

Methodological Research of Conceptual Design Based on Quality Function Deployment

【作者】 王娟丽

【导师】 熊伟;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 概念设计的好坏将决定产品成功或者失败的命运。在资源有限的前提下,企业如何尽最大可能满足顾客需求,实施最大化顾客满意度的概念设计,如何系统地运用科学的质量管理方法提高概念设计的效度和效率,提升企业的创新能力已成为了当前政府、企业界和学术界广泛关注的紧迫而又重大的现实问题。而质量功能展开(QFD)理论能够为概念设计提供了一个系统性的分析方法和开放式的研究框架。进一步在QFD研究框架下结合运用多种方法改进概念设计方法,在概念设计阶段更为有效地表达、传递顾客需求信息,搜寻可满足顾客需求的解决方案,选择可最大化顾客满意度的概念设计方案,探索可指导企业产品创新实践的理论和方法,对提高我国企业自主创新能力,提高核心竞争力,具有十分重大的理论意义和现实意义。本文在对国内外概念设计相关文献进行全面系统研究的基础上,提出一个结合经济与技术手段的系统分析框架——“基于QFD并融多方法于一体的概念设计分析方法”。该分析框架将亲和图法(KJ法)、层次分析法(AHP)、粗糙集(RS)、魅力性质量理论(KANO模型)、发明问题解决理论(TRIZ)和直觉模糊集(IFS)等方法和工具融入到QFD基本工具质量屋的构建过程中。同时,为考察粗糙集语言环境下如何更好地表达顾客需求信息,本文构建了基于修正的RAHP和KANO的顾客需求重要度算法,作为概念设计的输入信息和设计依据。在QFD与TRIZ整合分析框架中引入单一特性法则为设计人员解决技术冲突提供更为有效的途径。运用直觉模糊集(IFS)来更有效地处理概念设计方案评价不确定、多属性、群决策问题,为概念设计方案评价提供全面而有效的决策支持。本文的研究成果和创新主要体现为基于QFD并融多方法于一体的概念设计分析方法的核心工具概念设计质量屋及其相关创新性模型与算法。该概念设计质量屋由基于KJ法的顾客需求分析、基于粗糙层次分析法(RAHP)的顾客需求基本重要度算法、基于KANO模型的顾客需求分类、市场竞争性分析、基于RAHP与KANO模型的顾客需求重要度算法,技术特性分析、技术特性自相关矩阵、顾客需求-技术特性关系矩阵、技术特性重要度算法、概念设计目标定位模型、基于TRIZ的概念设计创新方法与流程和基于IFS的方案优选模型等十二个部分组成。该概念设计质量屋的各个部分紧密结合,相辅相成,其一方面通过多种相关方法的整合运用为表达和传递多义、不确定和模糊的顾客需求信息,搜寻满足顾客需求的创新思路,优选概念设计方案提供了有效的方法支持;另一方面其采用了经济与技术手段相结合的方法分析方法来研究概念设计决策问题,系统性地回答了概念设计的核心问题,即如何在资源有限的条件下在概念设计阶段最大化顾客的满意度这一问题。全文通过汽车方向盘的一系列的相互衔接的案例验证了基于QFD并融多方法于一体的概念设计质量屋及其相关方法整合具有可行性和有效性,并丰富和拓展了QFD理论,改进了现有的概念设计方法,有较强的理论意义和实践价值。

【Abstract】 The quality of the conceptual design will determine the fate of product. It’s an important practical question to the government, business and academic that how to carry out conceptual design to meet customer needs to the highest extent, how to apply the quality management method to improve the efficiency of the conceptual design, and how to enhance the innovation capability of enterprises in the context of limited resources. The theory of quality function deployment (QFD) can provide a systematic research framework for conceptual design in the research and development (R&D) for product. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to improve China’s capability of independent innovation and enhance core competitiveness of enterprises that how to improve the method of conceptual design in the framework of QFD, to express and transmit information more effectively in the conceptual design stage, to resolve technical conflicts, to choice the conceptual design solution to the maximize customer satisfaction and to explore the available product innovation theories and methods.A system analysis framework which combined the economic and technical means-conceptual design analysis methods which embodied multiple methods based on QFD is proposed on the basis of a review of existing studies of conceptual design. The affinity diagram (KJ method), analytic hierarchy process (AHP). rough sets (RS), attractive quality theory (KANO model), theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) and the intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFS), etc. are embodied the house of quality(HOQ) of QFD. Meanwhile, the author constructs the algorithm for importance of the customer needs based on modified RAHP and KANO to express customer needs. The single feature law is introduced into the meta-analysis framework of QFD and TRIZ to resolve technical conflicts for designers. Finally, the IFS is applied to deal with the conceptual design evaluation of uncertain, multi-attribute group decision making and provide the decision support for conceptual design evaluation.The main result and innovation of this dissertation makes is the core conceptual design analysis tool which embodied many methods based on QFD-the HOQ for conceptual design. The house of quality (HOQ) for conceptual design consists of twelve parts-the customer needs analysis based on KJ method, the basic algorithm of the importance of customer demand based on rough AHP (RAHP), the classification of customer demand based on KANO model, the market competition analysis, the algorithm of the importance of customer demand based on RAHP and KANO. the analysis of technical characteristics, the correlation matrix of technical characteristics, the relationship matrix of customer needs-technical characteristics, the importance degree algorithm of technical characteristics, the target location model for conceptual design, the conceptual design innovation methods and processes based on TRIZ and the optimization program models based on IFS. The various parts of the HOQ of conceptual design are closely integrated and mutually reinforcing. On the one hand, the HOQ of conceptual design provide method support with the integration of a variety of related methods to empress and transfer the ambiguity, uncertainty and vague information of customer demand, search innovative thoughts to meet customer needs and optimize the conceptual design program. On the other hand, the HOQ of conceptual design used a combination of economic and technical analysis methods study the decisions problem in conceptual design and resolve systematically the core question in conceptual design, i.e. how to maximize the customer satisfaction in the conditions of limited resources in the conceptual design phase.A series of cases of a steering wheel verified that the HOQ of conceptual design which embodies multiple methods based on QFD and the integration of related methods are feasible and effective, develop the QFD theory and improve the existing methods of conceptual design with a strong theoretical and practical value.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期

