

The Characteristic of Rowing and Winning Law in China

【作者】 茅洁

【导师】 刘大庆;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 竞技体育的主要目的是创造优异运动成绩及在比赛中取胜。对于任何竞技体育项目而言,研究分析其项目专项特点及制胜规律的意义在于指导训练的方向和重点并提供夺取胜利的规律。但目前我国对赛艇的项目特点及制胜规律的认知尚不系统、完善。本文的研究任务立足于我国赛艇项目的研究现状,通过对赛艇项目特点的深入认识,提出赛艇项目的制胜因素,探索项目的制胜规律,构建赛艇项目制胜的理论体系。通过多方位的视角和研究方法,对我国赛艇项目特点及制胜规律进行深入研究。研究结论如下:(1)赛艇运动是以有氧系统供能为主,力量素质为基础,比赛受环境因素(海拔、水域环境、水温、风向、温度、湿度等)影响较大的体能主导类耐力性项目。(2)确定赛艇项目专项竞技能力特点为以下内容:体能要求耐力、力量素质较强,协调、柔韧、平衡能力较好;人与船、桨、水的结合协调紧密,船运行匀速、飘浮。技术上要求推桨、入水、接、蹬、拉等动作连贯,能充分发挥以腿为主,全身协调拉桨用力,“后转换”结合较好,推按桨动作顺序好,推桨滑座速度相对均匀,身体姿势稳定自然;桨叶入水轻、快、连贯,推桨桨叶平稳,划幅较大,深度适中,桨叶出水高度适中干净;推、拉桨比例合理,桨频稳定;艇速均匀,平衡好,艇首尾上下起伏小,两舷力量对称,自然直线划行。也需要有意志顽强、注意力集中、感知准确、轻松自如的精细意识等心理特点。(3)本文提出赛艇项目的五个主要制胜因素:“强、快、连、稳、控”。(4)本文总结出我国赛艇项目的制胜规律为:发挥举国体制优势,推动项目发展;始终坚持“变革、求变、创新”的理念;构建赛艇项目训练模式;完善参赛模式;正确处理训练与竞赛的关系;不断提高科学管理水平。

【Abstract】 The main purpose of the competitive sports is to win the game and create superior performance. For all the competitive sports, making research into the characteristics of the event and the winning laws is to guide the coach and provide the information which leads us to win. However, what we have known of this field isn’t enough. Under this situation, we consult a large number of literature, using multi-perspective methods, and make the conclusion below:1) Rowing is physical ability dominated and stamina required which has a major energy system of aerobics. Rowing depends on the physical strength and is greatly influenced by environment (elevation, environment of water area, water temperature, wind direction, temperature, and humidness and so on)2) Our research has decided the characteristics of the athletics competitive ability of rowing. The detailed characteristics are as follows:In physical fitness, the athlete needs superior endurance ability and power strength; good coordinate ability and flexibility and balance ability. The movement of the athlete, boat, paddles and water should be synchronized, then the shells moves constantly and smooth. In the techniques, the athletes should keep the movements of drive, catch, release and recovery consistently, that, they are able to exert legs-dominated ability and body flexibility. The athlete also should put forth strength in pulling. Good combination of "back transformation" and ideal movement sequence in pushing and pressing peddles are necessary. The speed of paddling and sliding should be relatively constant. The body posture should keep stable and spontaneity. Paddle should be entered into water lightly, quickly and consistently. When shooting the paddle, the athlete should keep the paddle blade smoothly and steadily and the athlete should also ensure a wide rowing distance and a proper depth of water entry. Releasing must be moderate and clean. Proper proportion in breast stroke and driving and stable rowing frequency are necessary. Constant boat velocity, good balance and small fluctuations between stem and stern are required. What’s more, strength on both sides of boat should be symmetrical. The athlete should row straightly. The athlete needs to be tenacious, excellent cognition ability.3) In this study we raised five key factors in rowing, "strong, fast, cohesion, stable and self-control", respectively.4) The wining laws of rowing are generalized as follows:taking the advantages of national system to promote the development of rowing; sticking to the guideline "reform, alteration and innovation" founding a training mode for rowing; perfecting its competition mode; dealing with the relations between training and competition; keeping improving the level of the management.


