

Research and Study of Front End Electronics for Daya Bay Neutrino Experiment

【作者】 蒋文奇

【导师】 王贻芳; 安琪; 王铮;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 物理电子学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 读出电子学系统是高能物理实验的重要课题,一个成熟可靠、性能优良的读出电子学系统对于实验的成功起着关键性的作用。本篇论文论述了大亚湾中微子实验PMT(光电倍增管)读出电子学的研究,以大亚湾中微子实验的具体需求为目标,在借鉴ATLAS与BESIII读出电子学的基础上,完成了大亚湾实验的PMT读出电子学;文中详细介绍了PMT读出电子学的设计方案。与国内外同类电路相比,大亚湾PMT读出电子学具有动态范围大、测量精度高、死时间更短等优点;DAQ、模型探测器、中心探测器Dry run实验中FEE的测试结果表明,PMT读出电子学的设计是成功的,实现了既定设计目标,能够满足大亚湾实验对PMT信号读出的要求。作为PMT读出电子学研究重要组成部分的PMT信号分析,发现了陶瓷电容在高压下的振荡现象,这是国内外高能物理实验中首次发现并解决陶瓷电容高压下的振荡现象,为实验设计提供最优化改进的方案。而作为PMT读出电子学改进设计有效环节的FEE数据分析,既从物理角度研究了FEE的读出时间窗口长度对物理事例的影响,又从电子学的角度对Fadc插件性能进行了检验;同时基于LED事例下的触发效率研究更是对整个大亚湾实验的触发效率预测有着重要的参考作用。目前大亚湾中微子实验的PMT读出电子学已经完成了基本的设计,基于反中微子探测器的PMT读出电子学系统的最终设计方案件在2009年通过了专家评审,并且成功应用在DryRun实验中。实验结果表明,PMT读出电子学的性能和可靠性满足大亚湾实验的设计要求。

【Abstract】 Readout electronic system is an important research project in high energy physics experiments. A reliable and capable readout electronic system plays a key role in the experiments.This dissertation demonstrated the research of photomultiplier tube (PMT) readout electronic system for Daya Bay neutrino experiment. The Front End Electronic (FEE) system for Daya Bay experiment had been developed based on ATLAS and BESⅢFEE. The design scheme of FEE is full introduced in this paper.Comparing with other similar Front End Electronic systems designed in Europe and USA, our system has a larger dynamic range and a better resolution for small signals. The conclusion with FEE tested in DAQ、Prototype and Dryrun show that it is feasible to achieve a more accurate charge and time measurement resolution and a wider dynamic range when using our FEE board. The board design is successful and can meet the requirements of PMT readout for Daya Bay Neutrino Experiment.Ringing was found in the PMT signal test, which was an important part of the PMT readout electronic study, and the piezoelectric effect of ceramic capacitors under high voltage was found as the cause of the ringing. That was the first time to find and solve such ringing signal problem in high energy physics experiment home and abroad.The FEE data analysis which study the FEE readout time window、check the performance Flash ADC、analyze the LED event trigger efficiency is a effective way to improve the design of FEE.The basic design of PMT readout electronic system for Daya Bay neutrino experiment has been completed. The final design of FEE system has passed the experts’ review in 2009. FEE was applied successfully during DryRun experiment in 2010, and the results of the experiment showed that the capability and reliability of the FEE could fulfill the demand of Daya Bay experiment.


