

"Research on Production of the Media Convergence in China"

【作者】 杨娟

【导师】 严三九;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 文学与传媒, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 媒介融合是当前全球传媒界关注的焦点话题。在全球信息化大的产业背景下,中国传统媒体和新媒体在内容、渠道和终端等环节加速融合。在内容生产领域,新旧媒体互为补充、相互借力,促使新的生产方式和生产形式不断涌现,令人应接不暇。“全媒体”作为一个具有中国特色的命题在生产领域萌发,并迅速扩散到传媒运营的各个环节。以全媒体生产为路径探索的中国媒介生产融合,其价值不仅是作为一种新的生产方式带来传播变革,更是为日显困顿的传统媒体带来了发展的契机,也为国家“三网融合”战略的实施注入新的活力。论文定位于实现一个问题式的理论架构,在作者力所能及的范围内进行一些探讨。文章以传播学、经济学、媒介经营管理学等多学科交叉的研究视野,紧扣我国传统媒体与新媒体融合脉搏,在诸多生产现场搜集大量一手资料,通过严谨的实证研究和典型案例分析,较为系统的论证中国媒介生产融合发展现状、特点、问题及发展路径等要点,提出建设性的生产思路,展开问题式的研究。本文首先分析了中国媒介生产融合的依据问题。在我国三网融合新的产业政策和以数字技术为代表的新技术高速发展的强大驱动下,传统媒体与新媒体之间的生产融合显得合理而必要。在媒介现实的生产中,传统媒体基于媒体之间传播特性的互补优势、受众和市场的现实需求、全媒体整合营销策略的优势、品牌延伸利益的最大化、价值链的优化等角度考量,日趋加速与新媒体在生产上融合渗透的步伐。本文的研究为媒介生产融合提供理论和实践的支持。在国内外媒介生产融合的发展现状研究中,论文提出,鉴于各国传媒的发展背景不同,各个国家的媒介在生产领域的融合处于不同的发展阶段,并呈现出不同的发展特点。中国现阶段媒介生产融合的主要特点为:空间区域上的多样性和差异化融合;时间上的渐进式动态发展、螺旋上升式融合;形态上的有限融合。在传统媒体实践的微观层面,我国的传统媒体与网络新媒体的生产融合先后经历了传统媒体网络版、传统媒体与网络新媒体生产互动、传统媒体与新媒体生产融合,目前正处在两者之间生产深度融合的品牌建立阶段。本文的研究建立在广泛的定量调查基础上,了解中国传统媒体生产现状,掌握传媒集团跨媒体、跨行业、跨区域方面的具体生产情况,为在中国大框架下传统媒体的发展提供宏观视野和战略发展路径分析。在对中国媒介生产融合中存在的主要问题和误区分析中,结合中国传统媒体与新媒体生产融合的实践,通过大量的定量和定性调查研究,论文指出:由于中国传媒旧有体制的存在和监管机制不完善、传统媒体固有成见及新媒体自身生产不成熟,带来了中国媒介生产融合中的诸多问题和传媒从业人员在认识上的一些误区。论文指出,传统媒体转型要观念先行,转变生产思路与理念比转换生产方式更重要;体制机制改革是传媒转型的关键因素;新媒体生产能力的提高是决定融合力强弱的重要一环。在对中国媒介生产融合的发展路径探析中,本文首先从宏观角度分析了全媒体构想下中国媒介全景化的生产格局及全方位、立体式的传播格局。接着,文章从微观角度对中国现阶段传统媒体全媒体实践的路径选择进行归类分析。从中央媒体到地方媒体,其影响力、资金、技术、资源储备因素不同,“全媒体生产”路径也不尽相同,但中国特殊的政治、经济、文化制度决定了“全媒体”生产实践必定要在一个全国性的大框架下发展。论文进一步指出全媒体实践诸多环节的实现,在传媒内部是一个想象力、思考力、决策力、执行力、凝聚力五力合力变奏的过程,这种合力构成了媒介的融合力,是传媒生产力能否提高的关键。论文通过问卷调查和深入访谈的方式,选取中央电视台、上海广播电视台、烟台日报传媒集团为考察单位,进行了传统媒体与新媒体生产融合情况典型案例调查。深入剖析了三类主要发展路径:第一类在中央级别和极具品牌影响力的传媒中存在,以中央电视台为例:充分利用传统媒体的品牌影响力,将品牌在新媒体业务中无限延伸和扩散;第二类在省级层面传媒中出现,以上海电视台为例:全媒体集群式的发展路径。第三类以地市级传媒集团为主,以烟台日报报业集团为例:新闻生产流程再造的发展路径。论文结合调查数据和调研情况,以新闻生产作为切入点,对以上三大传媒生产进行了深入的案例分析,并对创建新闻中心之后的新闻生产进行深入思考。论文通过定量研究发现,开放有效的体制机制改革,人员技能、素质、观念的全面提高,是解决传媒生产现实问题的关键。而当前,在大部分传统媒体的改革以技术改进和平台建设为先导,“伤筋动骨”的体制改革雷声大雨点小的情况下,自中央级到地方级媒体的中央电视台、上海广播电视台、烟台日报传媒集团大刀阔斧、具有战略发展意义的传媒改革,无疑从各个层面树立了中国传统传媒发展的标杆。本论文的创新点主要集中在以下方面:1、第一次系统、全面地对我国媒介生产融合进行研究。将中国媒介生产融合置入产业融合大的系统框架内进行阐释和分析,从不同的层面分析了我国媒介生产融合发展现状、面临的现实问题和发展路径,为传统媒体和新媒体产业的发展提供相应的对策支持。2、将定量分析与定性分析相结合,对传媒从业人员、传媒生产现状和传媒市场进行动态跟踪调研,探索媒介生产融合的发展规律,提出了全媒体生产路径的阶段化生产模式和具体生产策略。3、针对新媒体环境下传播格局的变化,提出改变的是获取信息的方式和途径,人们对于内容需求的核心并没有改变,而生产融合旨在建立下一代内容的生产优势,下一代内容显示了与新技术具有超强黏性的基本特性。提出以受众为中心的生产成为今天传媒生产的核心概念。4、提出媒介融合力即生产力。强调传统媒体媒介生产融合的本质是:将生产要素置于更加广阔的坐标系中进行最优化选择,发展传媒生产力。5、首次对不同层级的传统媒体生产现状进行广泛调研,以新闻生产作为切入点,提出中国媒介生产融合的特点及不同层面传媒的生产融合模式。

【Abstract】 Media Convergence is the current approach in global media field and plays a key role in reframing and reconstructing the specific media framework of a simple nation. Against the background of globalization of the information industry, traditional Chinese media forms accelerate their convergence in contents, channels, and terminal links with the new media forms. The products of the convergence have showed their dynamic power to reconstruct the conventional and new forms of Chinese media and contributed to the rise of more new forms within this field. The so-called "all media, " a program with distinct Chinese characteristics in the production quality, has spread through all aspects in the operation of media. Following the way of all media production regarding Chinese media convergence, one should realize that it is able to not only produce transmission reform through a new mode of production, but also provide development opportunities for the waning traditional media and boost the strategy known as the integration of the three networks. This dissertation thus aims to form a theoretical framework and tries to explore the issue through specific cases available to the author. Based on such interdisciplinary visions of research as media studies, economics, media management, this dissertation examines the ongoing convergence between traditional media and modern media in China and puts forward a constructive perception in the discussions of the specific and first-hand cases involved. In this way, it tries to highlight a prospective road for the convergence in China to take.In the first place, it analyzes the basis of Chinese media production convergence. The powerful drive makes the convergence become an appropriate and essential part of the policy about integration of the three networks and technical advancement represented by prosperous digitalization. In the genuine process of media promotion, based on inter-media complementary advantages, the traditional media take demands of consumers and market, integrated marketing strategy advantages, maximal interests generated by brand effects, and the value chain into consideration to steadily speed up the pace for the integration and penetration into the new media. The research provides theoretical and practical support for the production and convergence of media.In the research on the status quo of the domestic and the overseas media’s convergence, the dissertation demonstrates that as the growth of media differs from countries each media form in a certain nation is at its own stage of convergence and remains distinctive characteristics. Currently, in China, the media convergence is featured by the following points, including the convergence of diversity and differentiation in space, the convergence of gradually tendency and spirally ascendance in time, and the limited convergence in form. Based on the broader number of survey, the dissertation not only has an insight into the present situation of Chinese traditional media, but also has a command of the details about the production of the media groups which integrate with other professions and fields. Therefore, all the above shall depict a macro-perspective and a strategic route for development of the traditional media in China.Combing the practices between the traditional media with the news and carrying on researches in a certain number and direction, the dissertation argues that the problems in the production convergence of Chinese media and the perceptive mistakes of employees result from the existence of an old system, the unsoundness of censorship, the inherent prejudice against traditional media, and the immaturity of new media. Thus, it maintains that the transformation of the old media may begin from changes of the conventional concepts. All in all, the change of ideas for production overweighs the way of production. In addition, the reform of media system plays a key role in the transformation, and the improvement of the ability to produce and it is the most important course of convergence.While exploring the route of convergence, the dissertation has analyzed the structure of panorama production of Chinese media under the influence of global media from a macro perspective. It points out that both the media and journalists have had the access in multi-outlets during the production process of the whole media from the media group. The diversity of production, the vividness of effect, the endurance of process, the variety of principal part, the enrichment of the content, and the dispersion of the market have contributed to an all-around communication pattern. Simultaneously, the dissertation has categorized the choices of way to the practice of the all media under China’s traditional media according to a micro perspective. The influences, funds, technology and supplies differ from the central media to the local’s. As a result, the way of the all media to produce varies. However, the practice of production should develop according to the government’s policy because of the special situation in China. It argues that the convergence would be a great process of imagination, thinking, decision-making, administration, and cohesion. It turns out crucial for the productive capacity of the Chinese media. The dissertation examines three specific cases of CCTV, Shanghai Radio and Television Stations, and the Yantai Newspaper Media Group through questionnaires and interviews in order to illustrate the ongoing situation of the convergence between conventional media and new media. It points out three primary means of the convergence. The first way lies in the media of central level and of influential brands. CCTV serves as a good example of these brands, which could be able to utilize their well-established brand influence as a tool to improve their business in the new media field. The second category is the media of provincial-level. Shanghai broadcast TV station is an example for development path of all-media group. The third one mainly includes prefecture-level media represented by the YMG, through which the development path of news reproduction. Furthermore, the dissertation further discusses the news production in news centre depth.Through quantitative research, the dissertation illustrates that the key to solve the problem of media producing is to carry on the system reform and improve personnel skills, quality, and ideas. Currently, most traditional media reforms put the technical melioration and platform construction ahead, but system reform proves insufficient and inefficient. The all-around and meaningful reforms in strategic development of CCTV, Shanghai broadcast TV station, and YMG set a good example for the development of Chinese traditional media in all sides.The innovative points of this dissertation are as follows:First, it is the first research that intensively and comprehensively examines the media production convergence in China from a systematical perspective. It puts the Chinese media production in the framework with macro industrial convergence for interpretations and analyses. Meanwhile, it has analyzed the current situation of the media production in convergence, the problems the convergence has encountered, and the path of future development at different levels. Accordingly, the traditional media and new media industries could make proper countermeasures.Second, combining the quantitative analysis with the qualitative analysis, it has conducted a tracking survey on the media professionals, the media production status, and media market. It has explored the regularity for the development of media production convergence and brought up a period of mode for the all media production and specific manufacturing strategy.Third, the changes of communication structure in the new media atmosphere suggests that the primary change will be the means of the information access, rather than the contents of the information. While the production convergence aims to bring advantages for next generation of information content, it is able to manifest the new technique’s basic characteristics of super cohesion. To establish the new audience-centric concept is the first mission for current media production industry.Fourth, it points out that the merging capability of media is the very productivity. The highlight of the traditional media in the convergence will be very helpful for China’s new media to reconstruct its new industry framework according to unique Chinese cultural and social perspectives and have the conventional and new forms of media play their great roles in improving productivity of the new media system.Fifth, it is the first time in this field to carry out an intensive survey over the current situation of traditional media production at different levels. Based on the news production, the dissertation has demonstrated particular characteristics of Chinese media production convergence and put forward prospective models for different levels of the media production convergence in China.


