

Research on Continuing Professional Development of Human Resource Development Professionals

【作者】 周涛

【导师】 黄健;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 成人教育学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本文是一项关于企业人力资源开发专业人员持续专业发展的研究。该研究通过聚焦于八位人力资源开发专业人员参与持续专业发展活动的生活故事,运用生活体验研究的质性研究方法探询了“人力资源开发专业人员持续专业发展的生活体验是怎样的?”这一问题。呈现了一幅该群体持续专业发展的生命画卷,并诠释和反思了其生活体验背后的本质和意义。本文采用了马克斯.范梅南提出的“生活体验研究”的质性研究方法,选取上海市外商投资企业协会人力资源经理俱乐部的八位人力资源开发专业人员为研究样本,通过深度访谈、文本转录、主题分析及意义理解等研究过程,描述了八位人力资源开发专业人员的持续专业发展的生活故事。在整个论文的研究过程中,研究者和八位人力资源开发专业人员同为研究者,共同分析文本、提炼主题和确认主题,最后提炼了四大主题和若干次主题,它们分别是(1)“追求”无极限。描绘了HRD专业人员为将来考虑、充实自己、实现自我价值的追求历程。(2)“变化”太快了。解读了组织环境、专业领域和职业发展的变化对HRD专业人员持续专业的影响。(3)“学习”无处不在。描述了HRD专业人员的做中学、文化影响学习以及专业圈子中互相学习的学习方式。(4)“成长”的烦恼。解读了HRD专业人员在持续专业发展过程中工作、学习和家庭如何平衡的困惑以及组织与个人的对HRD专业人员角色定位不对称的苦恼。向读者打开了人力资源开发专业人员持续专业发展的生活历程和生命意义的画卷。基于对八位人力资源开发专业人员的生活体验的现象描述,从四个方面诠释了其持续专业发展的本质及意义,分别是(1)“动机”:持续专业发展的根源;(2)“环境”:持续专业发展的催化剂;(3)“互动”:持续专业发展的方式;(4)“角色悖论”:持续专业发展的障碍。并在研究样本的基础上,绘制了人力资源开发专业人员持续专业发展的模型图,以图形的形式总结了八位人力资源开发专业人员持续专业发展的实践活动。最后对人力资源开发专业人员及相关组织提出了若干建议,并对未来的研究提出了展望。综上,本论文的研究框架如下:第一章以导论的形式介绍了本研究的背景、选题缘起、研究目的、研究问题、研究意义及本论文相关的几个重要概念的界定。第二章是相关理论的梳理与文献研究综述,探讨了人力资源开发的相关概念的界定、人力资源开发专业人员的角色、专业能力、职业生涯发展理论及持续专业发展等相关理论,为接下来的研究奠定了理论基础,最后对相关的研究成果进行了综述,提出了本研究的视角。第三章为研究方法与研究设计部分。该章的开篇提出了为什么选择生活体验研究作为本研究方法的原因,并介绍了生活体验研究这一质性研究方法的含义、特征、基本程序以及解释现象学方法论。接下来对本论文的研究设计做了介绍,它包括深度访谈、研究对象选取、现场选择、主题分析及意义理解等程序。接下来讨论了质性研究中的研究者角色与伦理;最后,对质性研究的信度和效度从四个方面进行了确认,分别是研究的可信赖性、可转换性、可靠性以及研究的可确认性。第四章是根据访谈的文本将受访者的故事进行了主题分析和提炼。本章将八位人力资源开发专业人员的持续专业发展故事分成四个主题进行了描述和展示,从“追求”、“变化”、“学习”和“成长”四个角度描述了HRD专业人员参与持续专业发展活动的生活体验故事。第五章是对人力资源开发专业人员生活体验故事的意义理解和诠释。现象的呈现只是生活体验研究的第一步,而如何从现象中去诠释和理解生命的本质意义是本章所关注的重点。本章从持续专业发展的根源、催化剂、方式及障碍等四个方面对人力资源开发专业人员的持续专业发展生活故事进行了思考和诠释。第六章总结了研究的结果并提出了建议。首先基于研究的样本将人力资源开发专业人员的持续专业发展活动用模型图的形式呈现,然后对人力资源专业人员及相关组织提出了建议,最后提出了本研究的限制及对将来研究的建议。

【Abstract】 The research examines Continuing Professional Development of Human Resource Development Professionals (HRD Professionals) in enterprises. The thesis focuses on the life stories of eight HRD professionals, and explores the question of how is the lived experience of HRD professionals’Continuing Professional Development through Lived Experience Research of qualitative research methodology. It presents a life picture of HRD professionals’Continuing Professional Development and also interprets and reflects the nature and meaning behind their lived experience.Lived Experience of qualitative research put forward by Van Manen is adopted as the research methodology of the study. Eight HRD professionals are selected as research participants from Shanghai Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment. The stories of eight HRD professionals’Continuing Professional Development are described and presented with the research procedure including depth interview, text transcription, thematic analysis, meaning interpretation and thematic confirmation etc. Based on above, four themes are summarized:(1) "Ambition" is unlimited. It describes the amibiton path of HRD which includes planning for the future, enrich myself, realize self-value; (2) "Change" is too fast. It interprets the influence on changes of organizational environments, professional field, and career development; (3) "Learning" is everywhere. It describles some learning ways of HRD professionals which are learning by doing, cultural influence learning, and interaction in professional community. (4) "Growing" is a pain. It interprets HRD professionals’ puzzlement among work, learning and family as well as role paradox in the eyes of organization and individual. All the themes present the picture of HRD professionals’ life span and life meaning of continuing professional development.Based on phenomenon description of lived experience of eight HRD professionals, four findings are interpreted to show the nature and meaning of continuing professional development, they are (1) Motivation:Origin of Continuing Professional Development; (2) Environment:Activator of Continuing Professional Development; (3) Interaction:Method of Continuing Professional Development. (4) Role Paradox:Obstacle of Continuing Professional Development. The model map of continuing professional development of HRD professionals is proposed on the basis of the research findings and practices of HRD professionals’continuing professional development. Finally some proposals are given for HRD professionals and relevant organizations, and future researches as well.The research framework will be as follows:Chapter One:The prelude introduces research background, reasons to select research topic, research purpose, research questions, research importance and several important concepts related.Chapter Two:Literature review. This chapter defines concepts related to Human Resource Development, and examines the roles of HRD professionals, professional competency, career development and continuing professional development, which provide strong theoretical base for the following research. In the end, this chapter summarizes previous relevant studies, and further proposes the question of the study.Chapter Three:Research methodology and Research design. First of all, the chapter explains why lived experience research is chosen as research methodology for the study, and then describes this methodology, characteristics, basic procedures and interpretative phenomenology. Then this chapter introduces research design including depth interview, participant selection, site selection, thematic analysis, and meaning understanding and so on. Researcher role and ethics in qualitative research are discussed later on. Finally, Reliability and Validity in qualitative research are confirmed from the four aspects, they are respectively trustable, convertible, reliable, and research confirmation.Chapter Four:Thematic analysis. Life stories of eight participants are described and laid out according to different themes and sub-themes. Their life stories are presented from four perspectives of "Ambition", "Change", "Learning" and "Growing" in the practices of continuing professional development.Chapter Five:Analysing and interpreting meaning of lived experience. Phenomenon description is only the first step of lived experience research, but the focus will be how to interpret and understand the nature and meaning behind the phenomenon. Then four findings are shown to explain and interpret the stories of HRD professionals’continuing professional development, which are origin, activator, interaction and obstacles of Continuing Professional Development.Chapter Six:Research result summarization and suggestions. Based on research findings of the stories of HRD professionals’continuing professional development, the model is proposed to describe the practice connections of continuing professional development of HRD professionals. In addition, some suggestions are proposed to HRD professionals and relevant organizations. Finally, the researcher points out some limitations of the research and proposes further research suggestions in the future.

  • 【分类号】F272.92
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】984

