

Leading and Autonomy: Teachers Leadership and Management in School Change

【作者】 李飞

【导师】 杨小微;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 促进教师专业发展不但需要诸多的外部条件,还需要学校内部组织文化、领导风格、管理理念、教学变革等方面的更新与转变。而与教师日常工作最密切的教师领导与管理在促进教师发展方面更起着关键作用。本文探讨促进教师发展的领导与管理,认为正确的领导需要有效的管理来实现,而管理也需要领导的价值引领和目标导向。单维的领导或管理都不可能真正调动教师的积极性和自主性、发展教师的专业能力、增强教师较高的成就感。只有变革领导模式、更新管理理念,在领导与管理层面齐头并进,才有可能提升教师专业发展的质量和水平,并唤醒教师的职业尊严。论文首先对我国改革开放以来教师管理变革的成效与问题作了简要的分析。尽管改革开放以来我国中小学在教师管理方面取得了一些成效,如教师管理流程逐步完善,多样化的教师管理模式丰富了我国教师管理理论与实践的发展,教师专业发展得到关注等等,但同时也存在着一些问题,如组织结构的科层化制约了教师管理的本质,管理效率低,教师自我管理意识淡薄,教师专业发展缺乏有效的促进机制,有利于教师专业发展的学校文化、学习型组织、激励和保障制度等有待建设。基于对教师管理现状的分析,本文认为,在当前我国学校转型与变革的背景下,各种力量、利益、关系都处在不断重组和形成之中,人作为学校变革、学校持续性发展的决定性力量正在引起更多的关注。在这种背景下,学校领导与管理如果仅仅依靠传统的制度约束、控制、简单的奖惩已不能适应变革的要求,这就需要重新认识教师在领导与管理中的角色与作用,正确认识人的价值,发挥不同层面主体的主观能动性,成就多元主体的生命精彩。然后,论文探讨了学校变革进程中教师领导与管理的方式转变。实现重心下移,关注对教师领导力的开发,从方法论的视角加强对教师管理适切性的研究,注重对教师专业发展的专业引领,才是有效调动教师自主性、主动性和创造性的动力机制。接下来,论文对影响教师领导与管理的因素进行分析。认为教师的发展是一个连续的、动态的、纵贯教师整个职业生涯的过程,在学校转型性变革的进程中,影响教师发展的各种因素错综交织,不断变化。可以说,正是基于内外部诸多因素共同发挥积极的、有效的作用这一前提,教师领导与管理促进教师的发展才能取得实质性的进展。外部因素主要侧重于地方教育行政部门的支持与帮助,内部因素更多聚焦在组织文化、学校领导、中层管理者、教师领导者、教师自我更新意识等几个层面。最后,作为教师领导与管理的实践应用,领导与管理教师专业发展的原则和策略也是论文探讨的重点。由于教师专业发展具有阶段性、多层次性、多主体性等特点,对教师专业发展的领导与管理也应遵循一定的原则:长程性、适切性、公平性、创造性和自主性原则。而如何领导与管理教师专业发展,论文也提出了策略上的建议:研究性学习团队的培育,教师职业生涯的规划,教师领导力的开发以及教师专业自觉的提升。

【Abstract】 Promoting teachers’professional development not only needs many external conditions, but also school organizational culture, leadership style, management ideas and teaching change. In fact, teachers leadership and management which is closely connected to teachers’daily work plays key roles in promoting teachers’development. The paper thinks correct leadership needs effective management to realize, and management needs leadership in value guidance and goal orientation. It’s impossible to mobilize the enthusiasm and autonomy of teachers, or developing teachers’ professional ability and increasing teachers’high sense of achievement through one-sided leadership or management. Only with the reform of leadership pattern and the renewal of management concept, can the quality and level of teachers’ professional development be ascended, and revive teachers’professional dignity.Firstly, the paper makes a brief analysis on the effects and problems of teachers management change since reform and opening-up in China. Although there are some effects, like teachers management process has gradually been to be perfect, diversified teacher management mode has also enriched the development of teachers’theory and practice, teachers’professional development has received enough attention, etc.There still remains a few problems, such as organizational structure restricts the essence of the teachers’ management, low efficiency, teachers’ consciousness of self-management is weak, lacking of effective incentive mechanism of teachers’ professional development. School culture, the learning organization, motivation and guarantee mechanism which is helpful for teachers’professional development still need to be construction.Based on the analysis above, the author believes that different forces, interests and relationships are unceasingly reorganized and formed under the current background of transformative school change. As a decisive force of school change and school sustainable development, human beings are getting more and more attention. In this context, school leadership and management has clearly not been able to adapt the need for change if they solely rely on traditional institutional constraints, control, simple rewards and punishments. This needs to remind the teachers’roles and functions in teachers’leadership and management, understand correctly the human value, develop initiative of different subjects and achive colorful life of multi-agent. After that, the paper discusses transformation in the ways of teachers leadership and management. It’s essential to develop teachers’ leadership, strengthen the study of teachers management relevance and pay attention to professional leading in teachers’ professional development, only in this way can we effectively arouse teachers’ sense of autonomy, initiative and creativity.The next, on the basis of analyzing the facts influencing teachers leadership and management, the paper proposes that teachers’ development is a continuous, dynamic process which throughout teacher’ s whole caree. Various factors influencing teachers’ development are complex interweave, constantly changing. In other words, promoting teachers’ development through teachers leadership and management will make substantial progress based on this one premise that internal and external factors commonly play active and effective roles. External factors focus on the supports and helps of local education administrative department. While internal ones mainly on organizational culture, school leaders, middle managers, teachers’ leaders and teachers’ self-consciousness and so on.Finally, as the practical application of teachers leadership and management, principles and tactics of leading and managing teachers’ professional development will become key points to be explored. It should follow some principles for the characteristics of teachers’ professional development, like long-term, aptness, fair, creativity and autonomy. And how to lead and manage teachers’ professional development, the paper also puts forward some proposals on strategies:cultivate research-oriented learning team, teachers’ career planning, teachers leadership development as well as the promotion of teachers’ professional consciousness.

  • 【分类号】G451.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1721

