

A Study on Major Function Oriented Zoning of Metropolis in China

【作者】 孙鹏

【导师】 曾刚;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 日益加深的全球化进程和飞速发展的信息化技术带来的是全球范围内经济的大发展、经济活动的大融合。对人文地理学而言,传统的空间(如区域和城市)概念在这一新背景下发生了变化。区域不再仅仅是承载人类各种活动的被动空间单元,而成为国家参与全球分工和竞争的主要载体。区域品质成为衡量区域竞争力大小和吸引各种“流”进行汇聚的主要因素。区域内的核心城市在促进区域创新、提升区域品质以及增强国家竞争力等方面显得愈来愈重要。随着区域在全球化进程中地位的不断提升,中央政府在区域管理和控制方面的话语权则越来越少。区域规划成为政府加强对区域的管治、提升区域品质和全球竞争力、实现可持续发展的主要手段和途径。因此,上世纪九十年代以来,可持续发展、新区域主义、生态城市、紧缩城市等理念深刻地影响着主要国家区域规划的理论和实践。新中国成立以来,我国在大经济区区划、行政区或跨行政区范围的区域规划实践方面进行了诸多尝试,对我国国土空间结构的形成和经济的快速发展起到了良好的支撑和引导作用。但是,基于计划体制“全国一盘棋”式的区域规划,在改革开放的过程中,随着注重经济增长速度(GDP至上)的区域利益竞争的加剧,最终导致了全国区域开发的失序和集体非理性。传统的只注重经济增长的区域规划,不仅无法解决我国经济、社会、生态与环境等面临的突出问题,而且同国际上区域规划的主流理念和科学思想背道而驰。主体功能区规划正是作为新时期我国应对区域发展失序问题、落实科学发展观、促进区域协调和可持续发展而提出的重要举措,是未来一段时期内我国进行区域规划和国土开发的指导思想和核心理念。然而,作为国家区域开发战略的主体功能区规划,在理论基础、体系和划分方法、绩效评价和管治政策等方面存在着一系列理论和现实问题,亟需作出科学的回答。区域问题历来就是人文地理学研究的核心问题之一,对主体功能区规划的理论和实践体系的研究和构建势必成为人文地理学现阶段研究的主要命题之一。因此,本论文从人文地理学学科视野出发,以大都市这一全球化背景下最具活力和竞争力的空间单元为研究对象,系统探讨大都市主体功能区规划的理论体系和实施过程,全面辨析大都市主体功能区规划的理论基础、核心理念,探究大都市区主体功能区规划的基本特征,科学构建大都市主体功能区规划的指标体系,制定合理可行的技术路线等,为我国大都市层面的主体功能区规划的理论探讨和实证研究做出必要的补充。本文是笔者在攻博期间参与导师主持的以下相关课题研究的基础上完成的,这些工作为本研究的理论体系建构、调研访谈以及数据收集与处理等都提供了大量的支撑。这些课题具体包括:国家社科基金重大项目“加快推进生态文明建设研究(10ZD&016)”、国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于生态文明的区域发展模式研究(41071093)”、上海市科技攻关项目“临港新城低碳城市实践区建设指标体系与建设导则研究(09DZ1200800)”、上海市科技攻关项目“崇明生态岛综合评价指标体系研究(08DZ1205600)”和上海市发展和改革委员会课题“上海市主体功能区规划(4805F440)”等。目前,国内对某一类空间单元的主体功能区规划的特征、理论支撑和方法进行系统研究的比较少,而从大都市层面对主体功能区规划的理论和实践进行系统分析的研究尚未出现。本文首先从全球化和“城市世纪”背景下区域、城市以及区域规划角色的转变分析入手,细致梳理了发达国家区域规划实践和理论研究的演变和发展过程,探寻发达国家区域规划发展转变的实践和理论特征,为新形势下我国区域规划理念的转变和主体功能区规划提供实践指导和理论解释。通过对我国区域规划和主体功能区规划研究现状的总结,阐明了本研究的立足点和意义;其次,在综合分析主体功能区规划的主要内涵和理念的基础上,结合大都市的基本特征,在系统评述区域空间结构理论、劳动地域分工理论、可持续发展理论以及区域管治理论的基础上,构建了大都市主体功能区规划的基础理论体系;第三,通过对发达国家区域规划发展现状和典型案例的分析,结合对中国区域规划发展演变历程的梳理和问题的总结,提出了现阶段我国主体功能区规划应该关注的理念、方法、政策与危险,促进了主体功能区规划和国外先进区域规划思想和理念的对接;第四,在对大都市主体功能区规划的定义和内涵进行界定的基础上,提出了大都市主体功能区规划的顶层设计思想及体系架构;第五,运用复合生态系统理论和“压力—状态—响应”模型,结合省级主体功能区规划的指标体系和国内外重要的区域(城市)可持续发展指标体系,构建了中国大都市主体功能区规划指标体系。在此基础上,选取城市化程度和经济社会发展水平均处于国内领先地位的上海市作为实证研究对象,对上海市主体功能区进行划分,以期为我国其他城市的主体功能区规划提供借鉴。通过对大都市主体功能区规划的理论和实践方面的研究,本文主要得出了以下结论:其一,与传统的区域规划相比,主体功能区规划基于功能分类实现了区际关系的平等化、区域发展目标的综合化、区域规划的科学化;其二,大都市具有区域多功能高度空间压缩集聚的特征,其主体功能区规划表现出更强的层次性;其三,大都市主体功能区规划指标体系宜采用“压力—状态—响应”模型进行构建;最后,五类功能区划分比较切合大都市经济、社会、生态及环境发展的实际。

【Abstract】 As far as human geography is concerned, one of the most important changes is the transformation of traditional concepts of space (i.e. region, metropolis) under the background of deepening globalization and quick development of information technology. The latter part of the twentieth century witnessed the resurgence of spatial planning at various scales from pan-European to the local level. Regions are not only passive spatial units bearing all kind of human activity, but also the main parts and elements of global labor division and national competition power. Regional/space quality becomes the essential factor of measuring the competition power of regions and attracting various’flows’to agglomerate. Metropolis plays a more important role in accelerating regional innovation, improving regional quality and enhancing national power. With the development of globalization, central government is gradually losing some rights and control in regions. Therefore, spatial(region) planning has become the main method and way to enhance the influences of government on regions and make sustainable development. Since 1990s, the thoughts of sustainable development, new regionalism, ecological city, compact city etc. have taken deep influences on regional planning theory and practice in main developed countries.A lot of efforts have been made about economic zoning in national level and regional planning within or cross administrative districts since reform and opening, which provides solid support and leading function to the formation of territorial spatial structure and quick development of economy. However, traditional regional planning based on planning economic system eventually led to the disorder of national regional development and collective non-rationality. This economy-oriented regional planning could neither solve the problems faced by economy, society, ecology and environment in China, nor catch up with the main thoughts and scientific theories of spatial planning in developed countries.As an important countermeasure of dealing with the disorder of regional development, implementing scientific development, promoting regional coordination and sustainable development, major function-oriented zoning is the guideline and core theory of regional planning and territory exploration in China in future. However, major function-oriented zoning still remains some theoretical and practical problems in theoretical foundation, zoning method, performance evaluation, governance policies, etc. which are urgent to be scientifically solved and explained. Since regional research is always one of the core subjects of human geography, theoretical discussion and practical research on major function-oriented zoning is one of the hot topics of human geographers now. In this thesis, taking metropolis, the most dynamic and competitive spatial unit under the background of globalization, as the research subject, the author systematically discussed theoretical system and practice procedure of major function-oriented zoning and built the index system of major function-oriented zoning to make some supplementary theoretical and practical research from the perspective of human geography.At present, there is little systematical study on the features, theoretical support and approach of major function-oriented zoning of a certain type of spatial unit. No research has been made on systematical analysis of the theory and practice of major function-oriented zoning from the metropolitan level. Firstly, the evolution and development process of regional planning practice and theory in developed countries have been specifically seek out trying to obtain their characteristics of practical and theoretical changes, in order to provide with practical and theoretical explanation of major function-oriented zoning and ideology changes of regional planning in China. Secondly, based on the comprehensive analysis of main content and concepts of major function-oriented zoning and the characteristics of metropolis, the basic theoretical system of major function-oriented zoning of metropolis has been put forward, which includes regional spatial structure theory, regional labor division theory, sustainable development theory and regional governance theory. Thirdly, through concluding the evolution of regional planning domestic and abroad, the thesis emphasized the theories, methods and policy that major function-oriented zoning should learn from to make sure major function-oriented zoning catch up with the advanced thoughts and ideas. Fourthly, based on the definition and connotation of major function-oriented zoning, the top design thoughts and systematic framework of major function-oriented zoning of metropolis have been put forward. Finally, using the complex ecological systems theory and’Pressure-Status-Response’model, combining the index system of major function-oriented zoning and the influential index system of sustainable development home and abroad, the author built the index system of major function-oriented zoning of metropolis in China. Then, choosing Shanghai as a case study, the author tried to put the theory and index system of major function-oriented zoning of metropolis into practice in Shanghai, and hoped this practical research for certain reference to relative spatial planning in other provincial and metropolis level.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2094

