

The Development of Soft Science in China (1978-2010)

【作者】 叶征

【导师】 周元;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 科学技术史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文是一篇展示中国软科学三十年发展状况的研究文章。“软科学”(Soft Science)是由日本学者首次使用的词组,并在我国改革开放之后引入并迅速得到发展。成思危先生(1997年)总结软科学的特点时说:“软科学研究有三个主要特点,一是其研究对象是社会、经济等包含人为事物的开放的复杂巨系统;二是其研究方法是定性与定量相结合的综合集成方法;三是其研究成果是为了支持各级各类的决策。”除此之外,中国学者给软科学下了许多的定义,至今还没有得到完全的统一。尽管如此,中国软科学的研究实践在三十年发展过程里还是取得了举世瞩目的巨大成就和深远的影响。目前,软科学已成为具有中国特色的学术术语,中国软科学发展的三十年历程亟需梳理和总结。本文首先采用文献计量学方法对软科学文献集合进行统计,并结合历史事件和文献内容的分析,把中国软科学分为四个发展阶段,并对四个发展阶段的各自发展过程和特点进行了回顾和总结,以此反映我国软科学发展的基本历程。在此基础上,本文分专题对我国软科学的理论研究状况、人才培养和机构建设情况、在国家决策中发挥的作用等进行了深入探讨。在软科学的理论研究方面,对软科学的概念来源、概念认识逐渐深入的过程和学科定位进行了分析,对学术界关于软科学的研究对象的认识过程和研究方法的变化情况进行了概括和总结。在学科建制方面,对软科学机构的建设发展情况和人才培养情况进行了分析。为了反映软科学研究在服务于各级政府决策中的作用,本文以我国国家层面和区域层面的一些重大政策的制定为案例,分析软科学研究在其中发挥的作用。在此基础上,本文概括了软科学实践在这方面所做出的社会贡献。本文通过分析发现:中国软科学的实践研究取得了重大的成就,但其理论研究则远远落在其后。本文认为,我国软科学的内涵研究滞后是阻碍软科学进一步发展的关键因素。

【Abstract】 This article is a research paper that shows the three decades development panorama of China soft science. "Soft science", which is first used as a phrase by Japanese scholar, is introduced and developed rapidly after China’s reform and opening. Mr. Cheng Siwei summarized the characteristics of Soft science: There are three main characteristics in Soft Science research. One, the research objects are society, economy and other open complex giant system which contain artificial things; Two, its research method is qualitative and quantitative integrated method; Three, its research results support of all kinds of decisions." Besides, Chinese scholars made many definitions, which have not been unified so far, for soft science. Even so, China’s soft science research practice has accomplished remarkable achievements and far-reaching influence in 30 years development process .At present, the Soft Science has become an academic term with Chinese characteristics. It’s 30 years of development history need urgently collating and summarizing.In this paper, Firstly, we use bibliometrics to process the collection of soft science literature, and then, combine historical event with literature content analysis, China soft science is divided into four stages, and the development and characteristics of each stage is reviewed and summarized as the basis of this paper. Then,In the theory of soft science, the sources of soft science concept, process of gradually deepening understanding of the concept and academic position of soft science is analyzed, the subject’s cognitive processes and the change of research methods is summarized , the development of organizational construction , talents training and industrialized development of soft science is analyzed. In the Practice field of soft science, we discuss the role of soft science research in several national level and regional level decision making process. On this basis, the paper tries to summarize the contributions of soft science in regional level, national level decision-making.Based on the analysis of this paper,comparing with Soft Science has made significant achievements in the practice ,the theory is far behind. The lagging of soft science connotation study is the major obstacle of the development of soft science.


