

Leader Works & Ideology: The Research on Publication and Communication of Sun Yat-sen’s Works (1919-1949)

【作者】 何建国

【导师】 周武;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 历史社会学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 孙中山在致力于革命事业的过程中博览群书、笔耕不辍。他长期对中西新旧之学的汲取成为其革命思想的源头,并逐渐沉淀、物化为文本,形成丰厚的著述,成为中国现代史上一笔宝贵的精神财富。然而在清末和北洋政府时期,因其是乱党的首领、讨伐的对象,他的著作涉嫌“邪说”、“赤化”及妨碍治安等只能秘密出版。孙中山逝世后,他所创立的中国国民党逐步由革命党转变为执政党,他本人也由往日被通缉的要犯而成为中华民国的国父。同时,中国国民党通过一系列的决议使孙中山的思想逐渐由个体而群体进而被确立为一个时代的思想——中华民国最高根本法,上升为一种意识形态。中国国民党为了实现建构意识形态这一目标,把孙中山的著作奉为“圣经”,对其大量编辑,并且逐步建立了集印刷、出版、发行为一体的较为完善的推广体系。不仅把孙中山的原著改编成多种形式出版,而且还编印出版对其原著的阐述性著作。此外,还将孙中山著作翻译成多种语言出版。对孙中山著作的编辑、出版与推广成为南京国民政府时期从中央到地方的一项施政内容。抗战爆发后,中国国民党宣传部、三青团以“摊派”的形式在全国范围内发动征印《总理遗教》、征印《三民主义》百万册的运动。在政府的倡导下,孙中山著作成为图书市场中一个醒目的、具有巨大号召力的符号。因此在官方之外,民间机构顺势而为,迎合政府的意图,也大量出版孙中山的著作。官民交互之下的孙中山著作出版经历了从秘密到公开,从民间主导到官方主导,从拒绝承印到主动承印再到被动捐印的过程。孙中山著作在南京国民政府时期的出版所呈现的基本特点是出版机构多,持续时间长,版本种类繁、形式内容异。与此同时,南京国民政府充分施展国家权力,借助国家力量,通过编印书刊、散发传单、演讲宣传、艺术宣传、社会教育、读书运动、张贴标语、呼喊口号及现代媒介等各种渠道来宣传孙中山的学说。特别是在教育界、学术界开展一系列对孙中山学说的植入与推广活动。它们或者以中性的和暗示性的语言,欲使其等同于普遍真理;或者向全社会导读孙中山的著作,提供当局所认可的“有用之学”,试图“说服”全体国民接受孙中山的三民主义,信仰三民主义。它不仅在“加工”知识,而且也在“加工”人。在政治家、教育家、出版家及名流学者等社会各个阶层的合力推动下,南京国民政府所推广的意识形态逐步扩散到社会的各个角落,使日常生活与政治有机交叠,成为普通民众生活的组成部分。但是在这一过程中,出现许多值得关注并令人深思的问题。首先,孙中山生前精心修订的《三民主义》,竟然在日后的出版过程中错误百出,乃至鱼目混珠。国民党中宣部对孙中山著作的发行,也逐步由全部承担出版费用过渡到部分承担,最后发展为不承担费用。其次,国民党内部对孙中山著作众说纷纭的解读,不断赋予其“新”的意义。同时,对孙中山著作的阅读逐渐从个体走向了集体,从自主性转变为强制性,从主动演变为被动,从积极发展为消极。再者,由于南京国民政府在经费、组织、宣传技能以及具体宣传过程中所存在的诸多问题,使孙中山的著作在历史的时空中,被不断地扭曲和利用,简约为一种象征、一种仪式、一种符号等一系列的“他者”。南京国民政府所倡导的三民主义意识形态,在使主义学术化的同时,也在使主义符号化、工具化、商品化。更为关键的是,孙中山的宏伟蓝图在现实的具体实践中没有落实到位,这种背驰使得中国国民党试图通过宣传孙中山的学说来“启蒙”大众,实现信仰三民主义的愿望,在实际的施政中却是在消解着这一构想。人们在对学说认知、期待实现的过程中,逐渐走向了“反启蒙”的立场。孙中山著作的“生产者”与“消费者”之间的张力,导致以统一思想为出发点的意识形态宣传,事与愿违地收获了思想混乱,言论庞杂,以致于根本无法形成统一的思想,最终使国民党所宣传的三民主义变成了一个抽象名词。孙中山著作所背书的政府信用在文本与实践的巨大反差中丧失殆尽,使广大民众丧失了对三民主义的信仰。纵观南京国民政府时期孙中山著作的出版与传播,它有组织、有计划地指向特定的政治目标,是官方话语对大众话语的精神改造。它既是中国国民党再造知识权威的过程,也是建构意识形态的过程,同时还是解构意识形态的过程。

【Abstract】 During the process of committing himself to the revolutionary cause, Sun Yat-sen kept on reading and writing widely. He had long drawn from Chinese learning along with Western learning and new learning along with old learning so as to form the very source of his revolutionary thought, to gradually deposit and materialize it into texts, to form rich writings and to become a precious fortune in modern Chinese history.In the eras of Late Qing and the Northern Warlords Government of the Republic of China (ROC), however, because Mr.Sun was the chief of rebel party,his works was forced to be secretly published because of being allegedly involved in "heresy", "Red" and hindrance to public security. After Sun’s death, the Chinese Nationalist Party (CNP) established by him gradually transformed from a revolutionary party into a party in power, while Sun himself was changed from a formerly wanted major criminal to the father of the ROC. Meanwhile the CNP passed a series of resolutions so as to establish Sun’s thought as that of an era from individually to collectively----the supreme basic law of ROC, and to raise it to an ideology.To achieve its aim of constructing an ideology, the CNP divinized Sun’s works as the Bible by mass edition, and gradually established a comparatively complete system of popularization that integrated print, publication and publishing. It not only revised Sun’s original works into many forms for publication, but also edited, printed and published expository works for them. Moreover, they were translated into many languages for publication. The edition, publication and popularization of Sun’s works became a content of the administration of the Nationalist Government at Nanjing from Centre to regions.After the outburst of the Anti-Japan War, in the form of "apportion", the Propaganda Ministry and the Youth League of Three Principles of the People of the CNP started the movement of collection of printing millions of volumes of Teaching Left by Premier Sun Yat-sen and Three Principles of the People.Due to the advocate from the CNP government, Sun’s works became a striking symbol with giant rallying point in the market of book publication. Consequently beyond the authorities, non-government institutions went with the flow to cater for the intention of the CNP government, and published Sun’s works in large quantity too. The publication of Sun’s works under the cross interaction between government and non-government experienced the process from secret to public, from non-governmental domination to governmental one, from rejective to active then to passive print undertaking. The publication of Sun’s works at the era of Nanjing National Government demonstrated the basic characters of many publication agencies, long lasting time, various kinds of versions, and different forms of contentsMeanwhile, the Nationalist Government at Nanjing completely showed state power, got help from state strength to propagandize Sun Yat-sen’s political theory through editing and printing books and magazines, distributing leaflets, speech propaganda, art propaganda, social education, reading movement, pasting posters, shouting slogans, and modern media, etc.especially launching a series of actions for popularizing it in the ranges of education, academy and publication. They either wanted to equalize it to general truth with neutral or alluding words, or guided the whole society to read Sun’s works, offered the government-approved "useful study", and tried to "persuade" the whole nation to accept and believe in Sun’s Three Principles of the People. What they were "processing" was not only knowledge but also human beings.Under the cooperative promotion from all the social ranks including politicians, educators, publishers, celebrities and scholars, the ideology promoted by the Nationalist Government at Nanjing gradually spread to all corners of society, caused the organic overlapping of daily life and politics so as to form the constitutional part of the ordinary people’s life.During the process, however, Three Principles of the People that had been carefully revised by Sun before was offered something bogus and full of mistakes in the later process of publication. The Propaganda Department of the CNP Central Committee changed undertaking charges on the publication of Sun’s works gradually from completely to partially and finally to nothing Secondly, the widely divided explanations to Sun’s works in the CNP kept on endowing it with "new" meanings. Meanwhile, the reading of Sun’s works gradually developed from individual to collective, from autonomous to coercive, from active to passive Thirdly, because the Nationalist Government at Nanjing had many problems in funds, organization, strategy and the process of practical propaganda, the problems existing in the popularization, publicity and execution caused Sun’s works to be continuously twisted and exploited in the space-time of history so as to evolve a series of "others" including a symbol, a ritual, a mark,What was more crucial, Sun’s grand blueprint was not implemented in concrete practice, whose result was that, although the CNP tried to achieve the aim of "enlightening" the masses for their belief in Three Principles of the People through the propaganda of Sun’s doctrine, it in fact was deconstructing such a concept in practical administration. During the process of understanding the doctrine and expecting its achievement, people gradually turned to the standpoint of "anti-enlightenment". The tension between "producers" and "consumers" of Sun’s works resulted in a backfire, i.e. the ideological propaganda with the starting point of uniting minds harvested disordered minds and complicated opinions. Such a result was unable to form a united mind at all and finally changed the CNP-propagandized Three Principles of the People into an abstract word. The governmental credit endorsed by Sun’s works was nearly lost in the giant contrast between texts and practice so that masses lost the belief in Three Principles of the People.An overall view of the publication and spread of Sun Yat-sen’s works in the era of Nationalist Government at Nanjing shows that it organically and purposefully pointed to specific political aims and was a spiritual reformation of masses discourse by official discourse. It was a process that the CNP reestablished knowledge authority, constructed and meanwhile deconstructed ideology.

  • 【分类号】D693.0
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】891

