

Research on the Intervene Measures of Physical Deterioration of Kazak 13-15 Years Student in the Rural and Pastoral Districts in Xinjiang

【作者】 马业康

【导师】 武杰;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 2005年全国学生体质与健康调研结果显示:相比以往,学生肺活量水平呈继续下降趋势,速度、爆发力、力量耐力素质水平进—步下降,肥胖检出率继续上升,视力不良检出率仍然居高不下。青少年学生是国家的基础,是我国社会主义事业的建设者和接班人,如果以上问题得不到及时纠正,将影响我国人才培养的质量。西北各少数民族作为中华民族的重要组成部分,其体质健康状况的好坏,直接影响我国国民体质的总体水平,对其体质健康状况的关注体现了国家整体的发展及进步,同时也是科学发展观所倡导的“以人为本”宗旨的具体体现。调查显示,1995-2005年的10年间,新疆哈萨克等民族中学生的肺活量、耐力跑等指标均呈下降的趋势(农牧区学生尤为明显),其总体水平在全国范围内处于较低序列。因此,加强新疆农牧区各民族中学生体质下降干预对策的研究就显得较为重要。目前,国内对新疆少数民族中学生体质下降干预方面的研究较少,本课题旨在通过对新疆农牧区哈萨克族13-15岁中学生进行体质、心理和膳食营养方面的测试,全面了解其体质健康状况。针对测试结果反映的问题,研究改善哈萨克族13-15岁中学生体质的对策,主要包括合理运动、心理、膳食营养促进方案。以切实改善他们的体质状况,并为新疆多民族地区深入开展学生阳光体育运动,有效提高学生体质健康水平提供一定的技术支持。研究分为五个部分:第一部分为前言,主要是对研究意义、目的及整体思路进行阐述。第二部分为研究综述,主要对体质研究的总体状况进行系统的回顾及分析,包括研究视角、涉及领域、存在问题;本研究涉及到的初中生体育学习兴趣评价、身体自我描述(PSDQ)、心理健康状况调查(scl-90)有关内容的研究综述,涵盖了主要研究内容及发展趋势;中学生膳食营养研究的有关内容。第三部分为实验与调查研究,本研究采用分层随机抽样,依据新疆哈萨克族居民分布区域数据,确定新疆地区哈萨克族聚居数量最多的伊犁哈萨克自治州新源县为选取实验研究对象的具体区域,在具体实验研究时确定新源县那拉提镇中学(实验组)及阿热勒托别乡中学(对照组),选取13-15岁中学生,从运动、心理、营养意识三方面进行调查、实验。第四部分为研究结果分析经过12周的干预实验后,综合分析实验组与对照组,结果表明:(一)运动实验组13-15岁学生在经过12周运动干预后,身体形态总体变化不明显;身体机能变化明显,肺活量及肺活量指数前后差异显著;身体素质也有较显著变化,其中与干预所采用运动方式相关度最高的50m、立定跳远、耐力跑平均水平都有提高,实验前后差异显著,相关度较低的仰卧起坐(女生)平均水平有变化,但差异不明显。对照组学生在保持原有教学方式12周后,身体形态指标变化不明显;身体机能有变化,但是差异不显著,肺活量及肺活量体重指数依然与哈萨克族学生的整体水平一致,相比较95年平均水平有下降趋势,且差异显著,亦低于全国水平;身体素质有一定变化,但是50m、立定跳远、耐力跑平均水平依然低于95年哈萨克族学生的平均水平,仰卧起坐、握力及握力体重指数保持原有水平。实验组13-15岁男女生各项指标的进步幅度均大于对照组。(二)心理实验组13-15岁学生体育学习兴趣、身体自我描述及症状自评量表水平呈现出整体性的提升,且前后差异显著;对照组13-15岁学生体育学习兴趣、身体自我描述及症状自评量表水平个别指标有变化;实验组学生体育学习兴趣、身体自我描述总体水平高于对照组,症状自评量表水平与对照组的差异较小,体育学习兴趣及身体自我描述中各因子与运动成绩存在正相关关系,且部分具有显著性。(三)膳食营养调查结果显示,新疆哈萨克族农村13-15岁学生摄入的总能量低于中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量(DRIs);三餐热能分配较为合理;蛋白质供能比正常,脂肪供能比严重偏低,碳水化合物供能比偏高;各种营养素的摄入量不均衡,其中维生素A、维生素B2和钙严重缺乏,钠的实际摄入量严重超标。第五部分为干预对策的制定对干预实验进行整体分析,包括运动干预计划中的运动项目、计划,心理干预中的具体措施,针对其中实验效果不明显或反映出了问题的步骤、措施进行调整,确定实施策略、方式,并针对膳食营养存在的问题提出建议,形成最终干预对策。

【Abstract】 The constitution and health research of students’results in 2005 shows that: students live in the amount of the lungs of the declining trend, speed, endurance, explosive force quality level further down; obesity rate continue to rise, poor eyesight rate still high. Students who are the builders of socialism and the successor of our country, if those questions above all are not timely corrective, and it will affect our quality of talent cultivate.All minority nationalities from northwest as an important part of the Chinese nation and its constitution health is a direct bearing on our national constitution of the general standard of healthy, to the attention of their constitution embodied the national development and progress of scientific perspectives, is also advocated by the "people-centered" idea of concrete. According to the survey, during ten years that from 1995-2005, the kazakh students amount of the lungs and stamina ability are in the falling trend was particularly evident (especially for those in farming and stockbreeding areas), their general level is lower sequence in our country. Thus, strengthening the measures research for all nationalities in Xinjiang where the student gets down in their constitution is more important.Nowadays, the research of intervene measures for constitution and health about minorities students in Xinjiang is not enough. The purpose on this subject is that through the test for Kazak 13-15 years students health and nutrition and psychological, and knowledge of its constitution health. According to the test results of the problem to take the intervention plan and improving Kazak 13-15 students’health, including sports, psychology, food and nutrition’s promote solutions. To effectively improve their physique, and for Xinjiang multi-ethnic district project of Sunshine sports and effectively improving the health of students constitution provided technical support.Study divided into five parts:Part one is of the introduction, in particular meaning and purpose of study and the overall logic to explain.Part two is of the review, the main body of the overall situation in the study of the review and analysis, includes research, involving domain, existing problems; and this study concerns the sports interest in learning, physical evaluation self-describing (PSDQ), mental health investigat (SCL-90) about the content of the review covers the main contents of the research and development trend; the research contents about middle school students meals of nutritional.Part three is of the investigation and implementation, the research take hierarchical random sample of the study on the inhabitants of Xinjiang Kazak distributed data determine the area, Xinjiang Kazak inhabit the area of the largest number of Xinyuan county, Hi kazak autonomous prefecture, to select the subject of specific areas in particular experimental studies Nalati town, Xinyuan county, when determining Nalati middle school is experimental group and Areltobe township middle school is controls group. Choosing the students 13-15 years accept sports, psychology and nutritional three ways of conducting investigations and experiment.Part four is of analysis of experimental results. In the past 12 weeks in the experiment, overall analysis with the controls and experimental group, the results indicate:(1) Physical activitiesExperimental group 13 to 15 students in the past 12 weeks after the experimental in the overall changes in the form is not obvious; Body ability, lung function and lung function of the amount of index had significant difference in quality and more; Notable changes in some movement degree of correlation the 50m, standing jump, stamina to run average. The experimental and had significant difference, degree of correlation lower to sit up (schoolgirl) average level has changed, but the difference not insignificant. The students of controls group remained in teaching method of 12 weeks, the body in shape indicators is not obvious; body functions has changed, but no substantial difference between the lungs to live and work on the index is still with the overall level Kazak students, are average for downward trend, and had significant difference, and below the national level; Quality of health has changed, but the 50m, standing jump, stamina to run average remains below the average level of Kazak for students, to sit up and hold power, and hold power of the average weight index keep the same level. Experimental group 13-15 men and women in various indicators of progress are greater than the controls.(2) PsychologyExperimental group 13-15 students’interest in sports study, self-describing and symptoms since the measure the level of a holistic approach to and fro, and had significant difference; Controls group 13-15 students in the sports interest in learning and health self-describing and symptoms since the measure the level of few targets have to change; Experimental group students’ interest in study sports, itself described the overall level better than the Controls group, and the table of scl-90 with the difference of smaller; Sports study interest and body to describe the various factors related to sports scores, and there is a significant part.(3) DietaryIn countryside of Xinjiang, Kazak 13-15 students get the total energy is lower than the Chinese Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIS); In take of heat more reasonable distribution of food protein energy supply is normal; Energy supply by fat is lower than normal, and energy supply by carbohydrate is higher than normal; Various nutrition intake is not a balanced, including vitamins a and vitamin b2 and calcium serious lack of sodium, the actual can seriously overproof.Part five is of the formulation of responses to interfere in the experimentOn the overall analysis, including sports and psychology in the motion of the project, with the concrete measures in response to the effect of the experiment is not evident or reflect the steps and measures for implementing the strategy, and make way for food and nutrition problems of the suggestions and countermeasures in the eventual.

  • 【分类号】G804.49
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1081

