

Research on Modeling and Managing of Complex Product Development Process

【作者】 余本功

【导师】 杨善林;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 新产品开发能力是企业核心竞争力之一。复杂产品由于其本身所具有的开发过程复杂等特点,对其开发过程管理提出了更高的要求。传统的开发模式和管理手段难以满足企业对复杂产品开发管理的需要。现代信息技术和管理方法的不断发展,为企业不断提升自己的产品开发能力提供了条件,运用现代管理理论与技术开展产品开发过程建模和过程管理研究,对于提高企业竞争力,缩短产品的上市时间,降低产品成本具有重要的意义。在对复杂产品开发过程中的一系列管理问题深入分析的基础上,本文首先研究了复杂产品开发过程管理的体系结构,然后分别对复杂产品开发过程的集成化建模、开发过程的范围管理与过程规划、产品开发过程的知识收集与共享等三方面问题进行深入研究。包括:采用统一的集成化业务建模思想,建立了三维立方体结构的复杂产品开发过程建模框架;基于设计结构矩阵的解耦,利用自适应免疫混沌遗传算法对任务进行规划;针对产品设计过程中知识的积累和共享问题,采用知识门户来帮助企业实现显性和隐性知识的管理;最后结合轿车整车产品的开发过程,对以上内容进行了实例研究。主要研究工作和创新性成果如下:1、研究了复杂产品开发过程管理的体系结构。在分析复杂产品开发特点及所遇问题的基础上,提出了基于PDCA过程管理改进思想的体系结构。在企业的基础数据平台之上,设计了包含业务建模平台、项目管理平台、设计数据管理平台和知识管理平台等四个方面的过程控制层。并在此基础上,给出了产品开发过程管理的螺旋式改进模型,实现复杂产品开发过程管理的不断优化。2、研究了复杂产品开发过程的业务建模问题,给出一个包含开发过程维、工作流程维和组织方法维在内的集成化复杂产品建模的模型框架。集成化的复杂产品模型可以显著提高模型的一致性,通过建立模型之间不同的有机关联还可以显著提高企业模型的描述能力,从而描述使用多个独立视图集合不能够反映的企业系统的特征。在三个建模维度基础上,采用自上而下逐层细化的分解思想,对各项工作由粗到细,最终形成对具体业务过程的详细描述。3、研究了复杂产品开发过程中的范围管理、任务解耦和任务的调度规划等问题,首先结合建模中描述的各项活动的功能、活动的顺序关系以及完成活动的人员、组织和资源等信息,给出了开发任务的工作分解结构构建方法。然后采用设计结构矩阵DSM,对耦合任务的解耦进行了研究,给出了分解算法流程和割裂算法流程。最后在遗传算法的基础上,提出了一种自适应免疫混沌遗传算法,利用混沌变量进行全局搜索,从而保证搜索能跳出局部最优的限制,取得满意的结果,并将算法应用于产品开发过程的调度规划中。4、研究了复杂产品开发过程的知识门户系统。针对产品开发过程的特点,给出了支持复杂产品开发的知识管理流程。提出了复杂产品研发企业的知识门户系统体系架构,采用由数据存储层、功能层、应用层、展示层等四层构成的多层B/S模式,系统包含六大核心功能模块。知识门户系统为企业提供了统一的知识管理支撑平台,可以有效地将研发人员、信息、系统和业务流程等结合在一起,更好地实现知识共享、加强企业的内部沟通以提高复杂产品的开发效率。5、以轿车整车产品开发为例,对复杂产品开发过程建模和管理进行了实例研究。采用分层的流程架构逐层细分整车产品开发过程,使得开发人员能够快速准确地了解到自己所关注的信息。然后通过对耦合任务进行解耦研究,建立了整车产品开发过程的工作分解结构,借助企业级项目管理软件实现对开发过程进行控制。在微软的Sharepoint平台之上,设计开发了包含文档管理、项目会议及计划任务管理、经验卡片管理和车型数据管理等四大主要功能模块的研究院的知识门户系统,为企业加强产品开发的知识积累和知识交流共享提供了基础。

【Abstract】 One of the core competitions of the enterprise is development capability of new production, and higher standard is needed in the process of this sort of production developing because the process of itself is complex. It is hard to meet the demand of managing its developing by traditional developing model and management measures. The continuous improvements of information technology and management method at present time support the sustained improvement of production developing for enterprise. The study on the modeling and managing of the process in developing product has been carried out based on using modern management theory and technology,which.is meaningful for improving the enterprise competition, shorting the production period and reducing the costs.Firstly, the architecture for managing the process has been studied in this paper, based on deep analysis for the series of management issues in the process of complex production developing. And then integrated modeling, scope management, knowledge collecting and sharing in the production developing process are all studied deeply as well here. The three main sections are as follow: the complex production developing modeling framework, which is three-dimensional cube, was built, adopting the unifying integrated modeling thought. Tasks was planned by adaptive immune chaos genetic algorithm, based on the decoupling of design structure matrix. Paying attention to the problem of knowledge accumulating, sharing, the knowledge portal was adopted to help enterprise manage the dominant knowledge and recessive knowledge. Case study has been carried out as well which is about the developing process of the whole vehicle.The main work and innovation are as follows:1. The process management architecture has been proposed based on the PDCA process management improvement thought, analyzing its features and issues. On the basic data platform of the enterprise, the process controlling layer has been designed which contain four parts: business modeling platform, project management platform, designed data management platform and knowledge management platform. After that, auger-type improvement model of production development process management has been designed to optimize the management continually.2. Business modeling in complex production developing process has been studied and the integrated model framework of complex production modeling was designed, including developing process dimension, work flow dimension and organization method dimension. Integrated complex production model can improve the model consistency remarkably, create organic correlation between models and improve the describe ability of the enterprise model, so that it can reflect the features of the enterprise system which is unavailable by several independent views. Based on modeling through three dimensions, applying the top-down layered refinement of decomposition thought, making each work detailed from high level, the detail description for the specific business process was carried out.3. The scope management, task decoupled and scheduled and so on in complex production developed process were studied. Firstly, the WBS method of the developing task was built, considering the function and logical relation of each task, and the information of human finished the task, the organization and the resources. The coupled tasks was decoupled by the decomposition algorithm process and lacerate the algorithm process based on DSM. At last, based on the genetic algorithm propose a adaptive immune chaos genetic algorithm,and the algorithm have been applied to the schedule of the production developed process.4. The research of the knowledge portal system of complex product development process was performed. The knowledge management process were built to support complex product development,and the knowledge portal system architecture including six core function modules were proposed,using the B/S model which composed by data storage layer, function layer, application layer and presentation layer. Knowledge portal system provides a unified support platform that can effectively strengthen the internal communication between researchers, information, systems and business processes to enhance the efficiency of complex products development.5. A case study of vehicle product development was implemented on the modeling and management of complex product development. The WBS of the vehicle product development process was built, based on the decoupling research of coupled tasks. Using microsoft’s sharepoint platform, the knowledge portal system of research institute including document management, project meetings and task management, experience management, data management was designed and developed.


