

The Study of Local Party-Government Relationship of Nanjing National Government

【作者】 孙岩

【导师】 王云骏;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 政治学理论, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪前半期是中国政治体制发生历史性变革的重要时期,在外部压力所带来的民族危机中,中国社会实现了从传统的封建王朝体制向现代政党政治的转型。国民党政权作为中国历史上第一个党治政权在现代民族国家的构建过程中,开启了中国社会政治现代化的漫长进程。1927-1937年,南京国民政府成立,并得到了初步的巩固与发展。在此期间,政党政治在中国开始实践,并在日常生活中逐步发挥作用,对社会的经济、文化、社会建设起到了一定的促进作用。国民党政权以国家根本大法的形式,初建了“以党治国”的政治体制。此后,党务组织和行政系统双轨并进,开创了中国政治发展的一大特色。但在实际的运作过程中,国民党却采取了中央层级以党统政、地方层级党政分立的制度设计。民国时期的江苏省作为首都省、模范省,国民党的控制力量相对于其他省份是比较强大的。在实际的运行过程中,江苏省党政双方在一些重大问题上也能够紧密配合,共同促进地方社会的发展进步。由于地方政府掌握着地方的财政、人事、行政大权,而党部的主要工作却是宣传、教育等的工作,在具体的运作过程中地方党部与地方政府不可避免的暴露出诸多矛盾,呈现出党政分立、党权虚化、党政冲突的基本态势。在此期间,地方层级的党政关系成为了制约民国社会发展的一个重要因素。因此,立足于中国社会发展实际,以江苏省的地方党政关系为例,深入细致的考察民国时期地方党政关系的动静态的变化,对于有效解决社会发展进程中地方党政关系的协调发展问题具有重要的价值和意义。本文从系统论的角度把政府与政党看作是共生于近代中国现代化进程中的两个相对独立的政治系统,综合运用系统分析、比较分析、历史分析以及理论与实践相结合等研究方法,以南京国民政府时期(1927-1937年)为研究分析的时代背景,着重从国民党地方党部和地方政府两者互动博弈的角度进行考察研究,进而剖析地方党部与地方政府之间的权力互动关系,探讨国民党“以党治国”理念在地方层级的实际运作情形,以考察南京国民政府时期国民党党治的力度和特征,并展示从王朝政治体制向政党政治体制的转型过程中,外来党治模式的导入、变异以及近代中国地方政治变迁的历史轨迹。全文共分为七章,针对江苏省地方党政关系问题,从其体系建构、内涵结构、实际运作、现实思考等方面展开论述,在理论和实证研究的基础上总结提出了民国江苏地方党政关系的三种实态:平行与分立、统一与协作、互控与冲突,并分别对其进行了较为详细的论述,得出了以下几点思考:第一,政党政治已经成为现代社会的一个重要标志。在以政党为核心的现代民主政治中,党政关系是现代民主政治,特别是政党政治研究的基本问题之一,其实质是执政党对国家政权的领导方式与领导形态问题。一般来说,现代社会各种政治关系都在一定程度上直接或间接、明显或隐含的包含着党政关系的因素。因此,任何一个国家在其现代化发展过程中都必须要重视和有效处理党政之间的关系。第二,在现代国家结构中,地方层级在整个国家系统中具有基础性的地位,国家的各项方针、政策最终都要由地方负责具体推行。可以说,地方层级党政关系的组织制度和运行状况是中央系统能否有效运转和社会建设能否顺利实施的关键。地方党政之间良性互动的时候,一个社会就呈现出和谐稳定发展的积极状态;反之,社会的现代化发展进程就会遭受相当大的阻碍。第三,南京国民政府时期地方党政关系的这种制度设计,使行政权力的社会管理职能日益突出,自主性得到增强,受地方党部的限制约束较少,保证了地方行政权的独立。同时其内部功能也出现了细化,在一定程度上对于中国社会建立现代的政治运行网络起到了积极的作用,体现了现代性的要求,展现着现代化的特征。但这一制度设计的重心却在地方政府而非地方党部,从实质上看则承袭了中国以往的专制传统,在内涵上缺乏现代政治的精神,只是徒有其表。第四,政党与政府的运作是在一定的政治、社会、历史和文化等因素构成的大环境之中,世界上没有普适的党政关系模式,一种党政关系模式的树立也不是一劳永逸的,必将随着时代的发展和环境的变化而不断变化。也就是说,任何一国地方党政关系模式是扎根于一国的历史传统和现实国情。而南京国民政府时期的地方党政关系却在一定程度上超越了当时中国社会发展的实际,忽视了中国的国情。因此,这种看似符合现代政治要求的制度设计却造成了国民党党权在地方层级的大量流失,使地方层级的国民党党部成为了可有可无的摆设。第五,由于国民党地方组织权力的虚化,其对于民众的吸引和对于党员的控制都缺乏实际的效果。国民党地方组织也呈现出涣散的状态,党员素质普遍低下,根本无法承担起推进社会现代化的历史责任。这阻碍和窒息着中国社会的发展,给中国现代化的发展带来了灾难性的后果。因此,本意是体现现代精神的党政双轨制,却在现实面前显得赢弱不堪,反而成为了国民党权威丧失的一个重要因素。

【Abstract】 Chinese political system had undergone an important historical change during the first half of the 20th century as the external pressures brought about by the national crisis, which witnessed a transformation from the traditional feudalistic system to the of modern party politics. Kuomintang (KMT), as the first political party, reserved its regime in Chinese history that stated the beginning of party politics and opened the process of china’s social and political modernization in the modern nation-state building.Nanjing National Government experienced a preliminary consolidation and development from 1927 to 1937. During this period, party politics in China began to practice and gradually play a certain role in promoting economy development, cultural and social construction. Meanwhile, the KMT firstly built a political system of "ruling the country by the party" in the form of national basic laws and paralleled the party organizations and administrative organization within one political system, which created a new political development mode with Chinese characteristics. But in actual operation process, the KMT had adopted the system of party organizations’ power replaced governmental organizations’at the central level and a separation of power between party organizations and government’s at the local-level.During Minguo Period, Jiangsu Province as the capital of the Republic of China as well as a model province, the KMT’s influence in Jiangsu was more powerful than other provinces. In the actual running, the party organizations and governmental organizations of Jiangsu Province made close coordination on some major issues, and jointly promoted the development of local social progress. But this system inevitably exposed many contradictions at the local level because the local government held the local finance, personnel, administrative power. On the contrary, the local party headquarters’main work of was propaganda, education, etc which led to problems such as party-government division and conflicts, weakened party rights. In the meantime, the party-government relationship at local-level evolved an important constraint factor to social development at that period. Therefore, taking Jiangsu Province’s local party-government relationship as an example by in-depth and detailed studying of Minguo’s party-government relationship of its static and dynamic changes was an effective way to solve the problems of local party-government relationship in the process of social development based on the Chinese society.From the perspective of systems theory, the dissertation used systems analysis, comparative analysis, historical analysis, and the combination of theory and practice of other research methods, taking the government and the party as two relatively independent political systems which were born in modern China’s modernization process, analyzed the interactive power relationship between local party headquarters and local governments with the background of Nanjing National Government period (1927-1937), explored the practical operation condition of KMT’s idea of "ruling the country by the party", examined the strength and characteristics of the Kuomintang party governance during the period of Nanjing National Government and exposed the trace of china local political transition from dynasty political system to party politics with the introduction of party politics mode of western countries.The dissertation has seven chapters, which mainly discussed three actual state of the local party-government relationship of Jiangsu province during the Mingguo period in respects of system construction, content and structure, the actual operation and modern understanding. The three states were parallel and separate, unity and cooperation and mutual control and conflict, which carried out the evolving trend of modern china local political. The paper also made some conclusions.First, party politics has become an important symbol of modern society. The party-government relations in modern democratic politics is a core symbol of modern democracy, especially party politics research is one of the basic questions in party politics relationship study. In general, the political relations of modern society, is directly or indirectly, explicitly or implicitly contains elements of party and government relations to some extent. Therefore, any country must pay special attention to the relations between party and government and effectively handle it during its modern development process.Second, in modern state structure, the local level relationship between party and government plays a fundamental role in the whole country as the state’s principles and policies will be ended by local governments responsible for specific implementation. In other way, a harmonious and stable relationship between party and government at the local level is a premise for the social development and smooth operation of central government’s policies.Third, this kind of local party-government relationship system designed by KMT during Nanjing National Government period was less restraint to local government from local party headquarters, which guaranteed the independence of executive power that strengthened governments’social management power and increased government autonomy. At the same time, the functions of party and government designed in this system, emphasizing not the function of local party headquarter but government, to a certain extent, promoted the establishment of a modern political operation network which had played a positive role in china political modernization. However, this system designed in the time also inherited some Chinese old autocratic tradition which was lack of essence of modern politics thus made the system only showed its appearance in some critics’view.Fourth, the party-government relationship mode was cultivated in certain political, social, historical and cultural circumstances that constituted the environment of the world without a universal mode, which would develop and change with the time. That is to say, any local party-government mode was rooted in a country’s historical tradition and realistic national conditions. To some extent, the local party-government relationship in period of Nanjing National Government ignored the actual situation of its time. Therefore, this design which appeared to meet the requirements of the modern political system had resulted in a huge loss of KMT party right at the local level, so that the party headquarters of local level had become a non-essential furnishing.Fifth, the KMT’s local organizations also showed a lax state, weak party power, low quality of most party members, which was less attraction for people and for the control of party members that impeded and stifled the development of Chinese society and eventually brought disastrous consequences. Therefore, the weakness of KMT’s party-government two-track system was not only a embodiment of failure of the spirit of modern party politics but also became a key factor for it’s lost of authority.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】D693
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】757

