

Multi-Rigid-Body Modeling and Attitude Control of Variable Structure Aircraft

【作者】 毕胜

【导师】 季海波;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 现有飞行器是具有单一飞行模式的飞行器,其功能和性能往往只是体现在某些特定的任务上。而随着航空航天技术和高新武器研制的不断发展,近年来人们对新一代飞行器在机动性、可靠性、精确性等方面都提出了更高的要求,变形飞行器作为一种全新概念的多用途、多形态飞行器,越来越受到人们的关注。飞行器的姿态控制系统是整个飞行器的重要组成部分,是飞行器稳定飞行的重要前提,因此研究飞行器的姿态控制问题具有重要的意义。本文结合国家自然科学基金(60674029)项目,首先设计了固定翼飞行器的姿态控制律,然后针对不同变结构飞行器进行了建模和控制方面的深入研究,最后介绍了飞行仿真的进展情况。研究内容具体包括如下几个方面:一、采用非线性设计工具中的分块反步设计法,结合输入状态稳定性理论,推导了飞行器姿态调节的非线性控制方案。对基于欧拉角和修正的Rodrigues参数建立的飞行器运动方程组,在解决姿态耦合问题后,推导了飞行器姿态调节的非线性控制方案,并证明了其鲁棒稳定性。设计了基于飞行器简化运动方程组的飞行器俯仰角姿态控制律。采用姿控发动机和空气动力提供姿态控制力矩的方式,对上述几种姿态控制律的实现进行了简要描述。二、依据变结构飞行器的构成将飞行器分成主刚体和各从刚体,选取主从刚体的质心和相关控制量的坐标分量作为广义速率,组成多刚体系统的广义坐标。借助各种几何条件和刚体间的约束关系,使用凯恩方法构建了变结构飞行器基于广义姿态的多刚体动力学模型。三、探讨了变结构飞行器广义姿态的解耦控制条件。在建立了飞行器内置滑块和机翼可伸缩两种情况下的多刚体力学模型的基础上,借助固定翼飞行器姿态控制方法设计的成功经验,采用反步设计法等非线性设计工具,提出了俯仰姿态控制的非线性方法。四、介绍了分布式通用3D飞行仿真平台的构建情况。

【Abstract】 The aircraft existing is applied to certain specific missions. With the development of technology in aeronautics and astronautics, in recent years high demands for new generation of aircrafts are proposed in mobility, reliability and accuracy. As a type of multi-purpose and multi-configuration vehicle, morphing aircrafts draw more and more attention. The attitude control system plays a significant part in carrying out stable flight, thus research on attitude control system has important significance. Our research work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 60674029). In this paper we propose a robust nonlinear attitude control method for fixed-wing aircrafts, investigate modeling and control strategy for several kinds of variable structure aircrafts. Finally the progress of flight simulation is simply presented. This paper mainly comprises the following aspects:1. We deduce nonlinear attitude control scheme on the basis of partitioned backstepping method and input-to-state stability theory. This method can be applied to mathematical models of aircrafts based on Euler angles and Modified Rodrigues Parameters. With this strategy the coupling of the model attitude can be dealt naturally. A stable attitude control is achived and the scheme has a good robust property subjected to external disturbances. In theory, we realize the above attitude control methods by means of attitude control engines and aerodynamic force.2. The variable structure aircraft is divided into the primary rigid body and the slave one according to its structure. Thus we choose the center of mass of the primary rigid body and coordinate components of relevant units as generalized coordinate. In virtue of geometric condition and constraint relation, we construct multi-rigid-body dynamics models of aircrafts, utilizing kane method.3. The decoupling control condition of the generalized attitude is discussed. We put forward nonlinear control plan for pitch attitude respectively, after the establishment of multi-rigid-body dynamics model of the aircraft with a moving-mass or movable wings.4. The progress of a distributed universal 3D flight simulation platform is introduced.


