

Port City-Region in Global Maritime Logistics Networks

【作者】 庄佩君

【导师】 汪宇明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 高效的运输和物流、以及物流网络是世界经济全球化的必要组成部分,拥有良好海运物流网络的港口城市和沿海区域,一直处于全球化的前沿。但同时海运物流体系和其运作环境正经历着巨大的变化,也给港口城市和区域可持续发展带来挑战和风险。全球海运物流网络与港口城市—区域存在着复杂的空间相互作用机理。本论文以港口空间里的海运物流活动为核心,基于海陆向结合视角与海运物流企业行为为主线,把握海运物流体系自身演变规律和机制,分析全球海运物流网络的形成和特征,探讨区域体系在全球网络中的嵌入。在此基础上,考察海运物流活动与城市和区域的关系演变,探寻全球化背景下港口、城市和区域的海运物流经济综合体的存在,进一步地探索海运物流体系的空间治理体制和机制创新,具有显著的理论价值和实践意义。运输贯穿着实物流通道和路径。运输经济学强调运输产品的完整性和客户的参与,要求海运物流服务产品的完整性和包括货主在内的海运物流所有成员的整合协作。运输生产的网络经济性决定了海运物流主要活动者的行为策略,和海运物流体系发展趋势。海上运输专业化、海运速度提高和船舶大型化是实现运输的空间和时间效用的技术保障,实现时空压缩。运输业发展可改变人类活动的范围和耗费的时间和资本,决定着“社会与技术的范式”,当海运物流体系有技术重大变化时就会领跑区域经济社会发展。谋求全球化的厂商将自身物流功能外包,采购完整物流服务产品,为运输链成员提供向全球物流服务供应商转型的机会,实现经营项目和地理范围扩大。实物流环环相扣,意味着其空间构建过程有赖于行为者所在地域在物流链中的动态位。无论是美国大都市区制度应对公共管理辖区破碎化,还是中国的行政区兼并应对行政区经济,都难以解决海运物流“流动空间”特性对区域管理的挑战。治理理论认为因为政府失效和市场失效的存在,治理权威与治理主体应多元化,企业是经济活动的治理主体,这为海运物流空间治理的企业参与提供了理论依据。经济活动的不同治理模式,以及企业权力的不均衡引起的领先企业所具有的治理地位等使得区域的海运物流体系处于在自身掌控能力之外的动态变化之中。区域治理和全球价值链治理都强调治理主体之间的认同原则,认同的力量可以从结构主义、新制度主义和网络理论中得到理论支撑。海运物流体系的行为者在港口、城市和区域空间内建构基于“文化认同”的共同体,构筑避风港,以对抗全球失控的无序竞争、降低不确定性和风险。全球经济时代,海运物流是海运实践和海运研究的新范式,为了理解全球海运物流需要构建一组概念。首先是海运物流的概念。海运物流是满足客户需要的持续过程,在需要经过海运的发送地到最终收货地之间,以客户愿意支付的价格,将恰当数量的恰当货物、按恰当的条件,在客户指定的恰当时间送达至恰当地点的恰当收货人。此概念为海运物流从业成员提供理解全球化的实物流空间的现实、形成共同的战略和行动模型、框架和思维方式。其次是海运物流供应链的概念。在海运物流领域,从发货人至收货人过程涉及海运公司、码头运营商、代理经纪等诸多专业化企业,构成了海运物流服务链。这一概念的建立,有利于从企业角度审视海运物流系统的时间和空间维度上的动态;另一方面,码头运营商等企业身份显现了放松管制以后港口运作中企业行为的影响,从而将“港口”纳入物流体系之中。第三是全球海运物流网络的概念,即以国际海上运输网络为基础,以港口为枢纽中心,陆上的公路、铁路及内河通航水系等多式联运通道所构成的集疏运体系为末端的全球实物流网络。在这个概念框架下,考察全球实物流的海向和陆向通道网络及其海陆界面的空间布局,海运物流企业的市场运营战略和空间组织特征。第四,区域港口嵌入全球海运物流网络的概念。这需要观察区域港口在全球海运物流网络中的地位,嵌入方式和嵌入机制。为了向最终客户提供完整物流服务产品,整合是最重要原则,通过组织方式变革实现空间和功能一体化,以解决因功能、产权、运营权的分割而造成的海运物流链破碎化。运输组织革命、运输和信息技术进步和放松管制为实现全球范围的海运物流整合提供了技术和体制保障。海运航线和可移动运载工具船舶组成了海向物流网络,各航线上所投入的船舶运力体现了各条海向通道的大小和能力;大宗干散货、液体散货和集装箱货在海向通道里大量迅速流动是全球经济最壮观的景象。各有不同物流绩效特征的陆上运输通道和场站实现了海运物流的配送功能。为了掌控服务产品的完整性和质量,海运物流企业谋求对物流链的控制,出现了海运物流网络运营组织的海陆一体化。国际海运业者和码头企业是实现海运服务链功能和组织整合中的渠道领袖,前者通过“编织”海向网络、打造登陆的港口节点、进而继续构建陆向网络,后者具有整合陆向的运输、仓储配送和航运服务支撑功能的优势。港口根植于海运物流链中,是各功能活动会合的空间场所;其发展需要置于全球海运物流体系之中。城市和区域的海运物流体系嵌入全球海运物流网络中,突出地表现为区域港口吞吐量的增长。中国沿海港口群在太平洋西岸的整体凸显,是世界航运重心东移、和中国沿海区域成为全球海运物流网络重要组成部分的体现。中国沿海地区作为海运物流的市场所在实现了市场嵌入,通过基础设施大规模、专业化和集装箱化建设,以及航运通道网络建设实现了网络嵌入,而海运物流链上企业的市场运作战略,实现供应链嵌入。港口投资和经营市场、海上航运市场、以及海运物流链其它服务市场的开放是嵌入全球海运物流网络的市场机制。海运物流体系发展,表现为时间维度上的发育和完善,和空间维度上的集聚和扩散过程。在很长一段历史里,海运物流服务的供应链系统不完善、服务链比较短,海运物流活动与区域的相互作用在一有限的空间范畴内。由于“城市”这个空间单元在不同历史时期存在地理尺度上的极大差异,因此采取“港一城界面”为空间剖析单元,以表征港口及海运物流活动与城市的交互作用,突出这-空间里两者不同程度和形式的相互依存关系,及其广泛的经济社会政治背景。历史上海运物流活动集聚及与特定空间的互动,培育了港一城界面,孕育了港口城市,促进其繁荣和发展。由于海运物流体系发展的技术剧变的拉动作用,海运物流集聚空间受其拉动呈现一定的迁移轨迹。宁波案例显现了海运物流活动是港口城市发育和成长的基本动力,不同历史时期的海运物流活动培育了形态各异的港一城界面和港口城市。海运物流体系的发展也呈现空间扩散之势。其驱动力有三重,包括因集聚对港—城界面造成的土地和环境等压力,中心城市对航运组织经营活动和各类支撑服务业的拉动作用,以及内陆区域对物流配送节点和工业客户等的拉动作用。信息和交通技术使非实物流环节的部门获得了空间流动自由,改变了区位选择要素顺序,实现海运物流在港口、港口城市、中心城市和区域的空间重塑。在此自由流动背景下土地市场是分散化的强烈决定因素。港口城市—区域是区域海运物流体系的空间投影、全球化下海运物流系统运作的新空间。宁波案例显示企业在物流通道组织、以及实现区域融入全球海运物流中的重要作用。现代港口城市构建的海运物流平台、海运物流网络的陆向区域化和区域中心城市成为海运物流支撑服务业的区位选择,这一组现象构成了宁波地域上港口城市—区域海运物流的空间单元。在不同历史时期,港口城市和区域对海运物流体系的治理制度也有着积极的响应和生动的演变过程。全球海运物流体系的空间布局和治理特征表现为海向空间的灵活性和无根性,陆向空间边界渐失,空间整体协作性和治理空间的区域化。区域海运物流体系受到双重风险。一方面,跨国船公司拥有海运物流链治理权,其在海向空间运作的无根性,以及在内陆节点的渗透,对港口和港口城市发展带来极大风险。另一方面,在全球—地方化的张力下,放松管制、私有化进程等体制转型过程中,海运物流体系受到地方分割,政府缺位和越位共存现象的影响。海运物流体系在港口城市—区域的空间治理需要体制和机制的创新,治理手段需突破原来单一的依靠政治和行政方式,形成由海运物流行为者多元主体共同参与的区域治理体制,才能避免空间冲突。基于“认知共同体”的港口物流共同体的伙伴关系,主要体现为政府部门、企业和非赢利机构(包括个人)共同参与全球海运物流的治理。营销和文化策略有利于实现共同体的组织构建和制度构建,加强目标认同感。通过各物流活动主体的互动协同努力,满足港口城市—区域内企业、居民对提供通往国内其它地区及世界的通道的需求,实现区域整体利益最大化目标,加强区域经济竞争能力,促进港口城市—区域的空间形象凸显。本论文试图在以下三方面实现创新:1.揭示海运物流体系发展规律,构建全球海运物流网络、阐明其运营组织和基本特征,阐释中国沿海港口群嵌入全球海运物流网络的动力机制。2.以“港—城界面”为考察海运物流与港口城市的主导标志,揭示两者互动关系时空演变规律。海运物流在港—城界面的集聚和发展培育了古代和近代的商贸型港口城市,其空间迁移驱动港口城市发展;日益完善与发达的全球海运物流体系空间重塑,构成容纳海陆双向互动的地域利益空间共同体,促进了港口城市—区域的发育和发展。3.基于全球性城市—区域理念,提出“港口城市—区域”的科学概念,尝试建构“全球性海运物流——全球性海运物流网络——全球性海运物流服务产业——全球性生产网络——港口城市—区域”相互依存的空间逻辑依存关系;探讨了全球化背景下基于共同认知的“港口物流共同体”多元主体共同参与的区域治理机制。

【Abstract】 Efficient transportation and logistics, and the logistics networks are the necessities of current global economy. Port cities and those coastal regions with favorable maritime logistics networks are the frontline soldiers of globalization. However, changing maritime logistics system and the dynamic market environment, in which it operates, have been challenging the sustainable development of port cities and its regions. There is complex mechanism for the interaction between global maritime logistics networks and port city-region.Port geography studies may, on the basis of traditional trajectory of spatial study, epistemologically shift to the evolution and the mechanism of maritime logistics system and the formation and features of global maritime logistics networks, with a focus on the activities of the companies, and combined view of seaward and landward. This can goes further to the study of how maritime logistics activities act as a sustainable mechanism for city and region development, the emergence of a territorial maritime logistics complex of port city-region, and the spatial governance for maritime logistics region.The product integrity of maritime logistics service means the service integration of all the member companies of supply chain for the maritime logistics. The specialization of maritime transportation, higher speed and ship enlargement are the technological support for the space and time utilities of transportation.Outsourcing of logistics functions and purchasing integral logistics service are observed to be an important strategy for companies seeking for global operation. This continuous process provides chances for transportation operator to become global logistics service providers. The seamless character of material flow means the logistics space construction depends on the dynamic position of all the logistics actors. The features of "fluid space" of maritime logistics raise much challenge to regional management. The epistemic community based on culture cognition of the actors and shareholders of the maritime logistics field could be used to meet the disordered global competition, so as to reduce the uncertainty and risk.In the context of globalization, a new paradigm would be adopted to ground the maritime practice and study with a theme of maritime logistics. Four terms need to be conceptualized for the better understanding of global maritime logistics——firstly, maritime logistics, the final service product to the customers and the shippers; secondly, supply chain of maritime logistics service, including all the actors of maritime logistics; thirdly, global maritime logistics networks, connecting all the logistics activities with marine concern from the departure place to the destination; and fourthly, the insertion of local or regional maritime logistics system into global networks, which focusing on the insertion modes and mechanism.Integration is an important principal for producing integral logistics service products to final customers. The organization transform would be a strategic option for spatial and functional integration, and a solution to the function, property and operation fragmentation of maritime logistics chain. Containerization, inter-modal transportation, technological development in transportation and information provide the technological and institutional support for the maritime logistics integration in the global territory.Shipping lines and mobile vehicles constitutes the seawards logistics networks, of which the sea channels depends on the input ship capacity. The quick and mass circulation of dry and liquid bulk cargoes and containers are the most impressive sea view of the global economy. The terminals and land corridors, with different logistics performance features, are the basic facilities for distribution of maritime cargoes.For ensuring the integrity and quality of service products, maritime logistics companies seek to the control of the logistics chains, and adopt the integration strategy of sea and land channels of the maritime logistics networks. International carriers and terminal operators take the advantage to be the channel captains in this process of the function and organization integration. Embedded in the maritime logistics, ports are the intersection arena of various maritime functions, meaning its development shall be grounded in global maritime logistics.The insertion of maritime logistics system of a region could be expressed with its large amount of port throughput. The embedding of Chinese coastal regions in the global maritime logistics networks is realized in three modes, which are market insertion, networks insertion and supply chain insertion. The mechanism is the opening up of Chinese markets in port investment and operation, shipping, and other auxiliary maritime service market.The maritime logistics system develops in two dimensions. Temporally, it breeds, growths and improves. Spatially, its activities concentrate or decentralise. In a long history, the supply chain of maritime logistics was imperfect and often with short chains, and the activities concentrated in a limited territory, which usually bred port-urban interface, a seminal space of a port city. The technical dramatic change of maritime logistics system pulls the migration of the concentrated territory of its activities. The Ningbo case shows the fundamental mechanism of maritime logistics activities for the breeding and growth of a port city, and in the process of its evolution period it fostered several port-urban interface and port cities with various morphology.The dispersing of activities of maritime logistics systems is driven by three factors, including the land and environment pressure on the port-urban interface from the activity concentration, the pulling force from the regional central urban to the organizing and managing activities of shipping and other auxiliary service industries, and also the pulling force from the inland to the logistics distribution activities and manufacturing customers. The modern technology of information and transportation provide the non-physical department the opportunity to move freely, and change their location choice determinant, and hence reconstruct the territorial structure of maritime logistics in port, port city, regional central city and the inland region. In this free moving environment, land market became an most important determinant for the activities dispersing.Port city-region is the spatial projection of regional maritime logistics system, and new territory for its global strategy. In the case of Ningbo, enterprises show their active roles in logistics channel organization and the insertion into global systems. In Ningbo area, the port city-region is a new space scale for maritime logistics analysis, with the modern port city as an operation platform, the inland region as the distribution system, and regional central city as the location for its managing and non-physical service industry. In the evolution process of maritime logistics system in Ningbo, port city and the region have active reaction to its spatial governance.The governance of maritime logistics system needs innovation in institution and mechanism, which will goes beyond the traditional political and jurisdictional tools. The partnership of port logistics community based on epistemic community can be an innovative approach to the spatial governance for the modern maritime logistics system. Channel marketing and cultural tactics are the useful tools for identity and community construction in the port city-region.

  • 【分类号】F551;F259.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2461
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