

The Research of Urban Changes and Development of Political Party in British and America

【作者】 武文霞

【导师】 林拓;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 城市是一个国家政治、经济和文化的中心,不仅集聚了国家大量的社会财富和精英人士,而且在国家经济发展中占有举足轻重的地位,甚至决定了国家的兴旺发达。政党是国家政治的核心组成部分,不论在国家政治中,还是在社会发展中,都扮演着重要角色。因此,对城市变迁与政党发展这一问题展开研究,具有重要的理论意义和现实价值,不仅能够深化和拓展城市与政党领域的相关研究,而且可为现代城市发展和政党建设提供重要借鉴和有益启示。目前,学术界关于城市和政党的研究,虽已涌现大量成果,并为本课题提供了较好的平台,但尚未发现将城市变迁与政党发展结合起来进行专题研究的成果,这对本研究提出了很大的挑战。本课题选取英美为研究案例,将城市变迁与政党发展结合起来探讨,分析城市变迁过程中的政党发展,借助城市变迁的纬度和场域讨论政党变化特点和地域发展格局,通过政党变化向度和发展特点探索城市不同时期的发展特征,进而探究城市变迁与政党发展的内在机理。本文围绕“英美城市变迁与政党发展”这一主题,在国内外学者关于城市与政党相关研究的基础上,采用历史文献分析法、质性与量性分析等研究方法,分六章对英美城市变迁和政党发展进行了系统深入的分析与探讨。第一章:绪论部分。介绍选题的背景依据和研究意义,研究的主要方法和主要内容以及创新点等。第二章:理论梳理与文献综述。对本课题的相关研究成果进行回顾与分析,在分析英、美城市变迁与政党发展相关文献检索详情的基础上,评述政党概念和政党相关理论、城市发展及其相关理论;在此基础上,综述英美城市变迁与政党发展的相关研究进展。第三章:探讨英国城市变迁与政党发展的特点。首先,在梳理英国早期城市和政党发展特点的基础上探讨英国政党分化组合与城市发展的关系;其次,分析城市化快速发展阶段的政党变革路径及其驱动机制;最后,在此基础上研究郊区化发展时期政党变化重组的城市影响因素、以及城市社会问题的出现和政党的应对措施,同时对郊区化时期的政党发展特点进行了探讨。第四章:分析美国城市变迁与政党发展特点。在初步探索美国城市早期特点和政党发展概况的基础上,分析早期商业城市和政党重组的关系;继而探讨城市化快速发展时期的阶段特点和政党机器的兴衰,分析政党地域格局的发展过程及其驱动机制;随后,研究郊区化时期的城市发展特点和政党应对策略、政党组织面临的挑战及其功能调适等;最后,在分析民主党与共和党主导大选格局的基础上,探讨民主党与共和党地域格局的变化过程及其内在发展逻辑。第五章:对比分析英、美城市变迁与政党发展。沿着城市发展的维度,分别从城市化起步阶段、城市化快速发展时期和郊区化发展这三个时段,对城市变迁与政党发展进行深入比照研究,在英美城市变迁历程中探索政党的变化向度和发展差异,在政党的重组发展和变化特点中,把握城市发展的影响因素。第六章:结论部分。对全文的主要观点和结论进行了总结,同时对研究的不足和进一步研究的问题进行了探讨。

【Abstract】 City is the center of politics, economy and culture of a nation, which not only gathers a large amount of social wealth and national elite, but also plays a great role in economical development of a country, and even determines a nation’s prosperity. Political party is the core component of the national politics, which plays an important part in national politics and social development. Therefore, doing research on urban changes and development of political party has important theoretical and practical value, which not only deepens and expands the field of urban studies and political research, but also provides an important reference and inspiration for political parties and urban development of many countries. Currently, a large number of academic research on urban development and political party has already emerged and provides a better platform for the study, but the author have not yet found any topics that combines urban changes and the development of party, which presents a great challenge for this study.The study chooses the case of British and America, explores the development of party in the process of urban changes from the latitude of urban, and analyzes the characteristics of urban change from the dimension of political development, then doing research on the internal mechanism of urban change and political development. On the base of research done by scholars at home and abroad, this paper centers around the theme of urban changes and development of political party with six chapters, using the methods of analysis historical material, quanlitative and quantitative research, etc..Chapter 1:Introduction. Introduce the background and significance of the study, the methods of the research, the main content and innovation, etc. Chapter 2:Literature review. Analyze the research results of the subject, and review the concept of political parties and party-related theory, urban development and related theories on the basis of literature search. Then summarize the related research findings about urban development and political changes. Chapter 3:Explore the characteristics of urban changes and development of political party in British. Firstly, analyze the relationship between the urban changes and development of party in early days. Secondly, investigate the way of reform of political parties and its driving mechanism. Finally, analyze the factor which influences the realignment and development of political party. At the same time, explore the characteristics of the party during the period of suburbanization. Chapter 4:Analyze urban changes and development of political party of U.S.. Based on the analysis of trading city and party changes, expore the ralationship between commercial city and changes in political parties in early days. Then investigate the characteristics of the city, the rise and fall of political machine during the phase of the rapid development of the city, and analyze the geographical pattern of the party and its driving mechanism. In the phase of suburbanization, analyze the characteristics of the city, the coping strategies of the party, the challenges facing the organization and function adjustment of the political parties, etc. Finally, explore the process of geographical pattern of American Party and its inherent logic on the basis of Democrat and Republican that lead election. Chapter 5:Analyze urban changes and development of political party between British and American. Along the dimensions of urban development, study on the urban changes and development of political party comparatively from the period of rapid urbanization and suburbanization, etc. Then explore the dimensions of development in political party and the differences of political party, while analyze the factors that influence the city. Chapter 6:Conclusion. This part summarized the main ideas of the thesis and discussed the defects of the study and further research in the future.

  • 【分类号】D771.2;D756.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】647

