

Study on the Agricultural Policy in Nazi Germany

【作者】 陈旸

【导师】 郑寅达;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 纳粹德国的农业政策因其特征鲜明一直是个令人关注、颇受争议的问题。它带有明显的再农业化倾向,与工业化进程相抵牾,它是出于纳粹领袖真正的意识形态理念,还是出于笼络农民的政治需要?其政策实施究竟能够取得多大的成效?纳粹党在选举中赢得了农民的支持,上台后更要维护农民的利益,提高农民的地位以巩固自己的统治;一战中德国饥荒的阴影一直笼罩着人们的心头,保障粮食自给自足自然也成了纳粹政府农业政策的基石。国家元首和国家利益同时选择了农业部长达雷。纳粹政府的农业部长达雷提出“血与土”的意识形态理念。在这一意识形态理念中,“农民”这一身份不仅仅是一种职业,更是德意志民族区别于游牧民族的本质所在。农民的生产保证了德国的粮食供应,保存了德意志民族的血脉,保护着德意志的土地家园,德意志民族的血源与土地紧密相连。据此理念,纳粹政府制定了一系列维护德意志农民利益、保护德国农业生产的富有特点的政策,其中主要体现在四个方面:首先,纳粹政府成立了“德国粮食总会”(Reichsnahrstand),达雷出任“德国农民领袖”。该组织不仅横跨乡村农林牧渔各生产部门,而且将从事农业产品加工和销售的行业部门也囊括其中,其成员占据了德国六分之一的人口。它表面上顺应了农业领域长期以来行业自治的要求,但实际上则是纳粹政府操控粮食生产的半官方的机构。其次,纳粹政府出台了《国家世袭农庄法》(Reichserbhofgesetze),规定德国7.5公顷到125公顷的农场可以登记成为“世袭农庄”,其土地不得出售、抵押、拍卖和分割继承,世袭农庄的所有者称为“世袭农”。在债务减免上,“世袭农”获得了更为优厚的政策资金支持,而且不会因为债务问题而使得土地被强制拍卖。再次,纳粹政府进一步颁布了《塑造新德意志农民法》,大张旗鼓地推进农民的垦殖(Bauernsiedlung)活动,鼓励德意志人购买和开发土地,从事农业生产,也为无法获得土地继承的农民子女开辟新的出路。最后,纳粹政府在农业领域鼓吹实施“生产战役”(Erzeugungsschlacht),扩大种植面积,实施密集种植,悉心管理,合理分配资源,提高德国粮食的生产能力和供应水平,以求实现德国粮食生产的“自给自足’然而,纳粹政府在农业领域这一系列的政策设计并未能实现其预期的效果。德国粮食总会从成立伊始就成为了权力斗争的竞技场,不仅与其他行业或党政部门龃龉不断,而且内部也一直处于权力整合动荡之中,再加上机构官僚化、冗员靡费,大大削弱了其对农业生产的指挥能力。《国家世袭农庄法》不仅直接干预了农民对其土地继承的决定权,而且断绝了农民通过土地质押获得现金贷款的可能,因而并没有想象中那么受农民欢迎。在经济现实面前,该法律不断修改,执行尺度日益放宽,其浓厚的意识形态色彩也逐渐褪去。而纳粹德国时期的农民垦殖活动,由于世袭农庄和国防建设使很多土地退出了市场,推高了地价,反而受到了抑制,垦殖面积和人数还不如魏玛时期。至于“生产战役”方面,虽然在一定程度上提高了德国粮食生产的自给率,但是并未能从根本上解决德国农业生产的结构性矛盾,更是放大了对于饲料进口的需求,加剧了农业对国家外汇的争夺。战争爆发后,纳粹政府农业领域的机构和法令迅速过渡到了战时状态,对于农业生产和食品分配实施了全面的干预,强制上缴的执行力度越来越严格,食品配给的覆盖范围越来越广泛,再加上对被占领地区的掠夺,在相对较长的一段时间内保持了德国人民较为充足的粮食供应,直至战争发生根本性的转折。战争给德国农村带来了大规模的人口流动和资源整合,但并没有从根本上改变德国农村的社会结构状况,却严重削弱了德国农村的生产能力。纳粹主义对于农业的重视,是建立在其经济、民族、人口政策的种族主义意识形态之上,是以一种非理性的动机为基础的。贯彻这一理念的农业政策与德国农业发展现实的碰撞则构成了第三帝国农业一道独特的风景线。而事实也证明了,适应农业功能性的转变,实现农业生产的提升以及工农业的协调发展,是无法依赖于种族等级制的国家的。本文一共分为五章,以“意识形态——政策形成——政策执行——执行效果”为脉络。第一章分析了纳粹党“血与土”意识形态的内容与缘起;第二章主要讨论了纳粹党上台之前农业政策演变,叙述了纳粹党在农村地区扩张的过程,并介绍了纳粹党上台初期胡根贝格主导的农业政策;第三章论述了纳粹政府主要农业政策的形成及其主要内容:第四章分析了纳粹政府农业政策执行的客观效果;第五章叙述了二战期间纳粹政府农业政策的变化及其结果。

【Abstract】 The agricultural policy in Nazi Germany is a dramatic and controversial topic because of its specific character. It showed an obvious inclining to "Reagrarsierung" (going back to the agricultural society), which was in discord with industrialization. Were these policies the real reflection of the Nazi Leaders’ideology, or only nursed the constituency in the rural region? What kind of the affection the government could make, when these policies were implemented?The Nazi party won the support from the peasantry in the election, and after it assumed the reins of government, it must maintain the interest of the countryman and consolidated its authority. Added to this, the shadow of the starvation in the WWII hung over in the mind of German people, achieving the national autarky certainly was the keystone of the Nazi agricultural policy. The both interests of the Reich Fuhrer and the Nation chose Darre as the Reichsminister of Food and Agriculture to implement its ideology of "Blut and Boden"(Blood and Soil).Richard Walther Darre developed the idea of "Blood and Soil" into an ideology. In his view, the identity of farmer is not only an occupation but also the difference in essence between the Nordic race and the Nomadic race. The farmer’s production provided the provisionment of Germany, preserved the consanguinity of German race, protected the homeland of German people. It was a mutual and long-term relationship between the people and the land that they occupy and cultivate.According to the guidance of this ideology, the Nazi govermment set up a series of special policies to maintain the profit of the German farmer and protect the agricultural production. Among them there were four outstanding aspects.First of all, the Reichsnahrstand (The Reich Food Corporation) was founded by nazi government, and Darre was appointed as its leader. The Reichsnahrstand had legal authority over everyone involved in agricultural production and distribution. Its members accounted for one sixth of the German population. It seemed to be a self-govering organization but actually was a quasi-official organ manipulated by the Nazi government. Secondly, it promoted the controversial Erbhofgesetz (The National Entailed Farms Act). The Law prescribed the farms between 7.5 hectare and 125 hectare in size as the Entailed Farm, which could not be sold, mortagaged and split up among the heirs. The owners of the Entailed Farm were entitled to call themselves "Bauern" (farmer peasant). They were given favourable financial support in terms of the debt-relief and the foreclosure of an Entailed Farm was not permitted. Thirdly, the Nazi government enacted the law of "Neubildung deutschen Bauerntums" (the fostering new german peasantry law) in order to promote the settlement of the peasant farmer in a big way and break a new path for the heirs of the Bauern who could not inherited the farm land. Finally, the Nazi government advocated the "Erzeugungsschlacht" (the production battle) in agriculture. It called for enlarging the planting area, cropping densely, devoting attention to the management, allocating kinds of resource in reason so that it could advance the capability of the food supplies of Germany and realize the autarky.While on the contrary, these policies contrived in agriculture by Nazi government didn’t achive the anticipated purpose. The Reichsnahrstand become arena of powers’competition since it was founded. Its relationship to the other official Bodies was not only problem it should deal with, but also it faced the crisis in its own leader circle. Added to the bureaucracy, overstaffing and extra spending, its competence of conducting agricultural production was weakened strongly. The Reichserbhofgesetze intervened in the heirdom, which used to be decided by the farmers themselves. Morever it cutted out the possible path in which the farmer obtained the loan. Therefore it wasn’t as popular among the Bauern as it hopped. In the face of the economic reality, the content of the law was constantly modified and the implementation of the law was loose. Its ideological color came out gradually. The settlement program of Bauern in Nazi Germany was restrained by the higher price of the land, which was driven up because the Entailed Farm and military utilizing forced large quantity of land out of the market. As the result, the area and the population of the settlement during the period of the Nazi Germany is less than that of the Weimar Republic. As for the "Erzeugungsschlacht", although the self-sufficiency in the Third Reich was improved a little, the structural problem of the german agricultural production was not fundamentality settled. Contrarily it magnified the demand of the import of the feedstuff and intensified the dispute for the foreign exchange.When the Second World War broke out, the organizations and acts in charge of the field of agriculture which the Nazi government contrived transferred quickly to suit the war machine. The government took all-around interventions in the production and allocation of agricultural product. The forced handing-in of the grain implemented more and more strictly, the range of the food’s rationing enlarged step by step. These measures as well as the plundering in the occupied countries by Nazi Gennany contributed to maintain the relative ample food supplies for German people until a radical turn in the course of the war. The war caused a great scale of the population flowing and resource integration, but did not lead to the basically change of the social ranking in german villiage and badly crippled the capability of the agricultural production.The fact that Nazi government attached great importance to the agriculture based on the racism ideology which served its economic, national and population policies. It came from the unreasonable motive. The agricultural policy carried out this ideology, collided with the reality of the German agricultural development, mutually composed of the landscape of the agriculture in Third Reich. And the fact turned out that it cannot depend on a racism nation to fit the transformation of the agricultural function, to achieve the agricultural upgrading and to harmonize the development of industry and agriculture sector.This dissertation consists of five chapters and takes the "ideology——shaping of the policies——implementation of the policies——the affection of the policies" as a clue. The first chapter analyses the content of the Nazi ideology "Blood and Soil" and its origin. The second chapter discusses the evolvement of the Nazi agricultural policy and its outspread in the rural region, introduces the agricultural policy made by Hugenberg at the early stage of the Nazi government. The third chapter dissertates the formation and the content of the major policies in the field of agriculture. The forth chapter analyses the practical affection of the implementation of the agricultural policy. The fifth chapter explains the change of the agricultural policies of Nazi government and practical result.

  • 【分类号】K516.44
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】478

