

The Comparative Study of Chinese and Vietnamese Human Body Noun Metaphor

【作者】 阮氏黎心

【导师】 潘文国;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 人体词语是人类语言的基本词汇之一,而人体隐喻也是人类最为普遍的思维方式之一。人类认识世界是从自身开始的,并以自身作为衡量世界的标准。从这个意义上可以说,人类语言的发展,都是从“自身”开始的。人类把对人自身的认知类推到外部世界事物上,外部世界以拟人化的命名或描述。反过来,人类也把对外部世界的认知类推到人的自身,用外界事物给人体部位和器官命名或加以描述。这些人体隐喻及其成果是人体隐喻最为基本的类型。人类的认知活动来源于身体经验。一方面,不同民族的身体经验可以是相同的,所以,我们可以假设人体隐喻概念系统是有普遍性的,而另一方面,文化背景的差异会影响人们的认知体验,因此我们又有理由推论,不同文化的人体隐喻概念系统中存在着差异。问题是,不同的语言文化究竟在多大程度上表现出人体隐喻概念系统的异和同,本文拟通过对汉、越两种语言的人体名词各方面对比来试图回答这个问题。在综合运用词汇学、语义学、认知语言学、心理学等相关学科的理论和研究成果的基础上,本研究主要采用对比研究方法、描写与解释结合法、定性和定量结合法,对人体名词进行多角度、多层次探讨。除结语外,全文共分六章。第一章绪论本章介绍了人体隐喻在人类语言中的普遍存在。人类的思维具有“体认”(embodied)的特征,即人体及其器官是人类认知活动的基础和出发点之一,人类倾向于将对人体自身的认知结果投射到对其它物体的认知与理解中去。正如古希腊哲学家Protagoras (前485—前410)的著名格言所云:"Man is the measure of all things"(人是万物的尺度)。因此,在各种语言中都很容易发现用人体及其部位作为衡量世界的标准而映射到其他事物,不管是抽象的还是具体事物都是如此。对此,国外的众多研究主要从几个方面进行探讨,如:从语义的角度研究人体词语;从文化视角研究人体词语;从认知角度研究人体词语;从人类学视角研究人体词语,等等。国内的研究从主要走的是从语言上验证认知语言学理论的路子。虽然对人体词语的研究越来越多,但也存在一些明显的不足,主要表现为几个方面:数量少,国内外就人体词语专题研究的成果不多见,且多数将重心集中于认知机制、特别是隐喻上;缺乏对人体词语语义特征的深刻揭示;缺乏跨语考察。因此我们选择了以汉越人体名词隐喻对比为主,附带以与英语的比较,力图从多角度比较不同文化背景下的汉越人体名词隐喻机制和类型的异同,并对人体名词的空间隐喻、容器隐喻及时间隐喻进行对比分析,以期对人体隐喻有更深入的解释和说明。第二章隐喻的理论基础“隐喻”一直被看作是一种修饰言辞的手段,一直属于修辞学的研究对象。到了20世纪80年代随着认知语言学的兴起,众多语言学家认为,隐喻不只是修辞手段,而是人类用来组织其概念系统的不可缺少的认知方式。本章旨在确立本课题的理论基础,并在此基础上,勾画出汉、越人体名词隐喻与对比的理论框架。分别概括地介绍概念隐喻理论及其相关的理论概念,如:认知域之间的映射、相似性的联想、意象图式、认知经验理论等。按照Lakoff等人的理解,语言使用中隐喻只是一种表层的现象,真正起作用的是深藏在我们概念系统中的隐喻概念。事实上,人体语词的隐喻不但广泛存在,而且还形成了一定的概念和范畴类型即结构,方位和本体三种隐喻构成了隐喻的一般类型。概念隐喻的固定使一般的隐喻具有系统性,生成性和概括性。而在不同民族语言的隐喻建立的认知过程中,由于概念和意义体系,价值体系和思维方式不同,本体和喻体之间的映射方向也不同,所建立的概念隐喻也会有所侧重。这些异同在语言中的表现为本文进行不同语言之间人体语词的隐喻对比研究提供了哲学基础。第三章:汉越人体名词语义对比研究。隐喻的本质是一种认知活动,而隐喻的理解过程实际上是将喻体的显著语义特征转移到本体上,人体名词的隐喻反映了名词在语义层面上的演变规律,因此研究语义显得非常重要。本章从认知语义学出发,对人体名词的语义内容,即语义的分类、词义的隐喻性和转喻性转义等概念进行对比研究。语义是语言的意义内容,词义的易变性和稳定性使意义演变具有共性的规律性和个性的差异性两个特征。只有对词义的共性和个性进行深入地分析和描写,并从中揭示决定意义变迁的认知原因,以及意义建构的深层机制,才能全面地把握词义系统。经考察发现,汉越语人体名词都有多义性的特征,即除了本义还有引申义。隐喻和转喻是人体名词引申和转类的基本方式,隐喻途径主要包括:形状类比、功能类比和位置类比;转喻途径主要包括四种借代关系:部分与整体、器官与其动作行为、器官与其功能特征和器官与其尺寸。此外,汉越人体名词转义都呈现出从头部到身躯、四肢再到内脏器官数量递减的趋势。第四章汉越人体名词的转喻对比研究认知语言学认为,“转喻”不仅是一种语言现象而且是人们一般的思维和行为方式。本章从汉越人体名词词义指称和词语转类现象入手,揭示其认知动因为转喻,并对这种认知方式进一步探讨分析。考察结果表明,人体名词转类现象(名转动、名转形、名转量)在汉越语都普遍存在。本章对这几种转类进行了分类,研究了起因,对其进行了认知解释,并阐明了它们的作用。文中指出,人体名词的转类现象就是转喻的结果。其中,人体名动转类是一种事物的关系化,由指代事物的名词转类为表示关系的动词,也就是由指称事物变为陈述关系;人体名形转类可以理解为“用事物来表示该事物的性质的转喻现象”;而人体名量转类分两种情况,人体名形兼类词和人体名词临时当形容词。第一种转义途径是转喻过程,第二种,其实质就是用名词指称的事物所呈现的“空间形体”凸显属性来指代名量词所表示的数量,属于“容器-内容”之间的指代关系。第五章,汉越人体名词的隐喻机制、类型与映射模式对比研究本章从概念隐喻理论入手,对汉越语人体名词的隐喻机制与类型进行对比并得出结论:两种语言中,人体名词的隐喻现象都很丰富并具有相似的认知生成过程,从一个侧面反映了人对客观世界的认知过程的共通性。汉越语人体隐喻类型之所以大同小异,根本原因是在于共同的认知途径。不同民族,尽管语言不同,人们却以相同的方式理解和认识事物的特征,这使得不同语言之间的理解有着一些相同的类型。汉越人体名词隐喻也不例外。然而,相似性由于受语言使用者的不同心理因素、文化背景、生活环境等因素的影响,汉越人体隐喻类型也存在一些相异之处。此外,我们还将隐喻映射的对象进行归类并加以分析。由于人类的认知具有由已知到未知、由简单到复杂、由具体到抽象发展规律,因此,人类不断地把人体部位映射于外界事物的同时,也在与外界事物接触的体验中增加了对自身的了解,将对外界事物的认知及其结果反过来投射到人体。在这个人体域和非人体域的映射过程中,人体既可以作始源域,也可以是目标域。而非人体域可以是具体的动植物类、建筑类、容器类等,也可以是抽象的语言类、空间类以及思想感情类,等等。第六章汉越人体空间、时间、容器和情感隐喻对比研究空间在认知语言学中起着“元概念”(meta-concept)的作用,是“用来理解其他概念的概念”(Lakoff &Johnson,1980:14)。体验哲学和认知语言学的一个核心观点是:人类的范畴、概念、推理和心智是基于身体经验形成的,其最基本形式主要依赖于对身体部位、空间关系、力量运动等的感知而逐步形成。本章对人体的空间隐喻包括方位隐喻、容器隐喻和时间隐喻进行全面对比,对每一种隐喻类型进行认知探索和共性、个性的分析。特别是对方位词的不对称现象、混用现象以及人体名词空间语法化现象提出个人的见解。另外,本章还对人体的情感隐喻进行尝试性的探讨,文章指出,人类的“喜、怒、哀、惧”等情绪属于人体生理的转喻和隐喻互动的现象。

【Abstract】 Human Body Part Terms are the most fundamental vocabularies of all the languages in the world, while Human Body Metaphor is one of the most commonly used mode of thinking. The mankind’s cognitive process of the world is by knowing ourselves first and using ourselves as a yardstick of the world. In this sense, the development of the human language starts from our own. Our cognition of the external world is through our own experience and we thus name them and describe them using personification. Vice versa, the cognition of ourselves is formed according to our knowledge of the external world. We name and describe our body parts and organs by them. These body metaphors and their achievement are the most basic ones in the whole concept of body metaphor.The human’s cognitive activity origins from the body experience. On one hand, the experience of different ethnic groups can be the same, thus we can hypothesize that the system of the Human Body Metaphor Concept is universal. On the other hand, the diversity of the cultural background would influence people’s cognitive experience, which leads to the possible result that there are some differences in the system of the Human Body Metaphor Concept with different cultures. The problem is that to what extend would the language culture affect the system of the Human Body Metaphor concept. This essay tries to answer the question by looking into the comparison between Chinese and Vietnamese Human Body Part Terms.Based on the comprehensive application of the theory and also the research findings of the disciplines such as lexicology, semantics, cognitive linguistics and psychology, this study mainly uses the methods of compare and contrast, description and explanation, and qualitative and quantitative analysis. This essay will discuss Human Body Part Terms thoroughly in the following seven chapters.Chapter 1 IntroductionThis chapter introduces the universal existence of Human Body Metaphor in each language. The thoughts of human beings have an embodied characteristic, that is to say, the human body and its organs are the basis and one of the starting points of human’s cognitive activity. Human beings tend to map the results of self-cognition to the understanding of other objects and concepts. Protagoras, the philosopher of ancient Greek, once said:Man is the measure of all things. Therefore, there are many examples in different languages that would use human body part as a yardstick of the world firstly, then map it to other objects, whether it’s a concrete one or not. This chapter reviews the research findings concerning about the human body metaphor home and abroad. Foreign studies focus on the aspects such as the semantic analysis of Human Body Metaphor, the cultural aspect of Human Body Part Terms and the study of them in an anthropologic perspective and so on. Domestic studies mainly stay in the linguistic level. They try to verify cognitive linguistic theory with the linguistic knowledge. Generally speaking, there are a growing number of studies about Human Body Part Terms, but there are also some weak points. The results about the specified semantic studies of Human Body Part Terms currently are not enough; the studies focus too much on the cognitive mechanism, especially metaphor; there’s also a lack of profound demonstration about the semantic features of Human Body Part Terms; and, there’s a shortage of inter-language research. Thus, we choose the comparison of Human Body Part Terms between Chinese and Vietnamese as the main part, and also with the comparison of English, we try to give a further explanation and description of Human Body Metaphor by studying the semantic situation of the Human Body Part Terms in different languages from many aspects, analyzing the metaphorical basis and cultural elements of its formation and development, comparing the metaphorical mechanism and the patterns between Chinese and Vietnamese Human Body Part Terms under different cultural background and, comparing and contrasting Spatial Metaphor, Container Metaphor and Time Metaphor.Chapter 2 Basic Theory of MetaphorMetaphor has always been treated as a way to modify the speech and it is an exceptional phenomenon, thus it has long been studied in the field of rhetoric. With the emergence of Cognitive Linguistics in the 1980s, many linguists began to treat metaphor more than a way of rhetoric, but also a cognitive method which is necessary for human beings to organize the conceptual system. This chapter aims to lay the theoretical foundation of this project. Also, it will establish the theoretical frame of the metaphor and the contrast between Chinese and Vietnamese Human Body Metaphor. This essay uses the theory of Conceptual Metaphor and some relative theories, such as the Mapping in the Domain, some similar association, the Image Schema, the theory of cognitive experience and so on. According to Lakoff’s understanding, the metaphor in the language is only a superficial phenomenon, what really matters is the concept of metaphor that deeply exists in our conceptual system. Actually, not only do the Human Body Part Terms exist in a large scale, but also have they already formed a certain concept and a category, which is a metaphorical category, consists of Structural, Spatial and Ontological Metaphor. The stability of the Conceptual Metaphor makes the common metaphor a systematic, generative and brief one.In the cognitive process of metaphor in different ethnic groups which use different language, the directions of the Mapping between ontology and vehicle would be different due to the different concepts, different systems of meaning and values, and different modes of thinking. Therefore, extra emphasis is placed on the established Conceptual Metaphor. These differences showed in language lay a realistic philosophical foundation for the comparative study of the metaphor in different Human Body Part Terms of different languages.Chapter 3 Comparative Study of the Semantic Structure in Chinese and Vietnamese Human Body Part Terms The essence of metaphor is a kind of cognitive activity. The understanding process is actually a transformational one which transfers the vehicle’s distinct semantic features into the ontology. The Human Body Part Terms reflect the transformational rules that nouns have on a semantic level, which makes the study of semantics really important. This chapter tries to have a comparative study of the Human Body Part Terms’semantic contents from a cognitive linguistic perspective, including the study of semantic category, the polymerization of polysemy in semantics, metaphor and metonymy in the word meaning.Semantics is the meaning of a language. The variability and stability of the word meaning make the meaning shift process have both similarities and differences. Only by a thorough analysis and description of the similarities and differences of the semantic features and by revealing the cognitive reasons that determine the meaning shift process and the profound semantic mechanism, can we have a full understanding of the semantic system, thus can we handle the word system well. According to our research findings, the Chinese and Vietnamese Human Body Part Terms both have the feature of polysemy, that is to say, there is an extended meaning besides its original meaning. Metaphor and metonymy are the basic ways to extend and transfer Human Body Part Terms. The metaphorical methods include the comparison of the shape, function and position; while the metonymic methods mainly include four metonymy related relationship:the part-whole relation, the relations between the organ and its movement, its function and its size. The meaning shift process of Chinese and Vietnamese Human Body Part Terms show a decreasing trend from the head to the body and from the limbs to the internal organs.Chapter 4 The Comparative Study of Chinese and Vietnamese Human Body MetonymyMetonymy, like metaphor, is not only a linguistic form but also a powerful cognitive tool for people’s conceptualization of the world:"Metonymy allows us to conceptualize one thing by means of its relation to something else; metonymic concepts structure not just our language but our thoughts, attitudes, and actions; Metonymic concepts (like THE PART FOR THE WHOLE) are part of the ordinary, everyday way we think and act as well as talk." Lakoff (1980:37)The research findings show that there is a widespread existence of Human Body Part Terms transformation in both Chinese and Vietnamese. But the transformations in Chinese are more distinct, more plentiful and more active, especially in the cases of noun to verb, noun to adjective and noun to classifier.Chapter 5 The Comparative Study of Chinese and Vietnamese Human Body MetaphorThis chapter starts from the Conceptual Metaphor Theory, and by comparing and contrasting the metaphor mechanism and type of Chinese and Vietnamese Human Body Part Terms, it reaches a conclusion that the generative process of cognition in Human Body Metaphor is very plentiful and these phenomena have similarities. This also shows a universal feature when people get to know the objective world on the other hand. The fundamental reason why Chinese and Vietnamese Human Body Metaphor are much alike is that they have the same cognitive method. Although different ethnic groups have different languages, people use the same method to know and understand all kinds of features, which has divided the understandings of different languages into some certain patterns. The Chinese and Vietnamese Human Body Metaphor are no exceptions. Both of them are based on the similarity. However, due to the speakers’ different psychological situations, cultural backgrounds, and living standards, there are still some slight differences between them. Apart from the discussion about the metaphorical type and mechanism, we also classify and analyze the target of the metaphorical Mapping. People’s cognitive process is from the known to the unknown, from the simple to the complicated and from the concrete to the abstract. Therefore, human beings constantly map the human body part to the external objects, and in the meanwhile, we also have improved our self-understandings, so that we in turn map our understandings of the external world to the human body. In this body-part Domain and non-body Domain Mapping process, human body can act as both Source Domain and Target Domain. The non-body Domain can not only be fauna and flora category, architectural category and container category, but also can be abstract ones, such as linguistic category, spatial category and emotional category.Chapter 6 the Comparative Study of Chinese and Vietnamese Human Body’s Spatial, Container, Time and Emotional MetaphorThe space acts as the meta-concept in Cognitive Linguistics, it’s a concept that is used to understand other concepts. (Lakoff &Johnson,1980:14) The core of Embodied Philosophy and Cognitive Linguistics is the formations of human’s category, concept, reasoning and intelligence, while its basic form mainly depends on the perception of the body parts, spatial relations and strength exercise training and so on. This chapter will have a comprehensive study of Human Body Spatial Metaphor (including Orientational Metaphor, Container Metaphor and Time Metaphor. Then it will explore each metaphorical type cognitively and analyze their similarities and differences. A personal understanding of the asymmetry and mixture of the orientational words and also the grammatical phenomenon of Human Body Part Terms will be pointed out.Chapter 7 ConclusionThis chapter will summarize all the studies presented in this essay. This paper’s major research findings, its innovation and the problems which need further exploration will also be included.

【关键词】 人体名词隐喻转喻汉越对比
【Key words】 Human Body NounBody MetaphorMetonymyComparativeVietnameseChinese
  • 【分类号】H44;H15
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1199

