

Study on the Sports Event Characteristic and the Winning Law of Archery in China

【作者】 王三保

【导师】 刘大庆;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 2008年我国取得历史上首枚射箭奥运会金牌,但仍面临着整体运动实力不强,理论研究与实践活动不协调等问题。为完善射箭运动理论,给我国射箭运动可持续发展、备战2012年伦敦奥运会提供理论支撑,本文以射箭训练与竞赛活动为研究对象,运用文献资料、问卷调查等科学研究方法,对射箭项目特点、制胜因素、制胜规律进行了系统、科学、全面的深入研究,得出如下主要研究成果:1.射箭是一项受环境、器械影响,以体能为基础、以技术为核心、以心理为保障的非身体接触的同场对抗性项目。2.射箭竞赛规则变化特点:箭支愈来愈少,时间愈来愈短。这种变化使比赛的对抗性愈来愈强,对运动员持久、规范的技术运用能力、瞬时应变能力、抗高压、抗强干扰的心理能力提出了更高的要求。3.射箭器械选用的原则:认识性能原则;适应调节原则;持久固定原则;适时检查原则;周期替换原则。4.射箭运动员竞技能力特点:身高男子177±4.0厘米,女子169.2±3.9厘米,指距不小于身高,上肢与前臂比值较小;肺活量要求比普通人稍高(男女均为4500ml),心率男运动员50-55次/分,女运动员55-60次/分;能量代谢以有氧代谢为主;身体素质特点以神经性静耐力、肌肉静耐力、背肌发力为主;用力的直线对称性、平面性、动态均衡性、简单性;技术规范,整体过程简洁、流畅;良好的注意集中、转换、分配能力,应激控制能力等。5.我国射箭运动存在的问题:儿少起训科学化程度不高、基本功不扎实、训赛一体化低、体能不足、瞬时应变差、风雨天发射能力不强、淘汰赛能力弱、器械调试能力差、心理素质不强。6.射箭制胜因素由“准”、“稳”、“快”构成,其中“准”是核心,“稳”是基础;“快”是关键。7.射箭制胜规律:不断加深对项目的认识是射箭项目制胜的先导;“三从两严方针”是射箭项目制胜的重要训练指导思想;科学的训练监控是射箭项目制胜的重要手段;完善科学的参赛模式是射箭项目制胜的关键环节;不断提升管理水平是射箭项目制胜的可靠保障。8.我国射箭突破的途径:心理方面着重提高运动员的强对抗能力;体能方面着重提高运动员的力量素质;技术方面着重提高运动员对关键技术把握的准确性;管理方面应综合攻关,提升整体训练效益与科学化训练水平。

【Abstract】 Although the archery sports of china gains its first Olympic gold medal in history in 2008, we still faces some problems such as the overall level of the sports is not strong, the theoretical research and sports practice is lack of coordination. To improve archery theory and provide theoretical support for the sustainable development of archery and preparing for London Olympics in 2012, this paper, using literature principle, surveys principle and so on, makes archery training and competition activities as the research objects to do some reseach on winning factors, winning laws of archery with systematic, scientific and comprehensive views, and draws some conclusions as fllows:1. Archery is a sports influenced by environment and equipment, of which the athletes play in one field with no touch of the bodies. It makes fitness as the basis, technology as the core,, psychology as the protection.2. The changing characteristics of the archery competition rules are that the arrows become fewer and fewer and the time gets shorter and shorter. Which make the game’confrontation stronger and stronger, and put forword higher requiremengts for durable standardized technical capabilities, instantaneous response capability, psychological resistance to high pressure, strong anti-interference ability of athletes.3. The selection principles of archery equipment are understanding function principle, adapting and regulating principle, durable fixing principles; appropriate inspecting principles, period replacing principle.4. Archery athletes’competetion ability characteristics are that the height of man is 177±4.0 cm and female is 169.2±3.9 cm, the finger span is not less than the height, the ratio of upper and forearm is lower, the lung capacity is slightly higher than the average (both men and women are 4500ml), that the male athletes heart rate is 50-55 times/min and female athletes is 55-60 times/min, the aerobic metabolism is the main energy metabolism style, the physical quality characteristics makes the nervous quiet endurance, muscular quiet endurance, back muscles to exert as the main qualities; The ways of force’using are line symmetry, plane, dynamic balance, simplicity. The skill is specification and the overall process of the skill is simple, affluent. The psychological characteristics are good attention of focusing on, conversion, distribution abilities, stress control ability and so on.5. The present problems of archery in china are that the scientific training level of children and adolescents is not high, the basic skills are not solid, the integration of training and match is low, the physical fitess is poor, the athlete’s instantaneous response is poor, the launching ability of wind-day and rain-day is not strong, the knockout ability is weak, the equipment adjustment ability is poor, mental quality is not strong.6. The winning factors of archery are "quasi", "stable", "fast ",. of which "quasi" is the core, "stability" is the foundation, "fast" is the key.7. The winning laws of archery are as fllows:Deeply understanding of the sports event is the precursor of the archery winning; Three-obedience and two-strict guidelines is the important training guiding ideology of the archery winning; Scientific training monitoring is the important means of the archery winning; Improving scientific competition model is the key to the archery winning; Continuously improving the management level is a reliable guarant to the archery winning.8. The breakthrough path of the archery sports of china are as fllows: Psychology should focus on improving the strong combat ability of athletes; Physical fitness should focus on improving the power quality of athletes; Skill should focus on improving the accuracy of key skills of players; Management should focus on the Comprehensive breakthrough to improve the overall training efficiency and the scientific quality of training


