

Shifting Perspectives of Women Studies:Chinese Women History in American Academia Since 1960s

【作者】 褚艳红

【导师】 朱政惠;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 海外中国学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 美国的中国妇女史研究是美国中国学的重要组成部分。本文将对美国中国妇女史的发展史进行研究,认为自20世纪60年代以来,美国的中国妇女研究在不同时期的研究取向也经历了变化。论文将以时间为线索,以问题为专题,对不同时期的美国中国妇女研究的主要代表作进行分析,力图以点带面,通过个案分析对美国的中国妇女史研究进行较为全面的考察,从社会和学术发展的两个层面探索美国中国妇女史研究递嬗演变的轨迹,希望探索美国中国妇女史研究在近40年里发展的学术脉络、研究方法、学术贡献与局限。本文共分六章。第一章,导论。厘清与中国妇女史研究有密切联系的关键词、交代撰文起因、学术史回顾以及研究方法。第二章,20世纪60年代以前的美国中国妇女观及中国妇女研究。对20世纪六年代以前的美国中国妇女研究做学术回顾与考察。第三章,20世纪六、七十年代这一激进时代的中国妇女研究。本章以记者的中国妇女作品、《台湾农村的妇女与家庭》、《中国社会的妇女》等著作为研究对象,从社会和家庭两个层面具体论证该段时期中国妇女研究中呈现出的“压迫-解放/抗争”的模式。第四章,20世纪80年代中国中心观念影响下的中国妇女史研究。本章以《中国妇女:当前史学研究的新动向》、《姐妹与陌生人:上海纱厂女工,1919-1949》以及三篇以“社会性别”为主题的学术论文为研究对象,论证在中国古代妇女史、近代妇女劳工史研究以及对中国社会性别形象的考察中所体现出的中国中心的研究视角,研究成就及其利弊得失。第五章,20世纪90年代以来社会性别史范式下的中国史研究。本章以《内闱:宋代妇女的婚姻和生活》、《闺塾师:明末清初才女文化》、《缀珍录:十八世纪及其前后的中国妇女》以及《危险的愉悦:20世纪上海的娼妓问题和现代性》等著作为研究对象,分析美国的女性主义史学理论及诸多学术思潮如何影响到中国社会性别史的研究、研究特点及其不足之处。第六章,结语。指出美国中国妇女研究的演变与对我们的启示。

【Abstract】 Chinese Women Studies in American academia constitutes an important part of China Studies in America. The dissertation will make a study of the historiography of Chinese Women History in American academy. The dissertation takes a view that ever since the 1960s, Chinese Women Studies of American academia has been undergoing tremendous changes. Based on the idea that there are different major issues in different periods, my dissertation will do case studies and analyse classical monographs of each period, in order to get a relatively overall exploration of Chinese Women Studies in American academia. I will analyse the impact that have influenced the Chinese Women Studies in American academia the two influencing elements for which are social change and academic development. Also, I will try to describe the thread of thought, methodology, contribution and limitations of Chinese Women Studies in American academia.The dissertation consists of six chapters excepts the three appendixes.Chapter 1, the Introduction, is to explain the key words which appear frequently in Chinese Women Studies, the motives about why choose the specific topic for my dissertation and the method of the study.Chapter 2, Chinese Women Studies in American academia before the 1960s. This chapter will give an overall look of the American missionaries’ perceptions of Chinese Women and American’s Women Studies of China.Chapter 3, Chinese Women Studies in American academia in the 1960-70s, the radical period. This chapter will take the monographs such as Women and Family in Rural Taiwan, and Women in Chinese Society as the objects of study. I will point out and demonstrate the research model in the Chinese Women Studies in American academia from social and familial dimensions implied in the works. The research model of the academic field is the "oppression-opposition" model.Chapter 4, Chinese Women Studies under the influence of "China-Centered Concept" in the 1980s. This chapter will take two works Women in China: Current Directions in Historical Scholarship, and Sisters and Strangers: Women in Shanghai Cotton Mills,1919-1949 and three academic papers concerning gender in China as the objects of study, in order to expound and prove the China-Centered perspective shown in the academic fields of China’s Ancient Women’s History and Modern China’s Women Labor History, and in their perceptions of gender in China. Also, I will point out their achievements and limitations.Chapter 5, Gender History in China ever since the 1990s. This chapter will make analysis on a few recently published works including The Inner Quarters:Marriage and Lives of Chinese Women in the Song Period, Teachers of Inner Chambers:Women and Culture in Seventeenth-Century China, Precious Records:Women in China’s Long Eighteenth Century, and Dangerous Pleasures:Prostitution and Modernity in Twentieth-Century Shanghai. I will explore how feminist thought and other academic thoughts have influenced the study of gender history in China and how American scholars have used gender as an analysis to do study in Chinese history and the values of gender history.Chapter 6, Conclusion. This part will point out the feature of and the inspiration from the historiography of Chinese Women’s studies in American academia.

  • 【分类号】D442.9;K207.8
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1469

