts in bamboo training center of ZhuangHang,1 sett in XiDu,2 setts in ZhangYun). (2) During march to June in 2009,5 setts in JiaDing, SongJiang, JinShan, FengXian district were destroyed, and the bagders disappeared.4. This study investigated the selection of setts of badgers by using line transects and distinguish of setts in the areas of the TianMa mountain in SongJiang district, eastern She-Shan, western She-Shan, Heng-Shan, XiaoKun-Shan etc. In our investigation,28 randomly set transects were stetted, and between two sampling lines is 15 and 20 meters, sample line average 22.4 km. The investigation provided 20 ecological factors in 107 used sites and 107 control plots. Results show that:(1) Comparing with the ecological factors in used sites and control plots, the height of tree in used sites is highly significantly difference from control plots(P=0.017<0.05); the cover of shrub in used sites is highly significantly difference from control plots(P=0.026<0.05); and the height, bottom stem,density of bamboo is highly significantly difference from control plots(P=0.002,0.000,0.000<0.01).Results show that:(1) Comparing with the continuous ecological factors in used sites and control plots, the height of tree in used sites is significantly difference from control plots(P=0.017<0.05); the cover of shrub in used sites is significantly difference from control plots(P=0.026<0.05); and the height, bottom stem, density of bamboo in used sites is highly significantly difference from control plots(P=0.002,0.000, 0.000<0.01). (2) Comparing with the discrete ecological factor s in used sites and control plots, the crown density and slope positions in used sites is significantly difference from control plots (crown density:χ2=6.998, df=3, P=0.021<0.05; slope positions:χ2=10.81, df=3, P=0.039<0.05). The water distant in used sites is highly significantly difference from control plots (χ2=15.71, df=2, P=0.002<0.01). the analysis results found that badgers prefer high bottom stem, high density of bamboo environment and choose nearby water, low crown density of tree and high cover of shrub in high slope position of coverage. The habitat of badgers is multi-dimensional habitat suitability; it is the reflection of ecological demand on food, water and concealment conditions.5. This study investigated the variables of habitat factors on badgers’setts by using analysis of principal component in the areas of the TianMa Mountain in SongJiang district, eastern She-Shan, western She-Shan, Heng-Shan, XiaoKun-Shan etc. As the results show, the rates of value on six main characteristics have been more than 80%, and these characteristics can reveal habitant characteristics of badgers’setts. (1) The bottom stem and bamboo density are the first main component, can be defined as "the vegetation factors". (2) Water distance is the second principal components, can be defined as "water factor". (3) The trees crown density is the third main component, can be defined as "trees factor". (4) The slope positions is the forth principal components, can be named "terrain factors". (5) The shrubs coverage and bamboo height are the fifth main component, can be defined as "shrubs factor". (6) The slopes and human interference distance are the sixth main components, can be named "terrain factors". The results show that the six main composition factors of the badgers’setts satisfy the stability, food, water and concealment to demand respectively.6 This study investigated the characters of setts and make sure the setts of badgers by using distinguish of setts in the areas of the TianMa Mountain in SongJiang district, eastern She-Shan, western She-Shan, Heng-Shan, XiaoKun-Shan etc. As results show, (1) The setts direction:the most direction of setts are northeast and north towards; followed by the ventilate setts which have upside direction; and the least direction of setts are southeast and southwest towards. (2) the area of setts, quantity of setts:the average area of setts is 47.59m2, the average quantity of setts is 11. (3) The size of setts:the average size of setts is 20.9±1.5 cm×22.7±2.8cm. The size of ventilate setts, lord and temporary setts existed significant difference (P<0.05). But the size of lord and temporary setts are not significant difference (P>0.05). (4) The usage of setts:high availability (n=49), occasionally (n=34) and abandoned (n=41),the total number of the setts occupied 21.78%,15.11% and 18.22% respectively. (5) Concealed conditions: poor (n=11), general (n=108) and good (n=106), the total number of the setts occupied 4.89%,48% and 47.11% respectively. The results show that the more human interference, more setts were digged by badger, and the area of setts and quantity of setts also can increase by the time. It can be concluded an adaptive evolution of badgers.7.The four seasons temperature of 10 setts (lord setts:7, temporary setts:3) of badgers in two habitats were recorded using by Jing-Chuang DS-1. As results shown:(1) Compare the temperature of surrounding environment with lord setts and temporary setts, the significant difference existed (P<0.001), but compared with ventilate setts, there is no significant difference (P>0.05). (2) Compare the temperature of lord setts with temporary setts, there is no significant difference (Mann - Whitney U - inspection, P spring=0.215> 0.05,P summer=0.467>0.05, P autumn=0.384> 0.05,P winter=0.237> 0.05). Comparing the average, the highest and lowest temperatures between the lord setts and temporary setts, there were no significant difference (p>0.05). (3) The poor temperature of different type of setts were compared, the changes of poor temperature in temporary and the Lord setts is small (1-3℃), but the changes of poor temperature in ventilate setts and surrounding environment is big (1-6℃). (4) Comparing poor temperature in different season, poor temperature in summer is maximum 10.102℃. And the temporary setts in winter is minimum(1.564℃).The results show that the change of temperatures in setts of badgers is less than surrounding environment, so we conclude that the setts can withstand climate for its temperature change. In addition, although temporary and ventilation setts have different structure and function, but both of two setts were necessary.8.The activity rhythms of badgers were observed using by infrared camera system. As results shown:(1) The ealist average emergence time occurs in autumn, the latist average emergence time occurs in winter, and the time is delayed 3 hours. The ealist average return time occurs in winter, the latist average return time occurs in autumn, and the time is delayed 2 hours. (2) The peak exists in the frequency of emergence and return time of badgers, the peak of emergence time is 19:00-22:00, and the peak of return time is 2:00-4:00. (3) the average time of night activity is about 350.7min. The average time of night activity in autumn is longest, and the average time of night activity in winter is shortest. As the results shown, the main influence factors of the activity were seasonal factors, badgers can adjust activity rules to their own needs in different season.9. The time budget and behaviour of captivity badgers were observed using automatic induction cameras and infrared imaging system in ShenYa ecological park of FengXian district. As results shown:(1) The activity of captivity badgers are more active in night, and the frequency curve asummed as "M" type. The peak of activity is 21:30-23:00 (feeding) and 1:30-23:00 (digging). (2) The feeding in night occupy (40.15±9.17)%, followed by digging (32.24±8.52)% and other behavior (13.47±4.07)%, moving (12.36±2.41)%, warning (at least 4.15±1.23)%. (3) The badgers take more time on feeding, moving, digging and other behiours in sunny day, but take more time on alarming in rainy day. The time budget and behaviour of captivity badgers were interferenced by environmental conditions.


