

The Third Way of Education Development

【作者】 张礼永

【导师】 杜成宪;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 近代中国经过几番磨难,终于深刻地体会到新式教育的重要。教育行政者有感于教育的落后,故而从清末的“预备立宪”开始,到辛亥以后的“五族共和”,以及北伐后的“定都南京”,都将“教育普及”作为矢志不渝的追求。只是中央政府愿虽宏,力却薄,且贫困至极,又不可能走“先富后教”的道路,只好借助民间的力量,但是千余年来民众未曾有过团体生活的训练,不能全部交由民间,故而只能走官倡民助的“第三条道路”。在这片古老的土地上,建立新式学堂,树立现代学制,没有丝毫的经验能够传承,也不能依靠一两位学者的个人见解,故而需要众人商议,群策群力,这就使得中国的教育研究,从最初就不是学者的业务,而是众人的事务,这就产生了中国式的教育会,与西方的不一样,这是当时教育研究组织的第一类。随着新式学校的逐渐发展,教育上出现了一些急需要解决、但是行政机关一时无力解决的问题,如职业教育问题、儿童教育问题、民众教育问题等,故而出现了指向于各种问题的各式教育社,它们是当时教育研究组织的第二类。到了一定的阶段,教育学术落后的问题开始突显出来,并且成为教育继续发展的障碍,故而又出现了新一类的教育研究组织,即教育学会。从地方型的教育会,到事业型的教育社,再到学术型的教育学会,由此构成了民国时期教育研究组织的基本形态。它们是“第三条道路”的主要力量,三者随着新式教育发展逐渐出现:民国前期(辛亥革命后至北伐战争前),立足于地方的教育会,因中央及省级教育行政的萎缩,而联合组成全国性的教育会联合会,并和后起的教育社密切联系,在军阀混战的空隙中,直接指导了20年代的教育改革,实为本国民间教育研究运动的一个高峰。民国后期(北伐战争后至解放前),执政的国民党鉴于此前民众运动风起云涌,感受到了有“威胁”,故而对于社会组织加强了控制,地方的教育会面临着被停摆的困境,其后经过整顿才得以恢复,但元气已伤,不复此前光景。教育社当时亦受波折,随着社会环境的逐渐稳定,获得了极大的发展,类别、数量、人员诸方面均有进步。此后,它们与教育学会又联合组成了中国教育学术团体联合会,在抗战的艰苦环境中,继续坚持着教育的研究,展现了我中华民族坚贞不屈的精神。三级教育研究组织自身也有所变化,如从自然人变成了社团法人,从会长制转向了委员制,就教育研究而言,从民间代议的形式,转向了民间合议等等。走中国式的“第三条道路”来发展教育,原本为无奈之下的权宜之计,却有意料之外的收获,那就是符合国情,调动了人们的积极性。至于走这条道路所经受的种种波折,以及道路本身的起起伏伏、疙疙瘩瘩,则可能是学习所免不了的学费。今日之中国,依然还很不富裕,普及教育的追求也未更改,教育学术研究水平依然需要加以提高,历史的经验值得加以关注。

【Abstract】 The importance of New Education had finally been deeply realized after a series of tribulations in modern China. Education administrators regarded Universal Education as firmly pursuit from the Preliminary Constitutional of Late Qing Dynasty to Republic of five nationalities behind the Revolution of 1911, and Capital in Nanjing after the Northern Expedition. Although Central Government had grand aspirations, it had to take the power of the non-governmental circles because of weakness of itself and too poor to select the way of developing education following promoting economy. Public never had the training of community life thousands of years, so it had to choose the Third Way of Education Development——Government encouragement and Private funding.It had no experience to inherit of building New School and Modern School System, and need to depend of not only one or two experts’ comments but also others. Therefore, different from Western countries, Education research in China was not just the business of academics but the affairs of public. As a result, Chinese-style Education Association——the first class of Educational Research Organization was start up at that moment. With the development of New School, it appeared a large number of significant issues in the domain of education administrative authorities can not solve, just as Vocational Education, child education, social education and so on, thence all kinds of Education Fellowship appeared to be the second class of Educational Research Organization. Then Academic backwardness of education began to stand out and to be the disorder of Education continue development, so Education Society——the third class of Educational Research Organization emerged.Educational Research Organization consist of Place—Based Education Association, Business—Type Education Fellowship and Academic—Type Education Society in Republic of China, which were the major power of the Third Way of Education Development. In the early——before the Northern Expedition, Because of the shrinking of Central and provincial education administration, it became to be the height of civil education research that Place—Based Education Associations, National Education Federation and Education Fellowships guide the education reform in 1920s directly during the gap when warlords fighting against with each other. In the late-before PRC establishment, KMT felt a threat therefore strengthened the control of social organizations owing to surging popular movement ago, so Place—Based Education Associations had been seriously hampered. Although Education Fellowships also encountered twists and turns, they received a great deal of development in type, quantity and personnel aspects. Then they founded China Education Association of the Academic Community associate with Education Societies, and continued to do education research. Tertiary education research organization changed itself, from the natural into a corporation aggregate, and the President of the system turned into Committee system. For purposes of educational research, the form of collegiate instead of Representative of civil.Although choosing the Third Way to develop education was in desperation expediency, it mobilized the enthusiasm of people to get an unexpected harvest due to China’s national conditions. Assuredly choosing this way may confront all the ups and downs, but the pursuit of universal education has not changed while the level of educational research also need to be improved, so historical experience is also worth learning.

  • 【分类号】G521
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】813

