

The Ethnic Fusion and Social Change of Guishan County During Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasty

【作者】 包国滔

【导师】 刘正刚;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 位于广东东南部的归善县,宋以前为越、俚等土著民族聚居地,虽然不断接纳南迁的中原汉人,但土著汉化总体上仍相对缓慢,故长期被中原人视为“蛮荒”之地。及至宋元,随着持续有规模的汉人移民浪潮到来,此局面开始发生重大改变。一方面,汉取代俚成为主体民族,促使后者在加速汉化的基础上走向消亡。另一方面,瑶、畲、女真等族迁至,使民族结构呈现以汉为主体的多元格局。至明,民族结构从多元进一步演变为二元。首先,瑶等族的发展相对有限,明中叶后基本融于汉族。其次,汉、畲关系成为主要民族关系,双方既有基于经济资源争夺的利益冲突,也有出于对抗明朝政府需要的联合叛乱。通过铁与血的形式,畲族汉化也基本完成。冲突与融合非独发生在民族与民族间,还发生于汉族内部的不同支系间。明中后期,客家人大规模进入主要为广府文化的归善县,其间所发生的“土”、“客”之争,可被视为广府、客家的碰撞与冲突,其结果也是走向融合,并在语言上可找到证据。民族融合与经济、文化发展存在密切关联。其一从宋元归善农业、工商业、文化教育等多方面的显著发展,可见汉族已占居主体民族地位。其二,明代经济发展最显著的地区同时也是少数民族聚居区。民族融合对文化的促进也十分明显,证据是儒家文化在归善有了相当的社会基础,形成某种崇儒风尚。宋元明归善民族融合与社会变迁的历史,既是汉族与其他民族、汉族内部不同支系间融合的过程,也是经济和文化发展的过程,同时还是地方社会逐步融入中央王朝统治体系的过程。

【Abstract】 Guishan County, which was located in southeast of Guangdong Province, was the settlements of the indigenous peoples called Yue and Li before the Song Dynasty. Although Guishan had continuously accepted people migrating from the Central Plains, the indigenous peoples’s assimilation into Han was relatively slow, therefore, she was considered by people from the Central Plains to be a "wild land" for a long time. Until the Song and Yuan Dynasty, with the arrival of the continuously large scale of Han immigration, this situation became to significantly change. On the one hand, Han replaced Li to be the main ethnic, on base of which the latter was urged to be assimilated into Han and disappeared. On the other hand, other ethnics such as Yao, She and Jurchen migrated to this area, which caused the multiple pattern of the ethnic structure whose main part was Han to appear. Until the Ming Dynasty, the multiple ethnic structure continued to change into the binary one. Firstly, the development of ethnics such as Yao was relatively limited and they were basically integrated in Han after the middle of the Ming Dynasty. Secondly, the relationship between Han and She became the main relationship of ethnic relations. There was conflict of interest based on the competition for economic resources between the She people and Han, as well as united rebellions needed for resisting the Ming government. In the form of iron and blood, She was also basically assimilated into Han. Conflict and Fusion not only occurred between one ethnic group and another, but also occurred between different branches within Han. In the late Ming Dynasty, Hakka Moved on large scale to Guishan County whose main culture was Cantonese. During this period, struggles between the "native" and "Hakka" occurred which could be considered as the collision and conflict between the Cantonese and Hakka. As a result, the Cantonese and Hakka were mixed with each other on which language could be taken as evidence. Ethnic Fusion is closely related to the development of economy and culture. One, it could clearly be seen that Han had become the main ethnic of Guishan County through her remarkable development of agriculture, handicraft industry, business and education during the Song and Yuan Dynasty. Two, the most remarkable areas in economy development were also the settlements of the minority. It was also obvious that Ethnic Fusion did promote the development of culture. The evidences were that Confucianism had a solid social foundation in Guishan County, facilitating some prevailing custom of Confucianism. The Ethnic Fusion and Social Change of Guishan County in the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasty was the process of integration between Han and other ethnics as well as different branches within Han, the process of the development of economy and culture and also the the process of the local society gradually integrated into the the rule system of the central dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】K28
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】509

