

A Study on the Evolution of Biopharmaceutical Innovation Network

【作者】 王飞

【导师】 曾刚;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 发展迅速的生物医药产业在世界产业体系中地位上升,对区域经济发展和国民健康水平影响越来越大,不少国家将此视为战略性产业而加以重点发展。与其他高新技术企业相比,生物医药产业具有准入门槛高等特点,比如对药物试验及审批等环节政府有严格的法律和法规管制、药品安全性审核严格、制药企业社会责任和生态责任重等,除了这些内部因素之外制药业还面临激烈的市场竞争、药物专利保护时限、资源稀缺和医学理念变化等外部因素的深刻影响,在上述内外部因素的共同作用下,目前已没有一个生物医药企业可以独立地完成新药的研发和生产,基于专业化分工的全球开放式合作模式成为当今生物医药产业发展的新特点。经济地理学中基于地理临近性的传统区位理论已无法解释生物医药业的新发展。有鉴于此,从“行为者—资源—活动”的视角,分析不同行为主体之间的合作关系,探索生物医药创新网络的演化机理,为经济地理学的理论创新、促进我国生物医药产业的健康发展服务。本文以导师主持的国家自然科学基金项目“基于生态文明的区域发展模式”(41071093)、教育部人文社科基金项目“网络权力与企业空间行为、企业创新”(08JA790044)、上海市科技发展基金重点软科学研究项目“张江建成世界一流高新区的发展思路与策略研究”(11692101000)等课题为支撑,通过对上海张江高科技园区生物医药企业、南京生物医药企业和相关专家进行访谈和实地考察,辅以文献查询和综合分析,对创新网络演化等相关理论和案例开展了系统研究。笔者认为,关系转向已成为近年来经济地理学学者关注的热点领域,网络内成员间相互作用关系及对网络动态变化的影响成为研究热点。本文在评述了国内外生物医药产业及创新网络演化相关研究成果的基础上,以“行为主体——合作关系和集体学习——网络演化”为研究主线,系统地论述了生物医药创新网络的结网、演化过程以及不同阶段的发展特征。在参考有关文献资料并开展实地调研的基础上,对美国生物医药创新网络的演化过程和上海张江生物医药创新网络的演化路径、内部合作机制、网络效应等进行了深入研究,得出了以下结论:第一,生物医药创新网络具有鲜明的特色。与其他高新技术产业部门不同,生物医药产业所需资源的稀缺性加大了药物研究和开发的难度和成本。生物技术进步缓解了资源的相对稀缺性,却推动了生物医药不同行为主体之间跨越国界的知识与创新合作。在全球化不断深化的知识经济时代,生物医药产业已经完成了成本驱动向创新驱动的跃升。在转化医学理念和国家创新系统的支撑下,通过全球——地方管道(local buzz-global pipelines)的知识与信息交流,区域生物医药创新能力不断提高和生物医药创新网络不断完善。第二,创新合作和集体学习是推动生物医药创新网络演变和发展的核心动力。笔者发现,在不同的发展阶段,合作和学习的动机与模式各不相同。创新环节是生物医药产业链的核心环节。创新网络内不同行为主体之间主要存在着商业、研发、金融和许可等合作关系。从初级到高级,生物医药创新网络经历了制药业独立创新发展、本地化创新网络发展和全球化创新网络发展等发展阶段。第三,发展中国家和发达国家的生物医药创新网络差异显著。发达国家生物医药创新网络的演化由产学研垂直合作关系和制药业—生物技术企业之间水平合作关系两种方式相互作用、相互促进、推动药物创新水平的不断提升。而发展中国家生物技术水平低,为了获取发达国家先进技术,发展中国家企业倾向于与发达国家的企业建立合作关系,支撑其创新网络演化的动力主要是学习机制,生物技术企业主要接受国外大型制药公司或生物技术企业的外包业务。与发达国家生物医药产业创新网络由本地结网向全球扩张的演化过程不同,发展中国家创新网络呈现出全球网络要素植入经本地结网至跨区扩张的演变过程。

【Abstract】 Rapid develpment of biopharmaceutical industry plays an important role in the world industrial system by promoting regional economic development and maintaining social health. Biopharmaceutical industry is believed to be a strategic industry. Compared with other high-tech enterprises, biopharmaceutical industry has its own particularity. For example, drug testing and approval will be governed by strict laws and regulations. There are strict requirements in drug safety; pharmaceutical companies should bear social and ecological responsibility. Integration of internal and external factors facing competitive environment, drug patent expiration and resources scarcity promote the biopharmaceutical industry from independent innovation model to open innovation model based on cooperation. No biopharmaceutical enterprises can complete a new drug’s R&D innovation independently; the cooperation model based on specialization has become the basis of biopharmaceutical industry. Location theory based on geographical proximity in economic geography has been unable to explain development of biomedical innovation. Therefore, establishing an’Actors-Resources-Activities’analytical framework, the paper tries to explore the internal mechanism of the evolution of biopharmaceutical innovation network by analyzing partnerships among the different actors.The author draws three conclusions based on lots of documents and interviews with biopharmaceutical firms in Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park and in Nanjing city.Firstly, biopharmaceutical innovation network has outstanding characteristic. Compared with other high-tech industries, biopharmaceutical industry has its own characteristics. It is controlled strictly by government departments and the pharmaceutical industry must have a high degree of social responsibility. Consumers request much more safety of drugs than other products. The scarcity of resources caused increasing cost and difficulty in R&D of drugs. Biotechnology progress could relieve the relative scarcity, but promote the knowledge and innovation cooperation among the different actors in biopharmaceutical industry. Facing the rapid globalization in the background of knowledge economy, biopharmaceutical industry has experienced from the cost-driven stage to the innovation-driven stage. Under the support of translational medicine and national innovation system, biopharmaceutical innovation network is formed and developed through global-local pipelines to achieve diffusion flow of knowledge and innovation.Secondly, innovation cooperation and collective learning promote evolution and development of biopharmaceutical innovation network jointly. The author finds out that innovation cooperation and collective learning are the main drivers of network evolution and vary in different development stages so that the network has different characteristics. There are business cooperation, R&D cooperation, financial cooperation and licensing partnership between different actors within the innovation network. These partnerships have played different roles through various development stages. Biopharmaceutical innovation networks went through evolution of independent innovation in the pharmaceutical industry, localization of innovation network and global innovation networks.Thirdly, biopharmaceutical innovation networks have regional differences between developing and developed countries. The biopharmaceutical innovation network in developed countries was evaluated through two main lines of the vertical level of cooperative relationship which promoted continuous improvement of drug innovation. In order to obtain cutting-edge technology and track the core technology, developing countries tend to establish cooperation with enterprises in developed countries. Learning mechanism is the main driving force of biomedical innovation network in developing countries. The significant regional differences in driving forces, evolution characteristics and development modes have been shown in biopharmaceutical industry between developing countries and developed countries.

  • 【分类号】F426.72
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1666

