

The Research on Fu Yi&Li Jia System in Zhejiang Province During Ming and Qing Dynasty

【作者】 侯鹏

【导师】 王家范;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 历史社会学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 明代继承前代乡都制的基本规制,在调查田土和人户的基础上,建立了以百十户编成,轮次应役的里甲制度。它是地方政府赋役征收的基础组织,也是把握乡村社会的基本控制体系。随着明代中期赋役纳银化程度的加深,以实物派征和人力征调为主的财政结构转变为以银两为主要形态的条鞭银收支体系,里甲制的编排标准由人户转向田土,十年轮役制度渐趋停止,各项以银两计算的财政收入合并后摊入全县田土,黄册十年编审不再是其征收的依据。伴随着这一过程的是原有里甲编户体系对人户、田土控制的日渐废弛,乡村社会基于经济、社会地位的不平等通过这一体系转变为赋役负担的不平等。为此,自明中期开始,浙江各地开始了对原有地方基层控制体系的改造和重建。通过不定期的土地丈量,原有的编户之里转变为编田之图。通过定期的里甲编审,田土在各图间的流动得到记录。在此基础上,以额定田亩数做为粮银征收组织的基本单位,完成征收和解运的任务。在这两方面的作用下,各地做为土地登记和编审基础的“图”自明后期以来具有了程度不一的地缘性色彩。但是,从其实际征收效果来看,直至清前期,人户以额定亩数编成的“甲”为单位自行纳税的构想始终未得实现,究其原因,一方面是因为对人户记载的严重滞后失实限制了丈量和编审的实际效果,当人户发生逋欠,无法实现有效的控制。另一方面,额定亩数的做法常将住居远隔,经济社会地位悬殊的人户强制组织在一甲之内,他们彼此间往往互不相识,并没有什么现实的社会关系将之联系起来,要让他们作为一个整体负起一图的征收之责事实上亦很难实现。因此,在康熙末年的编审中,对如何有效把握人户,如何将人户组织在更具地缘性的单位中又有新的尝试。至雍正年间,以保甲人户的统计为手段,以烟户住居村落为基本把握对象的顺庄法通行于浙江全省,各地多以原有图的地域为限,经过程度不一的调整,实现了对辖境村落的更加细化的控制结构。在图、庄这一最基层的控制层级下,烟户住居村落的数量、名称、田土、人口、税粮等基本的信息被记载下来,由此奠定了此后地方政府基层控制体系的基本形态。

【Abstract】 Based on the "xiang-du" system of past dynasty and the investigation of land and population, Ming dynasty organized people into the rural zone of 110 households, by which, people were arranged alternately for the provision of tax and labor-service. The whole system plaid a basic role not only in the collecting of tax and service, but in the control of rural society. In mid Ming dynasty, when more and more tax and service were paid by silver, the structural form of finance was transformed from the physical entity and manpower to the single whip silver. As a result, the object of rural registration was transferred from household to the land, the 10 year alternate operation was gradually canceled. After calculated by silver, the revenue was combined and divided evenly onto the whole district land, and it’s collection did not comply with the 10 year assessment of Yellow Register. Followed the above changing process, the original control of rural household system for people and land was gradually relaxed, finally, the inequality exist in the rural society was converted to the more inequality of tax burden. In this situation, from the beginning of mid-Ming dynasty, the local government of Zhejiang province began to reform, and then reconstruct the former rural control system. By the irregular measure land, the old rural zone of registriting household was transferred to the one of land. At the same time, the periodic assessment of tax and labor-service unite had the circulation of land rights recorded.Based on the above measures, the people were arranged into a new unite, of which composed fixed amounts of land, in order to collect and transport their own tax, so that, the rural zone, which was used to register and assess land, became to a geographical unite in its degree. However, when observe it’s actual effect, we will find that, until the early Qing dynasty, people still could not be arranged by the fixed land unite (’jia’) to pay their own tax. Most often the reason for this was that the impeded record of population was too false to achieve that goal of assessment. Once the default of tax payments occurred, the local government could not find the real slow payer. On the other hand, according to the role of fixed land, when people,who usually lived in the geographically distant areas, and unknown each other, were arranged into the unite (’jia’) to pay the tax, the lack of actual social relationship made them nearly impossible to complete the collection of tax as a whole. Consequently, in the late period of Kang xi, there were some new attempts about how to record the population effectively and arrange them into a more geographical unite occurred in the daily registration and assessment. In the YongZheng era, utilizing the record of population and village in the security unites, the local government of Zhejiang carried out a reform called "shun-zhuang fa". Under this rule, every county government adjusted their former basic geographical unite("tu"),and mostly in this geographical region, to make the control of the villages come true in a more micro scale. Hereafter, the information such as land、population、grain tax、the amount and name of village, were recorded into this system, which laid the foundation on basic control system of local government.

  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】990

