

Research on Age Characteristics of Strength and Conditioning Training of China’s Age-group Swimmer (6-17)

【作者】 曹永臻

【导师】 李文静;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 游泳年龄组运动员的体能训练具有明显的年龄特征,研究游泳年龄组运动员体能训练的年龄特征有利于全面基础训练的有效开展和年龄组运动员与优秀成年选手之间的平稳过渡,可为我国游泳运动的可持续发展提供重要的后备力量保障。本研究力争结合我国游泳年龄组训练的实际情况,揭示游泳年龄组运动员体能训练的年龄特征,探求当前体能训练的理论与实践偏差,为游泳年龄组的科学化训练提供理论支持。采用文献资料法、问卷调查法和专家访谈法对游泳年龄组运动员体能训练的年龄特征进行了研究。主要结论有:1.我国游泳年龄组的分组发展划分为起步阶段(1963年—1972年)、探索阶段(1973年—1989年)和成熟阶段(1989—今),分组演进呈现出年龄跨度增加和分组细化两大趋势。2.游泳年龄组运动员的年龄下限为6岁,上限为17岁。游泳年龄组男子体能发展的第Ⅰ分期为6—8岁(第Ⅰa期)、9—10岁(第Ⅰb期),第Ⅱ分期为11—13岁,第Ⅲ分期为14—16岁,第Ⅳ分期为17岁;女子第Ⅰ分期为6—8岁,第Ⅱ分期为9—11岁,第Ⅲ分期为12—14岁,第Ⅳ分期为15—17岁。3.第Ⅰ分期开始简单力量训练,注重训练内容的娱乐性;第Ⅱ分期开始全面基础力量训练;第Ⅲ分期开始有针对性的专项力量训练;第Ⅳ分期开始全面抗阻力训练,包含水上抗阻力专项训练。各分期练员注重快速力量、最大力量,第Ⅰ、Ⅱ期教练员对力量耐力重视不够。4.各分期教练员对陆上速度重视不够,水上训练比例远高于陆上;水上速度倾向于打腿练习,重视短冲、冲刺和包干游。第Ⅰ、Ⅱ期教练员常将重复训练法和间歇训练法混淆,影响水上速度发展。5.第Ⅰ、Ⅱ期教练员对无氧耐力训练方法了解不足,第Ⅲ、Ⅳ期教练员则认识较为清晰。运动员耐力训练强度整体偏低。各分期教练员都采用中低强度长时间持续游发展有氧耐力。教练员对速度、无氧耐力、有氧耐力训练的比重安排不够合理,第Ⅰ、Ⅱ期有氧耐力训练比重过大,第Ⅲ、Ⅳ期比重偏小。6.各分期教练员都主要运用主动牵拉法和摆动牵拉法发展柔韧性,很少甚至不采用PNF法。第Ⅰ、Ⅱ期教练员注重静力性牵拉法,第Ⅲ、Ⅳ期教练员注重动力性牵拉法和协同式肩部伸展法。

【Abstract】 Strength and conditioning of age-group swimmer has distinct age characteristics, the study of which contributes to the effective development of a thorough grounding training and the smooth transition between age-group swimmer and elite adult swimmer, and provides guarantee to the sustainable development of China’s Swimming. The study endeavor to reveal the age characteristics of strength and conditioning training of age-group swimming, analyze the deviation of theory and practice, and provide theoretical support to the scientific training of age-group swimming based on the actual training situation of China’s age-group swimming.Strength and conditioning training of age-group swimming is studied by literature review, questionnaires, and experts interviewing. The main conclusions are as follows:1.The development and evolution of age-group swimming in China is divided into three phases, which include start phase (1963-1972), exploration phase (1973-1989), and maturity phase, presenting the trend of an increase in age span and detailed division in groups.2.The lower limit of age to age-group swimmer is 6, and the upper limit is 17. The first stage of development of strength and conditioning of male’s age-group swimming contains stages of la and Ib, and the ages of the former range from 6 to 8, the latter from 9 to 10, and ages of the second stage range from 11 to 13,the third from 14 to 16, and the fourth is 17;the ages of the first stage of development of strength and conditioning of female’s age-group swimming range from 6 to 8, the second from 9 to 11, the third from 12 to 14, and the fourth from 15 to 17.3. Simple strength training starts from the first stage is simple, which emphasizes the interest of training content;the general basic strength training starts from the second stage;the training that aiming at professional strength starts from the third stage;and the comprehensive resistant training which contains professional resistant training in swimming starts from the fourth stage. Coaches of four stages emphasize the development of elastic strength and maximum strength. Coaches of the first and second stage stress the development of strength endurance inadequately.4.Coaches of four stages emphasize inadequately the land-based speed, and training proportion of water outclasses of that of land;Speed training in water is apt to the practices of kicking, emphasizing sprint and the accomplishment of swimming load within committed time.Coaches of the first and second stage often confuse methods of repetitive training and interval training, which affects the development of speed in water.5. Coaches of the first and second stage have an inadequate understanding of training method of anaerobic endurance,whereas coaches of province understand relatively well. The overall intensity of endurance of swimmers stays at low level.Coaches of four stages develop the aerobic endurance by the method of continual swimming with long time and middle and lower intensity. The proportion among speed, anaerobic endurance and aerobic endurance is not very reasonable, and there are large proportion of anaerobic endurance in the first and second stage and small one in the third and fourth stage.6. Coaches of four stages mainly adopt initiative and passive stretching, seldom, even not adopting PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) to develop flexibility. Coaches of the first and second stage emphasize static stretching, and coaches of the third and fourth stage emphasize ballistic stretching and collaborative shoulder stretching.


