

Marx’s Social Structure Theory and Its Implications for the Construction of a Harmonious Society

【作者】 杜玉华

【导师】 陈锡喜;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 社会结构理论是马克思解开“历史之谜”,开创社会理论研究的一个极为重要的理论建构,也是马克思主义理论在社会结构研究领域的结晶。在把资本主义作为典型社会形态进行“人体解剖”时,马克思发现了人类社会的基本结构及其变迁的普遍规律,并将社会的变革与发展看成是一个源于社会结构的变迁而促使社会形态更替的过程,进而要求人们从社会结构的建构、重组和解构的冲突与融合中来认识和理解人类社会的发展轨迹,这不仅彻底宣告了社会历史研究领域中唯心主义的破产,也为寻找到社会发展的客观规律提供了一把成功的“钥匙”。马克思社会结构理论虽然开始于对自由竞争时期资本主义社会特别是市民社会的认识,但它是以扎实的思想理论准备为前提的。虽然马克思社会结构理论得益于以柏拉图、亚里士多德为代表的古希腊思想家的思想洗礼,但是,近代对资本主义自由竞争时期的社会矛盾和社会结构问题有深入研究的资产阶级古典经济学、德国古典哲学和空想社会主义,则为马克思社会结构理论的形成提供了主要的直接的思想来源。马克思社会结构理论的内容十分丰富,其所涉及的领域也非常广泛。归纳起来,我们至少可以从实践、空间和时间三个向度来分别分析马克思关于社会生产、社会要素和社会形态等方面的主要思想和观点。以实践为向度的社会结构分析是马克思分析社会结构的逻辑起点;以空间为向度的社会结构分析是指对社会结构在同一空间安排下各组成要素的共时性分析;而以时间为向度的社会结构分析则是指对社会结构在时间序列中社会形态的历时性分析。“社会生产”、“社会要素”、和“社会形态”不是社会结构孤立的三个性质截然不同的什么东西,它们只是由于观察和分析社会结构的视角不同,既相互联系又相互补充,共同构成了社会结构的有机整体,三者不可偏废。马克思社会结构理论是在科学的方法论指导下形成的,具有自身独特的分析方法,这些方法在某种意义上也构成了其理论的特征,并为理论的进一步展开提供具体的指导。在马克思社会结构理论的一般分析方法中,有两个分析方法具有显著的特征:一是从抽象到具体再到抽象的分析方法;二是从“人体解剖”到“猴体解剖”的逆向分析方法。在这两种分析方法的科学指导下,使得马克思社会结构理论表现出了整体性与个体性、抽象性与具体性、系统性与层次性、稳定性与

【Abstract】 Social structure theory is a very important theoretical construction which Marx unlocked the historical mystery and created social theory research, it is also the crystallization of Marxist theory in the social structure research field. When Marx anatomized the capitalist structure as a typical social form, he found the human society’s basic structure and the change of the common law, and he regarded social reforms and development as a process of the change of social structure and the replacement of social form. He asked people to know and understand the human development tract according to the conflicts and integrations of the social structure construction, restructuring and deconstruction. This not only thoroughly declared idealism bankruptcy in the social history research field, but also provided a successful key for looking for the objective laws of social development.Marx’s theory of social structure began with understanding free competition of the capitalist society, especially the period of civil society, but solid ideological and theoretical ready was its premise. Although Marx’s theory of social structure benefitted from the ancient Greek thinkers’thoughts like Plato and Aristotle, however, bourgeois classical economics, Germany classical philosophy and utopian socialism, which had in-depth research in social contradictions and social structure of modern capitalist free competition period, provides the main direct ideological source for Marx’s theory of social structure.The content of Marx’s theory of social structure is very rich, and its involving area is very extensive. Generally speaking, we can at least analyse Marx’s main ideas and views on social productions, social factors and social forms, etc. respectively from practice, space and time three dimensions. The analysis of practical dimension of the social structure is the logic starting point of Marx’s social structure theory. The analysis of spacial dimension of social structure refers to the synchronic analysis of social structure elements in the same space of social structure. And the analysis of time dimension of social structure refers to diachronic analysis of social forms in time sequence.’Social production’,’social factors" and’social forms’are not isolated three properties disparate something of social structure, they are simply organic integtity of society because of different perspectives of social structure, which connect and complement each other.Marx’s theory of social structure is formed under the guidance of scientific methodologies, and it also has its own analytical methods, which in a certain sense formed its theoretical characteristics and provided for further specific instructions for his theory. Of the general analytical methods of Marx’s theory of social structure, there are two methods with prominent feature, one of which is from abstraction to specific and then to abstract, the other one is reverse analytical method from’the human body anatomy’to’the monkey body anatomy’. Under the guidance of these two scientific kinds of analytical methods, Marx’s theory of social structure presents some basic characteristics, such as integrity and individuality, abstraction and concreteness, systematicness and hierarchy, stability and dynamics, objectivity and subjectivity.Since the birth of Marxism, Marx’s theory of social structure as one of important part of it, has still been questioned and attacted by the bourgeois scholars. In order to counterattact various attacts and revisionism, the Marxists in many countries also positively research, defend and spread Marx’s theory of social structure. Some Marxists not only made a new interpretation about Marx’s theory of social structure, but also formed their own theories and viewpoints of social structure. They made an important contribution to advance the inheritance and innovation of Marx’s theory of social structure.Marx’s theory of social structure has great theoretical and practical implications for the construction of the contemporary Chinese socialist harmonious society. With the further development of the socialist market economy and the advancement of our reform and opening-up policy, China’s current social structure has produced profound changes that had never taken place during thousands of years. Its’fundamental change is the gradual transformation from the integrity social structure to the differentiation social structure.The social structure transformed rapidly in the social differentiation, which led to the rapider social mobility, the wider social gap, the more violent social conflicts and the more difficult social integration. Viewing from hence, the Chinese Communist Party and the government put forward the strategic task of the construction of a harmonious society. This not only reflects the further understanding of the governing rules of our party, the rules of socialist construction and the human social development, it also can be regarded as a specific application and new results of Marx’s theory of social structure in contemporary China.In order to construct the socialist harmonious society and maximize all social harmonious factors, Marx’s theory of social structure should be adhered to the guidance consciously; the phased characteristics of Chinese social structure and its existing problems must be studied carefully. And Marx’s theory of social structure should be applied in practice when to answer and solve them. We believe, with the scientific understanding and the practical application of Marx’s theory of social structure, the integrity construction of the social structure, the overall layout of structure elements and the orderly operation of structural relationships, we will be able to promote the construction of a harmonious society and handle the various contradictions and conflicts as results of the structural imbalances for a long time.In the course of constructing the harmonious society, we will further plan and coordinate every different structural relationship, drive and interactive every structure factor symbiotic so as to keep the society much more fair, orderly and healthy.

  • 【分类号】A811;C912
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】3073
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