

A Study of the Image of the East in the Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen

【作者】 彭应翃

【导师】 饶芃子;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 文艺学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 东方,是安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen 1805—1875)在童话创作里其为青睐的书写对象,在其童话全集的164篇作品中,有近三分之一篇章包含程度不一的东方想象。安徒生对东方的浓厚兴趣受到其所处的亚文化语境的影响,也与其独特的人生历程、气质性情等密切相关。亚文化语境和个体语境的特殊性决定了安徒生童话中“东方形象”的特殊性。通过对前后期童话中“东方形象”的细致梳理,可以发现,与同时代的许多欧洲作家相比,安徒生的东方表述表达了一种注视“他者”时相对平等的眼光。从这种平等交往的跨文化心态出发,通过对语词、主题、意象等的细心经营,安徒生笔下“东方形象”得以避免落入同时代作品中常见的套话化之窠臼,呈现出含义多元化之特征,体现了作者超越文化偏见与界限的世界主义情怀。这种世界主义情怀还表现为童话与东方文学经典《一千零一夜》的内在关联。在安徒生童话的情节、叙述模式、人物形象等方面,存在许多《一千零一夜》的影响痕迹。这些痕迹显示出作者力求从纯粹艺术性出发,站在世界文学的高度理解和接受异国的开放姿态。此外,童话对各类西方异国的频繁表述,与“东方形象”一样,也都是安徒生以兼容并包的胸怀书写世界、言说自我的结果。以“东方形象”为代表的异国书写赋予童话表象与内涵的丰富性以及更为开放的阐释空间。同时,异域表述亦强化了文本审美层面的陌生效果,此外,更有助于凸显叙述者的人文素养与人文关怀。而上述种种在童话经典性生成的过程中都发挥了不可轻忽的作用。所以,安徒生童话里的东方形象不仅有助于我们把握特殊语境中的书写者在文化碰撞中特殊的交往心态、洞悉其独特的心灵轨迹,更令我们对童话的经典性所在获得更深入认知。

【Abstract】 In his fairy tales, Hans Christian Andersen(1805—1875) pays special attention to the East. Imagination of the East exits in about 30 percent of his all fairy tales. Andersen’s strong interesting to the East comes from the sub-cultural context he lives in, and is decided his special experience and personality. The specialty of the sub-cultural context and the individual context results in the specialty of the image of the East in Andersen’sfairy tales.Through a careful study to the image of the East in different periods, this article points that, compared with some other European writers contemporaneous, Andersen’s Eastern narration expresses his principle of equality when looking at others. Based upon the principle of equality to foreign culture, by words and phrases, themes, and images in writing, Andersen’s Eastern imagination can avoid becoming stereotype which commonly exits in contemporaneous works, present the characteristic of multielement in meaning, and embody a kind of cosmopolitism in the author’s mind. Cosmopolitism in Andersen’s mind is also displayed by the interconnection between his fairy tales and The Arabian Nights, which is Eastern cannon. The inference of The Arabian Nights to Andersen can be found in the plots, mode of narration, and characters of his fairy tales, which shows that what he focuses on is to comprehend foreign countries based on the artistry and the world literature. Furthermore, Andersen’s frequently writing to the other European countries and peoples, as the image of the East, is also the result of observing the world and expressing himself through his extensive heart and active spirit. The writing of foreign lands represented by the image of the East not only enriches Andersen’s fairy tales in extension and intension, but also endows them with more open space to interpret. Furthermore, narration of foreign lands strengthens the strangeness of the text on the level of aesthetics and indicates the author’s humanism spirit, which is of importance in the course of the fairy tales come into being canon. Therefore, the image of the East on the one hand helps us master the writer’s special intercultural mind in a special context, and on the other hands, makes us understand the fairy tales classical character.

【关键词】 安徒生童话东方形象
【Key words】 Hans Christian Andersenfairy taleimage of the East
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期

