

Pope John Paul Ⅱ’s Active Involvement in World Political Affairs and Its Reasons

【作者】 杨凯

【导师】 庄礼伟;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 国际关系, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 长期以来,罗马天主教会与世俗世界一直在纷争与合作中相互影响、相互作用。在当代,作为天主教会灵魂人物的教宗,其影响力并不局限于宗教信仰、社会慈善和道德伦理层面,更扩展到到世界政治领域,约翰·保罗二世便是其中颇具代表性的一位。他秉持坚定的基督信仰与政治理念,凭借自身的人格魅力和教会的社会资源,积极介入人权、民主与和平等各类世界政治事务,特别是在第三波民主化浪潮中纵横捭阖,发挥了难以替代的作用。究其原委,主要由3个因素所决定:首先是教会的核心利益所系及教宗的岗位职责所在;其次是教宗个人的人生经历与政治理念所使;再则是教宗拥有的行动资源和社会关系所助。教会的核心利益与教宗的岗位职责是教宗保罗二世在国际政治舞台扮演积极角色的结构原因,教宗的人生经历与政治理念是保罗二世相对于前任而言,更愿意主动地介入国际政治事务的个人原因,而教宗所掌握的内外部资源则是他能够发挥更大影响力的行动保障。这3方面因素决定了保罗二世必定而且能够在世界政治舞台扮演积极角色,甚至发挥关键作用。

【Abstract】 Roman Catholic Church and the secular world have been interacting in competition and cooperation since a long time ago. In nowadays world, Pope works as the soul of Roman Catholic Church, whose influence is not only confined to the realm of religion, charity, morality and ethics, but also expands to the territory of international politics. Pope John Paul II was such a fairly representative person. Guided by strong Christian faith and moral philosophy, he devoted himself into the world political issues, such as human rights, democracy and peace, with his own personal charm and the church resources. Especially, it was he that played the irreplaceable role in the third wave of democratization. All what he did was mainly determined by three reasons. First, it was the core interests of the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope’s duty, which made him play an active role on the world politics stage. Second, it was the Pope’s growing up experience and his personal political ideology, which motivated him to get involved in international political affairs willingly. Third, it was the internal and external resources of the church, which ensured he could exert more influence than his predecessors. The first one was the structural cause why Pope John PaulⅡplayed an active role on the world political stage, the second one was the personal reason why Pope John PaulⅡwas more willing to exert greater influence on world political issues, and the third one was the resources cause why he could exert greater influence on world political issues. It was these three reasons that decided Pope John PaulⅡ’s aspiration and capability, with which he must play, willingly played, and could play an active role on the stage of world politics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期

