

A Synthetical Study of the Ordos-style Bronze Axes

【作者】 牛长立

【导师】 水涛;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 考古学与博物馆学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 对于鄂尔多斯式青铜器的研究由来已久,恒久弥新。它作为北方系青铜器的重要组成部分,始终是学术界研究的焦点,自上世纪80年代田广金、郭素新《鄂尔多斯式青铜器》并作对鄂尔多斯式青铜斧进行了类型划分以来,多种研究著作、论文中加以引用,作为典型器物之一,来说明北方长城地带游牧民族文化。学术界的研究多局限于此。以更广的区域范围视角,通过专题研究,站在宏观的角度,不但分析先秦时期我国北方草原、蒙古国、西伯利亚等欧亚大草原这一地区,而且研究中国境内其他地区的铜斧形制,从而获得全面的认识,成为鄂尔多斯式青铜斧研究的一个新方向。有基于此,本文将“比较视野中的鄂尔多斯式青铜斧”作为研究对象,全面收集整理先秦时期中国境内、以及少量境外铜斧资料,对铜斧进行了类型式划分,探讨新石器时代晚期至商代、西周、春秋、战国等不同时期各地标本的功用及型式,揭示区域特征及互动关系,最终洞察出鄂尔多斯式青铜斧在我国铜斧“多元一体”的发展格局中的重要位置,分六章。第一章《绪论》。先秦时期铜斧研究的历史及现状、创新思路与方法第二章《对先秦时期不同地区工具铜斧的研究》。详细地将124件学术界较为普遍认为是工具的铜斧,分成商代、西周早中期、西周晚期至春秋、战国铜斧四个时期进行了类型学研究;在此基础上,开展先秦时期铜斧的分区研究,从中揭示部分鄂尔多斯式铜斧的特征。第三章《对先秦时期不同地区工具铜斧的研究》。较为详尽地探讨53件学术界较为普遍认为可能是兵器的铜斧的种类与型式,分成商至西周、东周两个时期进行类型学分析,在此基础上进行了先秦时期兵器类铜斧的分区探讨。第四章《铜斧功用的进一步研究——工具类铜斧》。对学术界未曾分析功用的铜斧,依据上述研究、结合时代、区域特点,作者认为有146件铜斧为工具,并按照新石器时代晚期至商代、西周、春秋、战国四个时期,探讨铜斧的种类与型式,新石器时代晚期至商周时期铜斧的分区,以及鄂尔多斯式铜斧的特征。第五章《铜斧功用的进一步研究——兵器类铜斧》。对学术界未曾分析功用的铜斧,依据上述研究、结合时代、区域特点,作者确定32件铜斧为兵器,并按照商至西周、春秋、战国三个时期分析其种类与型式,先秦时期兵器类铜斧的分区。第六章《先秦时期铜斧的分区分型研究》。包括先秦时期直銎斧分区研究、先秦时期直銎斧的分型研究、先秦时期横銎斧的比较研究三小节,综述二、三、四章节,形成全面、系统的认识,归类、合并,综合分析先秦时期铜斧分区、分型,形成“比较视野中的鄂尔多斯式青铜斧”这一全面、客观、科学的评价。第七章《结语》。概括论文的创新点、解决的问题,从关于功用的研究、关于分类的研究、关于分区的研究、关于鄂尔多斯式青铜斧的研究及其他5个方面加以说明。

【Abstract】 In this dissertation, including senen chapters. There is a long, long-lasting fresh history for synthetical study of the ordos-style bronze axes, and it has always been an academic focus of research as one of theNorthern Bronzeware important parts. As a result, a new direction to gain a comprehensive understanding of a type of bronze axes of the Ordos became true. Based on this, the " synthetical study of the ordos-style bronze axes " as the object of study, a comprehensive collection of finishing the Pre-Qin Dynasty in China, and a small amount of models on foreign bronze axes, ax to the type of bronze axes-type division, of the Pre-Dynasty, such as different parts of the function and type specimens revealed interaction between regional characteristics and the ultimate insight into the Ordos-style bronze bronze axes in our "pluralistic integration" development pattern in an important position. Paper is divided into six chapters.ChapterⅠIntroduction.In this chapter,was established on bronze axes of the Pre-Qin Dynasty study history and current situation, innovative ideas and methods.and made it clear what the bronze axes reall is.ChapterⅡA Study of axes as tools during Pre-Qin Dynasty in different areas. It talked on 124 academics in detail the more common tools that are bronze axes, divided into the Xia Dynasty,.ChapterⅢA Study of axes as weapons during Pre-Qin Dynasty in different areas. Author explained in detail of 53 academics may be more common that the types of weapons and types of bronze axes, divided into business to the Western Zhou Dynasty, Zhou typology analysis of two periods of time, in this based on the Pre-Qin Dynasty partition weapons class Bronze Axe Discussion.Chapter IV A further Study of axes as tools during Pre-Qin Dynasty in different areas. In this chapter,author systemically analyzed the academic function of the bronze axes not, according to the study, with times, regional characteristics, the authors believe there are 146 bronze axes as a tool, and in accordance with the Xia Dynasty to the Shang, Western Zhou Dynasty, Spring and Autumn and Warring States period of four to explore the types and forms of bronze axes, Xia Dynasty to Shang and Zhou dynasties, the partition of bronze axes, and the characteristics of the Ordos-style bronze axes.Chapter V A further Study of axes as weapons during Pre-Qin Dynasty in different areas.In this chapter,author systemically analyzed the academic function of the bronze axes not, according to the study, with age, regional characteristics, the authors identified 32 bronze axes as a weapon, and in accordance with the business to the Western Zhou Dynasty, Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period analysis of three kinds and types, weapons of the Qin Dynasty class partition of bronze axes.Chapter VI, "Pre-Qin Dynasty bronze axes type of partition. " Including the direct eye of an bronze axes Pre-Qin Dynasty regional studies, the Pre-Qin Dynasty direct eye of an bronze axes typing, cross-eye of an bronze axes Pre-Qin Dynasty Comparison of three sections, review the second, third and fourth chapters to form a comprehensive understanding of the system, classification, consolidation, Comprehensive analysis of the Pre-Qin Dynasty bronze axes partition, type, form a "comparative perspective bronze ax in the Ordos style" This comprehensive, objective and scientific evaluation.Chapter VII Conclusion.It made a summarized discussion about the whole six chapters. It is a general innovation of the paper, including five different areas to illustrate this,that is to solve the problem, from the research on the function, on the classification of research studies on the partition, on the Ordos style of bronze axes and other aspects.

【关键词】 鄂尔多斯式铜斧先秦多元一体
【Key words】 ordos-stylebronze axesPre-Qin DynastyPluralistic
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】K876.41
  • 【下载频次】475

