

Study on the Technology Acceptance Model of Search Engine

【作者】 苏君华

【导师】 孙建军;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 情报学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在Web2.0时代,搜索引擎俨然已经成了人们生活、[作中必不可少的大百科全书,越来越多的人开始依赖搜索引擎获取信息,从而带动着搜索引擎市场的竞争越来越激烈。多元化的用户需求、激烈的市场竞争推动着搜索引擎的发展。搜索引擎作为网络信息检索系统,用户对它的接受和使用即代表了用户接受了搜索引擎的技术及其创新。因此,可以采用技术接受模型来分析用户对搜索引擎的接受程度,解释影响用户接受的各种因素,为搜索引擎的进一步发展指明方向,为用户选择搜索引擎提供参考。本研究在技术接受模型的基础上,通过文献回顾、调研、访谈等方式,总结了搜索引擎的特性并将其作为影响变量引入技术接受模型,构建了面向搜索引擎的技术接受模型,开发了搜索引擎用户接受的调查量表,并进行问卷调查。利用回收的472份有效样本数据,采用探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析方法验证了问卷的有效性和可靠性;采用结构方程和多元线性同归分析方法,分析了各潜变量之间的路径关系。研究发现面向搜索引擎的技术接受模型能够很好地预测用户的使用意向,解释了用户使用意向79%的变异量,具有一定的理论价值。(1)技术接受模型可以用于解释搜索引擎用户接受行为,主观规范、有用性认知是用户接受搜索引擎的重要解释变量。由于搜索引擎本身的简单易用,易用性认知对用户的使用意向没有显著影响。(2)用户对搜索引擎的任务关联、系统质量认知与有用性认知正相关,说明搜索引擎的系统质量以及能够帮助用户解决信息问题显著影响用户对搜索引擎的认知,进而影响用户的使用意向。(3)搜索引擎的系统质量涉及到搜索功能、界面、公正性认知、服务多样性、内容质量、排序质量、安全过滤和结果显示方式等方面,其中公正性是搜索引擎区别于一般学术信息检索系统所特有的,搜索服务提供商获取高额利益的同时还必须保证搜索引擎的公正性,良好的用户体验是搜索引擎获益的前提。(4)用户的信息素质认知与有用性认知正相关,信息技术通晓认知与易用性认知正相关。信息素质反映的是用户的信息能力,信息技术通晓反映的是用户的技术能力,这充分说明了个人能力在用户接受搜索引擎的过程中发挥着重要作用。(5)用户的个体差异是技术接受模型中的重要调节变量。在用户接受搜索引擎的过程中,易用性认知对有用性认知的影响受到经验的调节;主观规范对使用意向的影响受到性别、年龄、经验的调节;有用性认知对使用意向的影响受到性别的调节。

【Abstract】 In the Web2.0 era, the search engine seems to have become the encyclopedia that is indispensable for people, more and more people rely on search engines to obtain information, thus boosting the increasing competition and development of search engines. As the network information retrieval system, when users accept and use it to search information, they accept the technology of search engine. So we can introduce the Technology Acceptance Model to analyze how users accept the search engines and to survey all kinds of factors influencing users’acceptance, and to explain the user acceptance behavior of search engines.Based on the Technology Acceptance Model, we construct the search engine-oriented technology acceptance model, including new variables about search engine, design the survey questionnaire and implement the survey. The Exploratory Factor Analysiy and the Comfirmatiory Factor Analysis have validated the effectivity and reliability of the questionaire. The Structural Equation Model and the Multiple Linear Regression Analysis have made clear the relationship among variables and the influence effect between variables and behavior intention. The findings suggest that the modified model can effectively predict the behavior intention of using search engine, explain 79% of variance of search engine behavior intention. We can drawn some theoretical conclusions.(1) The Technology Acceptance Model can be used to explain the user acceptance of search engine. Subject norm and perceived usefulness are the dominant variables in the search engine oriented technology acceptance model. Because search engines are very easy to use, perceived of ease of use is not the dominant variable influencing behavior intention.(2)Perceived job relevance and perceived system quality have positive effect on perceived usefullness, that indicates the importance of search engine quality and its capability to resolve users’information problems in affecting users’ cognition and behavior intention.(3)The system quality of search engine includes many factors, those are search function, interface, impartiality, various functions, information quality, order, safety, display, in which impartiality is very important for search engine. Search engine must keep impartial, users’ positive experience is the premise that the engine provider benefitting from search engine.(4)Perceived information literacy has positive effect on perceived usefulness, perceived fluency with information technology has positive effect on perceived ease of use. Information literacy reflects users’ information ability, fluency with information technology reflects users’technology ability. The results indicate that users’ability play a important role in the proccess of users’ accepting search engine.(5)In Technology Acceptance Model, individual differences are very importance moderator. In the proccess of users’accepting search engine, the relationship between perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness is influenced by experience; the relationship between subject norm and behavior intention is influenced by sex,age and experience; the relationship between perceived usefulness and behavior intention is influenced by sex.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】TP391.3
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1195

