

On the Policy of Chinese Government’s Purchasing Educational Services

【作者】 周翠萍

【导师】 吴遵民;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育政策学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 政府购买教育服务是20世纪80年代以来西方国家向社会公众提供教育服务的形式之一。近几年来,我国的一些地区开始了政府购买教育服务的相关探索。虽然目前我国政府购买教育服务还没有成为一个普遍性的、全局性的政策问题,但从教育政策学的视角出发,主动地、预先地对我国基础教育阶段政府购买教育服务的现在与未来、实然与应然进行研究,对于丰富和发展政府购买教育服务的相关理论,为我国政府购买教育服务政策的实施和推广提供借鉴与参照等都具有重要的意义。政府购买教育服务是政府与各类社会组织签订契约,根据对社会组织所提供教育服务的评估,以公共财政全部或部分支付其费用,目的在于向社会公众提供优质、高效、可选择的教育服务。政府购买教育服务的本质特征在于:政府在教育服务提供中实现了“生产者”与“提供者”的分离,政府与社会组织之间的关系在本质上是一种以“契约”为基础的商品交换关系。政府购买教育服务得以成立的理论前提有:政府的教育治理模式应逐步走向“政府—公民社会—市场”三元教育治理模式;教育领域存在市场并可引入市场机制,但教育市场具有其特殊性;教育服务可分为公共教育服务、准公共教育服务和私人教育服务,向社会提供公共教育服务和准公共教育服务是政府的基本职能;政府是否购买教育服务取决于此类教育服务是否是(准)公共教育服务,是否是政府的基本职能,取决于政府与社会组织提供,谁更有效率,取决于此类教育服务的提供是不是政府的核心教育职能。通过对国内外政府购买教育服务政策的考察与研究,笔者认为政府购买教育服务政策有效实施需具备几个条件:政府对政府、市场和学校之间的定位与职能分工要有清晰地认识,政府教育职能的模式应是“小政府—大社会”;教育市场要充分发育;教育中介组织的发展与壮大以及教育行政人员能力的提高。我国目前实施和推广政府购买教育服务政策在技术、经济、政治及行政等方面已具有了一定的可行性,但政策的有效实施还存在以下一些问题:政府教育职能的转变尚任重而道远,教育中介组织的发展尚在“蹒跚学步”,政策法规的相对滞后,传统文化观念有待改变等。伴随着我国社会主义市场经济的不断完善,公民社会力量的逐渐强大,教育体制改革的深化,政府购买教育服务政策可能会成为今后我国逐步实施推广的政策之一。但基础教育是准公共产品的属性决定了政府始终是基础教育的主要举办者和责任人。在基础教育阶段,购买教育服务应成为政府直接生产教育服务的有益补充,政府通过购买教育服务的政策手段来更好地满足社会公众个性化的、多层次的教育需求。同时,未来政府购买教育服务政策的实施和推广需建立和完善相关的政策法规,比如,修订《民办非企业单位登记管理暂行条例》等现有的规范民间组织的相关法律政策,建立政府购买教育服务的质量标准、招投标机制、财政保障制度,形成多方位的监管体系等。我国政府购买教育服务政策的实施与推广应加强社会舆论的引导与宣传。政策实施和推广的过程应是一个渐进的过程。在政策实施过程中,要对政策的实施限度有充分的预期。

【Abstract】 Purchasing educational services is one of the main means for the government to provide the public with educational services since 1980s. It was brought into China a couple of years ago. Although the government’s purchasing educational services is not popular in China, it is extremely important to explore its current and future situations so as to enrich the relative theory and support China’s policy on educational service purchasing.Government’s purchasing educational services is that the government makes the contract with some social organizations, and pays their educational services with all or part of the public finance on the basis of the evaluation of the service quality, so as to provide the public with high-quality, efficient and alternative service. The essence of the purchasing is that the government separate producers and providers of education service, so the relationship between the government and the social organization is of commercial exchange based on the contract.The rationality of the educational service purchasing is as follows:the educational administration of the government is the model of "Government-Public-Market" Educational service can be divided into the public educational service, the would-be public educational service, and private educational service, the former two of which are the basic function of the government; whether the government buy the service depends on whether the service is public or would-be public, and which service is better. Finally, the service bought by the government should not be the government’s core educational function.Based on the research of the policy of the government’s purchasing educational service, the author suggests the following conditions of efficiently carrying it out:the government should have a good knowledge of the specific function of the government, the market and the school, and the government should function as "the Small Government against the Big Society"; the educational market should be in full development; the educational medium organization should be developed and the ability of the administrators should be improved. Chinese government’s purchasing the educational service is possible in terms of the development of technology, economy, politics and administration. But there are some problems that have to be solved in implementing efficiently the policy:the government’s function is await to be changed, the educational mediation is not mature, the law is relatively lagging, and the traditional culture needs to be modified.With the development of Chinese socialistic market, the improvement of the public power, and the future reform of the educational system, the policy on the government’s purchasing educational service may be taken by China generally. However, because the basic education is the would-be public product, the government is always mainly responsible for it. In basic education, purchasing educational service should be its necessary part, through which the government meet more of the individual and multiple needs of the public. Meanwhile, the relative policy and law should be constructed, for instance, the current law regulating the social organization such as "Provisional Regulations on Registration of Private Non-enterprise Units" should be revised, the supervision of the quality, mechanism, and the financial system for the government’s purchasing educational service should be built. Also, the public opinion should be guided. The implementation and the spreading of the policy should be done step by step. When doing it, we should have a good anticipation of its limitation.

  • 【分类号】G521
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】2684

